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Wow I'm kind of stupid sometimes... you can ignore this post.

Edited by Darkxenoth
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  On 3/30/2016 at 1:38 AM, avenger404 said:


  On 3/30/2016 at 1:01 AM, Derps4Days said:

I feel like I shouldn't even be posting in here because I'm just that new to modding beyond your run-of-the-mill follower made from a quick tutorial, but how would you set a spell to be on a certain part of the body? I don't get how I would end up editing Candlelight to summon two of itself and have them appear as a kind of overlay for the eyes. If you want more clarification, I want to do the same as I mentioned before. If you've played the MMORPG Aion as an Asmodian, you should know what I mean. If not, having glowing eyes for a follower when he is in combat, just for that one follower, then they vanish when he is no longer in combat. I have the script to have them toggle on when in combat, and off when not, but I still don't know how to edit a spell beyond making it summon an ally (or two without using the perk; I figured out that much) or hit enemies and damage them. Help?


A little clarification as to what you still need for your desired effect would be extremely helpful. Are you working on a companion NPC or a helper you summon via conjuration or some other spell? I'm also not sure what you mean where you need a spell to do damage?


I don't need it to do damage, but that's the basic skills I have with spells in the CK- making them hurt or summoning things. This is for an effect that will be put on a specific follower.

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Alternative Start-Live Another Life Mod.

Hellppp I really want to use this mod, but whenever I use it right at the very being. When the main menu pops, up it crashes.

This is the very first time I have ever played a full game like this! So I have never modded. I have learned how to, and I have a couple mods installed. (I made sure everyone was compatible with each other, and the Live another life mod)


What should I do? Should I contact the mod maker, do you guys have an idea?



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  On 4/1/2016 at 9:07 PM, LoserChick said:

Alternative Start-Live Another Life Mod.

Hellppp I really want to use this mod, but whenever I use it right at the very being. When the main menu pops, up it crashes.

This is the very first time I have ever played a full game like this! So I have never modded. I have learned how to, and I have a couple mods installed. (I made sure everyone was compatible with each other, and the Live another life mod)


What should I do? Should I contact the mod maker, do you guys have an idea?



The crash you are getting is a sign that you are missing one or more ESP/ESM files required by one or more of the ESP/ESM files that you do have. Double check your mods and ensure that you have met all the requirements.

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Is there an easy way of using

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only when needed? Here's an example of how I use it:

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The commented part of that code was instead of what I have active in it now, and was my attempt to make it only use that Input stuff when needed; but it didn't work as I expected, and I can't figure out why.

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  On 4/1/2016 at 9:07 PM, LoserChick said:

Alternative Start-Live Another Life Mod.

Hellppp I really want to use this mod, but whenever I use it right at the very being. When the main menu pops, up it crashes.

This is the very first time I have ever played a full game like this! So I have never modded. I have learned how to, and I have a couple mods installed. (I made sure everyone was compatible with each other, and the Live another life mod)


What should I do? Should I contact the mod maker, do you guys have an idea?




Sometimes it is best to just turn one mod on at the very start, like Alternative Start (and dependencies), and then slowly add mods as you go. The crash could be any number of reasons, so just try to get this one started, and slowly add more mods to the mix.

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I've keyframed some animations into a static object and I can export it to a .nif just fine and open it in Nifskope, but I just can't seem to get the animations to come along with it. I've tried exporting as "Nif w/animation" and tried exporting .kf with and without animation but no matter what the kf file is just empty. Can anyone help or point me to a good guide for this sort of thing? Do I need to add a skeleton to the static object or is it enough to just animate the few vertices and somehow get the settings right to export a kf properly? I've searched and found nothing helpful.


Okay, so I've browsed websites on nifskope, watched youtube tutorials on anything related to importing/exporting/animating, but nothing I've seen is relevant to what I'm trying to do. Importing and exporting and animating seems to be all about the existing character skeletons or doing simple rotation animations within nifskope and that's not what I'm trying to do.

See the Dropbox link below for a short clip of the simple animation I'm trying to create. I'd love to contribute some of my mod ideas (ones that I've actually spent time creating and animating assets for!) and I've asked if anyone can point me towards relevant tutorials but they just don't seem to be out there. I'm more than capable of doing the work, I just have no clue where to find the info to actually get it into the game and nobody else seems to know. If someone can point me in the right direction or even take the time to make up their own tutorial I would be very grateful!




Dropbox seems to be resizing and blurring the movie in the browser, so I recommend downloading the file, 3.5mb, if you care to see it unspoiled.


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Okay, so I can't seem to figure out how to keep one of my custom spells (applies an hr long buff) from stacking. If I cast the buff again while it is already active, it just applies with its own duration instead of resetting the duration as I expected it to. Will I have to add an effect to the spell that fires a script to check if it is already active and dispel it? Or is there an easier way of making sure it doesn't stack with itself? I really can't have it stacking since it applies a debuff to Magic Resistance for the duration as well as the benefits. If I do have to add another effect to the spell, or even if I just have to edit it in some way, how will it affect my saves that use it?

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Option 1:


Check the flag "No recast." This will make it so that the same source (spell, potion, whatever) cannot add the same effect twice, but different sources still stack. If the same source recasts the same effect, the existing effect will be dispelled.


Option 2:

Give your magic effects a unique keyword.


a. If it is a peak actor value archetype magic effect, select your keyword from the drop-down box for parameter 2. Both effects will stay on the actor, but only the strongest will actually apply.


b. If it is a different archetype, check the box for "dispel effects with these keywords." Any effects with the same keyword as yours will be dispelled when any source applies this effect.


Option 1 is best if the effect will only ever be cast from a single source (e.g. special ability that is only available through a single lesser power.)


Option 2 is best if the effect may have multiple sources (e.g. a potion and an enchantment).

Edited by lofgren
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I am trying to find this mod that makes you gain smithing skill from building your hearthfire houses. I tried Googling 'skyrim mod gain smithing skill from building' etc etc but only same results with anything related to smithing in search.


Anyone has link to the mod? or anything similar.

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