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Guest deleted2159825

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Don't suppose there is room for a new companion, I mean not your standard one.

I was thinking more like you go to collect on a bounty who happens to be insane, and you go to use terrifying presence and get in an aggressive conversation with him (multiple terrifying presences) you then end up realizing how similar you are and he agrees to let you cut off his finger and fake his death and you become companions. possibly get Uncle Chuckles voice actor to voice him.


I dunno, just an idea I quickly came up with, sorry if I rambled. Feel free to do with it what you will, dismiss it if you wish.


Also if you ever need an alpha tester, I have a tendency to find broken things, since I never play by the rules (I resurrected Bradley when he drank poison).

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seeing as Marko is mayor, if memory serves correct.

s***, I'll have to retcon some notes if that is indeed the case pre-NVBIII.


I don't believe there was any notes pertaining to a mayor, just that he was retiring there, and the sheriff is corrupt, and they usually get into trouble for starting sh*t with the surrounding towns.

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Guest deleted2159825



seeing as Marko is mayor, if memory serves correct.

s***, I'll have to retcon some notes if that is indeed the case pre-NVBIII.


I don't believe there was any notes pertaining to a mayor, just that he was retiring there, and the sheriff is corrupt, and they usually get into trouble for starting sh*t with the surrounding towns.


Ok, then I'm good to go.


Sometimes I forget my own damn lore. :geek:

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seeing as Marko is mayor, if memory serves correct.

s***, I'll have to retcon some notes if that is indeed the case pre-NVBIII.


I don't believe there was any notes pertaining to a mayor, just that he was retiring there, and the sheriff is corrupt, and they usually get into trouble for starting sh*t with the surrounding towns.


Ok, then I'm good to go.


Sometimes I forget my own damn lore. :geek:


glad to help.

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This is the note from Marko about his retirement




I heard you're doing well down in the Mojave. I congratulate you.

As for me, I'm wrapping things up and heading for Frost Hill, that mining town up in Utah. That's right, I'm retiring. This game isn't what it once was, brother, and times are changing. I'm going to turn in this name and settle down with the rest of those saps. I hear it's cold as hell, but at least there's no Marshals up there to hound my ass when I'm old and decrepit. All they've got is one lazy, crooked sheriff. I reckon that's what happens when most of the townsfolk are retired outlaws.

I'm riding solo now, and I gotta admit something strange happened. I could've sworn that some ghoul was trailing me, watching my every move. The face seemed familiar, if not for the rotting flesh. I'm probably just being paranoid. If you come looking for me, don't ask for Marko, because he won't be there. Take care of yourself, and don't let those law dogs see you sweat.

Your brother,


P.S. Don't trust Mr. K., or whatever the f*** they call him. Trust yourself, and f*** everyone else.



Also there was this note (Even though you did say you were scrapping the Regulator idea figured this would help with remembering some things)



Dear &PCName;,

It's me, Randall.

I'm sorry it took so long to contact you. For a while I wanted to be sure you weren't in on my assassination attempt, but I've ruled that out. Besides, everyone has heard of how you smoked Sergio in that street. It made me proud to hear that you were still hunting down those bastards.

In case you're wondering, I'm in fair health, all things considered. I'm glad you plugged Sugar, but deep down I'd give anything for a shot at that motherf***er for what he did to me. To make a long story short, I've been buried, irradiated, tortured, enslaved, and ghoulified... that's right, I'm a goddamn zombie now.

There's a lot to explain, but I'm short on time. I'll leave you with this - I'm up in Utah, trailing a lead on Marko. I might not have much time left on this s***hole planet, but I'll spend every last minute making sure he faces justice. I suspect he's holed up in an outlaw town way up in the mountains, a place called Frost Hill. It will take some planning and firepower to clean that place out, so I'll send for you when the time is right. I think it's fine time we started a chapter of the Regulators out here, and I intend to do it.

Your Friend,
Steven Randall

Hope you find these helpful someguy

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Guest deleted2159825

Hope you find these helpful someguy

Many thanks! I figured it was along those lines, I had just neglected to read those old notes. Once I throw myself into a project, I usually barrel ahead for a while before pausing to reflect on the details. Fortunately the current design is still very much in accordance with the vision presented in those notes, though time elapsed between NVBII and NVBIII allows for certain changes.


If you're wondering, I never explicitly state the time that's passed between mods. NVBIII picks up immediately after NVBII in a technical sense, but dialogue will indicate that an ambiguous amount of time has elapsed. Furthermore, I will probably add a month or so to the game time when the player travels to Utah. That happens in DLC, right?


Other details, since I'm already posting:

- Last night I conquered "the hump" of the main quest, and I have a newfound appreciation for the use of timers in Gamemode scriptblocks. When all else fails... use a goddamn timer. There was some hairy scripting involving multiple NPC's speaking, shooting, etc. I really hope that FO4 uses the Skyrim scene system, which makes such encounters much, much smoother.

- I'm still hammering away at dialogue en masse

- I can't think of another bullet point. I like beer.

Edited by someguy2000
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I too like beer.


Will the Regulators be completely removed, or will Randall have a quick throwaway line to explain why that isn't happening (maybe the situation is too dire and immediate)?


The Courier's confrontation with Marko is building up to infinitely more epic than the underwhelming final battle of Hoover Dam. If you ever do get around to making Just a Courier or anything about the Courier's future, would it be set to somehow trigger after Hoover Dam and make mention the current ruler of the Mojave (NCR, Caesar, House, or the Courier)?

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Guest deleted2159825

I too like beer.


Will the Regulators be completely removed, or will Randall have a quick throwaway line to explain why that isn't happening (maybe the situation is too dire and immediate)?


The Courier's confrontation with Marko is building up to infinitely more epic than the underwhelming final battle of Hoover Dam. If you ever do get around to making Just a Courier or anything about the Courier's future, would it be set to somehow trigger after Hoover Dam and make mention the current ruler of the Mojave (NCR, Caesar, House, or the Courier)?I

I'm taking a pretty hard line against the Regulators, since they don't have any place in NVBIII, nor in FO:NV. Referencing them was a mistake due to ignorance about the Fallout universe during my initial foray into modding. I had another, earlier draft that would have pitted the Regulators against the Moderators, but as a wise man politely told me, such titles would have spurred idiotic jokes about ban-hammers, thus distracting from the mod's narrative. Now it is just bounty hunters and generic outlaws with no specific affiliation.


There really isn't a battle, per se. It's more of a... duel.


Just a Courier is probably the least likely of my prospective projects. I won't rule it out completely, but I simply cringe at the prospect of re-shaping lore after the dam. Hypothetically, it would mention past events based on player choices, but I have to reiterate that the project is outside my comfort zone in terms of the dynamic with Fallout canon. I'd rather go with SSS, The Message, or Sinners and Slaves, all of which are more manageable. SSS in particular would be appealing, as I could introduce random encounters, small quests, and a legitimate boxing mod, which is something I've always wanted. Professional boxing in RL may have gone to utter s#*!, but Vegas needs it. I even boxed a little in my teens, and have a middling grasp of the sport's history, so I'd love to do it right as a mod. We'll see, though. While I'm past the more critical junctures of NVBIII, much work remains.

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I'm glad to see that memory failed me. Don't know how I got it into my head he was mayor. At any rate, all is now well. Sorry for raising the alarms.


You know, though I'd love to see The Message or Sinners and Slaves see the light of day, I hope SSS is your next project. Mostly because I've always been disappointed in New Vegas' lack of a good random encounter system, and more quests would never go amiss. If you do proceed with it, may I suggest giving Honest Hearts a little love? I find it a bit lacking, and something along SSS's lines would, I think, alleviate some of that.




On the other hand, Hardboiled/Film Noir in Fallout. *shudder*

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Boxing would be cool, more guys I can carve up and feed to the mimes at the Ultra Luxe, and it might be a nice way for the Courier to blow off steam after making Marko drink out of his own skull. All of the smaller features and quests in SSS are actually really appealing for just fleshing out the Mojave (I don't play Legion often, but a few Legion-friendly quests would help to balance things out, maybe Canyon Cove as a settlement with some quests as a slave hunter).


If we're lucky we'll get SSS, Message, Sinners, and more Someguy mods forever, but please don't get overworked. Bounties III is the climax of the original epic trilogy and it deserves to be as spectacular as the previous two chapters.

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