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Guest deleted2159825

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So excited! :D

Question: Will NVBIII be companion friendly? I want to bring Russell along for the ride. :laugh:

It pains me to say it, but probably not. There are scripted events at the mod's climax that could be broken by companions. I'll never say never, but I'll say not likely. That even applies to Russell.


Ah, damn.

So this means you and Russell won't be able to go after Glanton together?

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Guest deleted2159825


Ah, damn.

So this means you and Russell won't be able to go after Glanton together?


No, though I will probably record some dialogue for Russell to comment on the affair afterwards. After NVBIII is finished, I might even make a new quest for Russell, as I have notes for more content. If I make anything else after NVBIII, quests for Russell would be a nifty way to bridge narrative gaps between plugins. In a sense, he already served that purpose for NVBIII (with Glanton and all the foreshadowing).

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Guest deleted2159825

Alright, time for pictures! The first act of NVBIII actually takes place entirely in the Mojave, and will feature traditional staples of the Bounties series - entering dank dungeons and killing everyone inside, for instance. BlooperReel has been assiduously producing dungeons, beginning with "Troy's Hideaway", a Fiend dungeon (yes, Fiends should've been extinct ten times over by now, but they're simply too fun to shoot).


Fungi and bear traps:



Co-ed restrooms and accomodations for skeletons:



Fiends could always use more marksmanship training:



That's it for now. I'll post more when the mod is further along. Right now I'm in the death grips of the demon known as navmesh, which I will be resuming tonight. Scotch and audiobooks get me through it, though.

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In regards to the fiends, they are supposed to be an unusually large raider tribe, probably due to the siren call of addiction, as well as a seemingly decentralized leadership. Your mods also provide another line of succession and line of support, so it makes sense, I feel.


Besides, the game continues to throw fiends at you anyway even Motor-Runner and the rest are dead. Though I suppose that you could tie into Blood Hammer's bounty and have the fiends in a weaker state if he's dead.

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Guest deleted2159825

In regards to the fiends, they are supposed to be an unusually large raider tribe, probably due to the siren call of addiction, as well as a seemingly decentralized leadership. Your mods also provide another line of succession and line of support, so it makes sense, I feel.


Besides, the game continues to throw fiends at you anyway even Motor-Runner and the rest are dead. Though I suppose that you could tie into Blood Hammer's bounty and have the fiends in a weaker state if he's dead.

I've thought through some outcomes for the Fiends, perhaps even introducing a rival gang as they're weakened. However, it would just be a royal mess, considering the amount of adjustments to vanilla content that would take place, not to mention the potential mod conflicts. In the end, Fiends are just Fiends, and like you said - the draw of addiction will replenish their ranks, at least for the duration of this title.

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I think my heart skipped a beat when i saw this, i guess i picked a good day to check the nexus :D

glad too see that you're back in the game, not having NVB3 is on the same scale of George RR Martin eating himself to death before finishing game of thrones...so uh no pressure or anything :D

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