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Introducing the new Video Share section


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Hi, love the video sharing option although I know i'm gonna sound like an ass for saying this but do you think it's really a good idea to let people link LP's, I mean its just going to result in the video share section being plagued by people hoping to get a couple of views.

I would like it if the video share section was for Mod reviews and mod showcases only, again i know i may sound like an ass but i'm just expressing my concern, i don't mean any disrespect to anybody in particular.


Maybe there should be a let's play category? that way those who don't like them can avoid them.

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i just installed the newest update and now i cant download any mods at all via the NMM, i can do them through manuel, but ive never done that, i prefer NMM its just far more convenient and i click download with NMM on over 35 different mods all from different people, and it nothing happens, is this bug? or did something change im not aware of. id really rather not have to do this manually all the time
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Is there anyway you could release a patch for the NMM. It looks like me and almost everyone else can't download with manager.


This forum is for the Video sharing feature of the forums NOT NMM which is an entirely different thing - If you really want help with NMM - please post in the proper forum.



Here is a link that may help.


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Love the idea of video sharing, just not via Youtube.



In response to post #14548383.
You don't come across as an ass,you made a good point there. Nowdays youtube is like tv (or maybe worse),especially when it's about videogames.


Love the idea of video sharing, just not on Youtube. Any site that doesn't accept video and other content as is (i.e. requiring re-encoding to proprietary formats) is technically and practically not a host, it's a content producer. The difference between the two is important and will become moreso as we now have providers of internet service (e.g. Comcast) owning the content producing companies (e.g. NBC). Now Comcast wants to buy Warner. Etc. The only eventuality, in absence of protection and regulation of the internet as the essential utility it's become, is what we're now seeing on Youtube, e.g. disallowing of video buffering, obfuscation of internal links to videos etc. Google has intentionally made internet video substantially less useful than even cable TV. It's a one-way race to the bottom as long as common carrier protections are not implemented for the internet.

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