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Not many know this, but you can pose ragdolls (IE: Dead Actors)

Lord Garfield

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Okay, so. You make a dead actor, and then you think that you have to position it so that it falls right when the player enters the cell... NO LONGER!

There is this button called \"Run havoc sim\" next to the pathgrind button, click it, and the npc you made (If it has 0 health) will enter ragdoll mode and fall down in the CS.

Then you can freeze it again by clicking the button, reposition it, click the button again, and do this over and over untill it lies like you want it to.


You can now make real corpses rather than npcs dying as you enter.




You must mark the NPC before clicking the button. It also works on items.

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To me all that followed was more related about means and methods. Both are right and it could be more light than heavier as proceeded.


Your information was good and is easier and sufficient for most cases LordGarfield, Vagrant's pointing out a more complex way but allows for special cases complements your initial information and so both are useful pieces of information.


Sadly it began the wrong way and feelings were hurt and just worsened afterward. That thread should serve to lets us learn the dangers from the way things are said.


As for me, I'm grateful for both informations and both of you. I like to believe this can be settled if all parts agree it was a big and general misunderstanding from start.


PS: I do understand LordGarfield joy from discovering a method to place dead bodies without that ungrateful "dies only when the player enters the area" and the desire to share it, the existence of another method should not implies him hiding information. Vagrant's point could be presented to say another method exists and may do the trick where the being presented one becomes harder or can't be used, but without being like cold water on hot iron.

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OK, it stops now, both of you.


Vagrant0: you should know better. This poster feel that you're harrassing him, and judging by the way you haven't backed off, I'm inclined to believe he might be right. There is often more than one way to do something, one way no more wrong than another. Please back off and leave this guy alone before more damage is done and another potential modder lost.



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Really I didn't see any problem with Vagrants first post. There's two methods; one method that's more simple but less precise, another method that's more precise but similarly more complex. Did it really need to spawn two pages of "who's right" ping-pong?


Vagrant, you are an asset to this community, don't let yourself be dragged in to things like this.


Lord Garfield, open yourself up a bit and be willing to accept that there are normally more ways than a single way of doing things, and people mentioning these doesn't imply you need to get all defensive over the way you do things. Please don't stop sharing what you find, but please also be willing to accept that there are others here who might have an alternate way of doing things. This is a community after all.


Locking this in the hopes it will go away!


Edit: Slof beat me to it :(

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