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I angry because I am dying. And I am angry because I'm just a stranger in my own home city.



Nobody at the benefis walk in Patient's section at the hospital care station showed any emotion or suggested I take a vacation. I don't know any of them and that just added to the fact they don't care because they don't have to worry about me showing up at their church, school, or field of dream sports activities at the old schools I went to here either.


Sooo! Why should I care about me suffering anymore?!


I'm thinking about going out and getting some yeast inducing Beer to speed up the Yeast infection that the PA physicians assistant didn't get the doctor to come in and set me up for treatment to remove the infection firsl.


A bottle of fine whisky would be better, no yeast like bad beer, and I mean whisky, with no 'e'. I'll go see if I can find a kid who actually has some opium for sale, and watch movies while flying with Top Gun, or a souped up Space Ship in Independence Day, or, ooo! Forbidden Planet.


Ooo! Forbidden Planet has a flying saucer that looks really cool on the outside and is roomy on the inside I could really get to dreaming about having one so I could go vacation on planet with KOA campgrounds with space ship parking.


I don't really need any of the stuff to get me high, because my joy at realizing I'm the smartest guy in this city and my anger is warming me up for a real fight or flight sense. I'll feel like an old stiff board given a shot of rubberizing cortisone in a few minutes because of the Fight or Flight chemicals charging me up enough now. I could use the energy to go and find a good dope dealer in some lousy filthy part of the city and risk getting junk that is stepped on so many times the stuff they pusher used to step on it might KILL ME!


Hey! Anyone want to get plowed with me and hold my hand when I pass? :sad: I hope I pass gas at least! :sick:




easy as pizza (pie)

I'll probably just wake up with a nasty hangover because the booze around here seems like somebody synthesized it.

Star Trek! Synth Booze. :down: Boo Hoo! :sad:

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I've often thought about mayb3 a good health plan is heroin and a gun /?


What kind of gun ? , cuz I don't own one . But a 16 guage single barrel shot gun is cheap.

I worry about really being dead though after that ... like I would have to put another shell in it.

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A mourning dove starting singing outside my window a while ago. The sound they make got in sync with some words I was thinking. It was so funny I laughed so hard I coughed up a bunch of crud. After I that I laughed again and again. Suddenly my head felt like I had a flood of warmth and it flooded me with pain relief.


I looked up anything I could find on the matter.


It appears our brain can produce stuff called endorphins. I laughed so hard and heartily I got a naturally induced pain reliever.


I've been feeling great for the last four hours.


I guess the saying, Laughter is the Best Medicine that Readers Digest has as a topic with stories, suggests that it is true. Only until I had a good hearty laugh, because that birds song getting synced right in with a fact that was happening right then, I had never had such a wondrous experience. Heard people did, until when that happened I never did though.


If you know what a Mourning Dove song sounds like, Just imagine it singing and think of, "My Balls itch!"




Even they stopped itching after my brain filled me up with endorphins.

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When life seems doubtful ... watch the movie "Mary Poppins" the original.


I watch it all the time ... have it on vhs ... but it will lift your spirits no matter what.


I have not watched the remake ... so can't speak to that.

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