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NMM 0.50.0 and NMM Legacy releases


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I'm using Windows 8.1 and Google Chrome and I'm wondering why this issue has not affected me. I'm still using quite a few custom protocols to launch programs. A quick google search reveals nothing but this article about it.
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In response to post #15388020. #15389065 is also a reply to the same post.

The back arrow sending you to the top downloads is definitely a bug, thanks for reporting!
Improving fileservers stability is at the top of the current list of priorities so expect the situation to get better soon!
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I watch as the updates are done and sometimes you have to just be patient until everything is sorted out. Im still using 49.7 until everything is sorted out, but did download 50.2 in the folder I set up for NMM.

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Ok i don't know what it is but i uninstalled the old Version (didn't delete the configs) and installed 0.50.2! First time i did this it started scanning for Games and i confirmed the locations. But when i startet NMM for Skyrim it started uninstalling every single mod of mine cause it couldn't find it.

So i rolled back to version 0.49.3 (for which i still had the installer) and then i had to reinstall most of the Mods even though i didn't uninstall them earlier...

Tried for a second time today but this time i updated through NMM. Updating to version 0.49.8 was fine but then when trying to update to version 0.50.2 and in the process uninstalling the current version i got the same problem. Version 0.50.2 seams to have a different location for the mod files and i cant change it since it wants to uninstall all my mods right at the startup screen. I cant even get into the normal NMM window to configure it without uninstalling every single mod of mine :-(

So i rolled back again and now NMM says (still in the little startup window) that a Mod was deleted without beeing deactivated however it found a different version of the mod and wants to install it...


My suspicion is that the default paths for version 0.50.2 are overwriting my custom set ones even though i kept the configs and i cant change the paths before its fully started. But before it starts it wants to uninstall all kinds of mods becaue they are no longer there...

Edited by Br41n
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In response to post #15378385. #15378605 is also a reply to the same post.

I get the same error with nmm 50.2 on a machine that came with win 8.1. I'll try a redownload, but i have to let you know that nmm runs propperly on a win 7 machine, and that was installed using the same downloaded file. I found a blog outlining that the detection logic for .net 4.5.1 is different on win 8.1 that on computers that has to install the framework. Not sure if this is in any way related to the issue.

Redownloading worked. Thank you for the help. Edited by Gruftlord
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