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Does anyone know how to make a script that continuously runs when a spell is cast?


Long story short, I want to make a spell that utilizes a script, but I want the spell to be of the "concentration" type (in other words, it keeps going as long as you keep your mouse button clicked, like sparks or flames). I want the spell to continuously use a script and keep the script running as long as the spell is being cast. Does anyone know how to do this, or at least make a script that continuously runs as long as a spell effect is active?


Use RegisterForSingleUpdate()



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When Navmeshing an exterior, is it standard to take existing navmesh and mold it into your navmesh route or is it possible to delete it and dissolve/hide it like you do with a deleted item. I really should know the answer to this but I swear there isnt a decent tutorial on navmeshing exteriors in a large scale in Tamriel. Thanks in advance.


Its much better to remold an existing navmesh than delete/replace. In both cases you'll have to re-finalize the navmesh(s) when you're done. Replacing isn't recommended as it leads to problems, exterior navmeshes its possible to use a trick to push the original mesh down in the landscape (literally down, as in miles below the land surface so NPC's can't use it) but this doesn't really work with interior navmeshes which will cause all sorts of problems with NPC's bugging out (continually exiting and re-entering via the door for one).


Sometimes the CK will delete/replace a navmesh anyway no matter how careful you are and you'll have to fix it with TES5edit. Not sure why that happens, but its a nuisance when it does.


Guide to fixing a deleted navmesh with TES5edit

Edited by soupdragon1234
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I thought SkyUI was supposed to fix the 3-digit weapon damage display issue? I'm still having weapons with 4-digit damage roll over to 3 digits in the main weapon info card, though it displays correctly all the way at the bottom.


Did SkyUI not actually fix this?

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I thought SkyUI was supposed to fix the 3-digit weapon damage display issue? I'm still having weapons with 4-digit damage roll over to 3 digits in the main weapon info card, though it displays correctly all the way at the bottom.


Did SkyUI not actually fix this?

I suggest looking at the Changelog.

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I thought SkyUI was supposed to fix the 3-digit weapon damage display issue? I'm still having weapons with 4-digit damage roll over to 3 digits in the main weapon info card, though it displays correctly all the way at the bottom.


Did SkyUI not actually fix this?

I suggest looking at the Changelog.


I already checked both the Readme and the Changelog and didn't find anything. I searched for "weapon", "digit", and "damage".


I've seen screenshots of items with 4-digit damage descriptions (or more than 4 digits)...not sure what I am missing here.

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Does anyone know how to make a script that continuously runs when a spell is cast?


Long story short, I want to make a spell that utilizes a script, but I want the spell to be of the "concentration" type (in other words, it keeps going as long as you keep your mouse button clicked, like sparks or flames). I want the spell to continuously use a script and keep the script running as long as the spell is being cast. Does anyone know how to do this, or at least make a script that continuously runs as long as a spell effect is active?


Its much better to remold an existing navmesh than delete/replace. In both cases you'll have to re-finalize the navmesh(s) when you're done. Replacing isn't recommended as it leads to problems, exterior navmeshes its possible to use a trick to push the original mesh down in the landscape (literally down, as in miles below the land surface so NPC's can't use it) but this doesn't really work with interior navmeshes which will cause all sorts of problems with NPC's bugging out (continually exiting and re-entering via the door for one).

Sometimes the CK will delete/replace a navmesh anyway no matter how careful you are and you'll have to fix it with TES5edit. Not sure why that happens, but its a nuisance when it does.



I like the idea of just moving it below ground but if I recall the last time I tried navmeshing over any form of navmesh I would connect to the navmesh below routes like under roads and such. The distance didn't seem to matter. Sometimes I would edit land a few dozen cells away.


I will have to try this again. Thanks.

Edited by Maverick11
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Few random minor questions:


1 I know you can use ctrl+1 to hide all enable children of a selected enable parent (thank god for that) but is there an easy way to SELECT all enable children? Let's say I want to move all enable children a bit to the side, then I'll have to click select all hundred or so of them. Dragging is not an option because that way I will end up selecting plenty of things I did not mean to select.


2 Is there a way to unselect items in the batch window? The list in the batch window shows me all selected items but what if I spot one I did not mean to select, can I somehow unselect it in the window without having to do it in the render window / cell window?


3 I want to reset various objectreferences (cell reset is not an option) with the Ref.reset function. However, I am wondering if there is a more efficient way than having to select all references as properties (or objectreference[], anyway I'll have to add them one by one). Would GetLinkedRef() return ALL linked refs if I run it on a parentmarker?


To be more clear: I want sth like GetAllChildrenof.SomeParentThingy -> Reset() instead of having to do Ref1.Reset(), Ref2.Reset() etc. (or Ref[index].Reset() in a while loop).

Edited by BigBizkit
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An optimistic question re: navmeshes:


I need to create the same navmesh in multiple exterior locations. Is it possible to duplicate a navmesh?


I'm open to any suggestions:

- CK?

- TES5Edit?

- NifSkope? (a way to make a collision layer NPC friendly?)

- scripting? (read somewhere you can't do anything with navmeshes in papyrus; and, though it does list an integer type for navmesh, SKSE cell ref iteration does not find any)



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An optimistic question re: navmeshes:


I need to create the same navmesh in multiple exterior locations. Is it possible to duplicate a navmesh?


I'm open to any suggestions:

- CK?

- TES5Edit?

- NifSkope? (a way to make a collision layer NPC friendly?)

- scripting? (read somewhere you can't do anything with navmeshes in papyrus; and, though it does list an integer type for navmesh, SKSE cell ref iteration does not find any)





And scripting can't touch Navmesh, correct.

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I've made a new exterior world and put some cliff rocks and stuff in it, but when I visit it in-game some cells don't load and neither the stuff in the unloaded cells. The landscape just ends when there should be other cells connected. Anyone know how to get them to show up?


EDIT: I figured it out, I unchecked "Small World" or something like that.

Edited by Ceruulean
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