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Your Most Frustrating Oblivion Moments


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It wasn't frustrating for me but when I was playing on my friends PC I went to Cloud Ruler Temple, made Martin unessential and slaughtered everyone! :thumbsup: Ruined his game.. lol. :laugh:
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It wasn't frustrating for me but when I was playing on my friends PC I went to Cloud Ruler Temple, made Martin unessential and slaughtered everyone! :thumbsup: Ruined his game.. lol. :laugh:

Lol, and never again can I consider myself one of the world's biggest jerks. :D


It was waaaaay too funny for me to be able to be a jerk for it ... because eventually Dagon crushed all and became emperor. :)

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My worst? by now? well, actually i play a mod that do not allow press T to skip time (you can of course, but it dont count for the quest timing) well, you achieve an AWESOME escape, steal one of the better vessels in all Tamriel, you have to spent 2 days in-game for travel (without the T, of course) then... try to save durin the escape... CTD Trying to save inside the vessel? CTD trying to save when the quest involving the escape as ended? CTD.... with a 23 lvl Character.... dissapointing
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You know, I replied to this way back last July, I think, and one of my issues, then, was the general way that NPCs and companions make a nuisance of themselves. Upon thinking about this, I think one of the most frustrating things I've ever encountered in this game is related to that issue. The first time I did the Main Quest (and the only time I've ever actually completed it, since I loathe it) I was minutes ... minutes, I repeat ... from finishing "Light The Dragonfires" when Martin jumped in front of me just as I was totally committed to an attack on an enemy. I killed him in one shot -- Main Quest, failed. I had a game save prior to that, fortunately, or I would have been really miffed, but I basically had to replay the entire quest from the beginning -- all the way back at Cloud Ruler Temple. So, yeah (spoiler?) -- Martin is not flagged essential during the "Light The Dragonfires" quest and can die, thus ruining your ability to beat the game. To make matters worse, he has no armor and thinks nothing about rushing headlong into battle with only his sword and his robe. A real emperor would hold back and let his guards fight, but Martin? Noooo. Not even close. Typical stupid NPC.
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So I made a breton, got him up to level 21, he's got 110% resist magic, 45% spell absorption. Spells are never gonna touch me, hell, they'll help me. So I whip up some nasty spells, one of which, does this:

Paralyze 25 seconds on touch,

Weakness to Frost 100% for 25 seconds on touch,

Frost Damage 25 points for 25 seconds on touch


So I'm spamming the spell on whatever I cross for fun. Go into a dungeon, warlord has spell reflect. After a few bouts of trying to use the spell, I resort to giving him a weakness to magicka then using it. Turns out, it bugged and I got nailed by the FULL effect of my spell. Needless to say as a solid mage, my own spell killed me in a matter of seconds. Note to self: Bring a buddy to avoid bugs like this.

Wouldn't have saved you in that particular case but consider making this change to your spell

Paralyze 25 sec on touch
Frost damage 25 points on touch
Weakness to frost 100% for 5 seconds on touch
Weakness to Magic 100% for 25 seconds on touch

The weakness to elemental damage effects do not stack, so a long duration just wastes spell costs. Weakness to magic DOES stack and makes your next cast much more effective. The game engine evaluates spell effects from the bottom of the list to the top so weakness to magic always needs to be on the bottom. The weakness to elemental damage similarly needs to be below the damage. If you're spamming the spell I'd also consider a shorter paralyze or alternately create a second spell without paralyze and use that after the first cast.


My most frustrating ... probably trying to pick the pitcher plants every time I passed one, wasting hours before I found out they don't drop any ingredients. Nice one Bethesda ... why not make 'em like any other piece of scenery instead of leading me down the garden path!

Edited by Striker879
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My most frustrating ... probably trying to pick the pitcher plants every time I passed one, wasting hours before I found out they don't drop any ingredients. Nice one Bethesda ... why not make 'em like any other piece of scenery instead of leading me down the garden path!


Been there, done that, and it's one of the things about Oblivion that annoys the fluff out of me. My guess is that it had been intended for the Pitcher Plant to have an ingredient, but someone just forgot to implement one. There are several mods which address this issue, and I'm not really happy with any of them, but one of them also addresses the fact that Lily of the Vally drops Tiger Lily nectar, which is another major Bethesda goof-up.

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