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The last poster wins


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There's only 1 place on the planet where it's possible to have a house where all walls face south.... So, what color is the bear?


The bear is white. What did I win?


A free holiday to the north pole. :P

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It's not dying, :geek: the players are withdrawing from the field on good weather days; they can go out to explore. Exploring new places or checking out other fun fond memories from especially good times when they have more fun doing something else.


The win is mine! :woot:


Now I am going to go and play somewhere else too! :dance:



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Often times when a preview is presented and it ends too abruptly for the observer, if they look nearby they may find a place for money. In my experience, when money is inserted into a device the advertisement ends and the full length show plays through.


Now where did I put my software to get my hardware set up for making a gif?


Oh! Yeah.



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