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There is a tiny little thing that bothers me with the ''Winter is coming'' mod which adds plenty of fur coats to the game. I have it activated on my followers as well.When I play Skyrim I like to dress up according to the weather conditions, meaning I don't wear armor in cities, I wear blacksmiths apron while smithing etc. When it gets cold I like to wear a coat and so should my followers. Problem is that they then always wear it, even in warm weather conditions. If I want them to stop wearing their coats I have to take it away from them untill they reequip another one when it gets cold again (I wonder where all these coats come from).

Question is: Is there a mod or a way that lets your folllowers equip their coats only when it is freezing? (I use Frostfall, if that is of any importance)


Thx in advance!

I think Wet and Cold may do this. Not sure.

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Does anyone know the name/id of the onehanded (sword) finishing move that...


...has the player stab the enemy, then spin, and then slash the enemy (no decapitation). Stab, spin, slash with a sword (against NPCs).


Is there sort of a library online with e.g. the finishing moves / idle animations / animations in general?

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I don't know that there is a way to alter the base value of an item but the higher your speech skill the better the prices are based on the base gold value.

SKSE probably has a way to edit base value. Let me check.

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Does anyone know the name/id of the onehanded (sword) finishing move that...


...has the player stab the enemy, then spin, and then slash the enemy (no decapitation). Stab, spin, slash with a sword (against NPCs).


Is there sort of a library online with e.g. the finishing moves / idle animations / animations in general?

Gameplay ► Animations ► Idle Animations ► Actors\Character\Behaviours\0_Master.hkx ► ActionRightAttack ► Non Mounted CombatRight


You should see some kill moves there.


Also the LOOSE branch will have a long list of all the paired animations.

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Does anyone know how to make a script that continuously runs when a spell is cast?


Long story short, I want to make a spell that utilizes a script, but I want the spell to be of the "concentration" type (in other words, it keeps going as long as you keep your mouse button clicked, like sparks or flames). I want the spell to continuously use a script and keep the script running as long as the spell is being cast. Does anyone know how to do this, or at least make a script that continuously runs as long as a spell effect is active?

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When Navmeshing an exterior, is it standard to take existing navmesh and mold it into your navmesh route or is it possible to delete it and dissolve/hide it like you do with a deleted item. I really should know the answer to this but I swear there isnt a decent tutorial on navmeshing exteriors in a large scale in Tamriel. Thanks in advance.

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Does anyone know how to make a script that continuously runs when a spell is cast?


Long story short, I want to make a spell that utilizes a script, but I want the spell to be of the "concentration" type (in other words, it keeps going as long as you keep your mouse button clicked, like sparks or flames). I want the spell to continuously use a script and keep the script running as long as the spell is being cast. Does anyone know how to do this, or at least make a script that continuously runs as long as a spell effect is active?


you can take a look at Jaxonz Lights Please mod; the script has the candle light spell recast over and over until you turn it off, I imagine a similar script would work for sparks or similar spell with a bit of tweaking.



good luck

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