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OnObjectEquipped takes two parameters.




You are interested in the first one. So something like

EVENT OnObjectEquipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference)

   If akBaseObject == TheOneRing15

   elseIf akBaseObject == TheOneRing30

   elseIf akBaseObject == TheOneRing45

   elseIf akBaseObject == TheOneRing60


Another option might be to have the Power of The One detect which ring is currently equipped when it is activated. That way you don't have to to track a variable, and you don't have to have a script running on the player all the time.

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Uhh the latter portion catches my interest "to have the Power of The One detect which ring is currently equipped when it is activated". How would I go about doing this? (like what is the conditional parameters)?

Because that would be a far better and more preferable option lol


OnObjectEquipped takes two parameters.




You are interested in the first one. So something like

EVENT OnObjectEquipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference)

   If akBaseObject == TheOneRing15

   elseIf akBaseObject == TheOneRing30

   elseIf akBaseObject == TheOneRing45

   elseIf akBaseObject == TheOneRing60


Another option might be to have the Power of The One detect which ring is currently equipped when it is activated. That way you don't have to to track a variable, and you don't have to have a script running on the player all the time.

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I'm guessing by "Spell" you mean the S wrapped in a red box, even if it's a Lesser Power... I think I get what you mean. Cool thank you so much for the assistance :D that'll be much easier lol

*Gives you a cookie from the Dark Side Cookie Jar* ^_^


If the power is a spell, you can put GetEquipped in the magic effect condition box.




If the power is a script, you can use IsEquipped:



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I have made a spell which changes the StaminaRate actor value by a magnitude of 5 and duration of 8 seconds on the spell. Setting the Recover flag on it enables the effect to work properly but the duration on it is infinite, removing the Recover flag on it makes the effect not work at all but at least it does not last forever.

What's wrong? =/ I looked into the vanilla magic effects and they run properly.
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I have made a spell which changes the StaminaRate actor value by a magnitude of 5 and duration of 8 seconds on the spell. Setting the Recover flag on it enables the effect to work properly but the duration on it is infinite, removing the Recover flag on it makes the effect not work at all but at least it does not last forever.
What's wrong? =/ I looked into the vanilla magic effects and they run properly.


Sorry, I don't know ANYTHING about MGEFs or spells.

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I have made a spell which changes the StaminaRate actor value by a magnitude of 5 and duration of 8 seconds on the spell. Setting the Recover flag on it enables the effect to work properly but the duration on it is infinite, removing the Recover flag on it makes the effect not work at all but at least it does not last forever.
What's wrong? =/ I looked into the vanilla magic effects and they run properly.



Is it supposed to be DEPLETING stamina rate? Or recovering it? I noticed you have a script in there but no properties


EDIT: I'm guessing recovering.. like some sort of "needs" system it looks like? Have you tried using Value Modifier archtype instead?


Also what trigger are you using to activate the ability? Because it shows in the screenshot you have it set as an Ability..... these are passive bonuses you don't really see or 'use'. If you meant this to be an actual SPELL, then you'll need to change that to Spell, Lesser Power, or Power (the latter 2 best to use with the "Voice" slot instead of hands generally). Then you'll need to put the spell into a Spell Tome, in which the player can get access to to learn the spell (or just add the spell via console)

Edited by lordvalinar
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Now actually I got another question :\ is there a way to remove magicka as a percentage (%) for spell cost, rather than a static amount?

Example: Using the "Power of the One" Lesser Power costs 95% Magicka, instead of like 100-300 magicka. That way the cost will scale with the player's Magicka?

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Now actually I got another question :\ is there a way to remove magicka as a percentage (%) for spell cost, rather than a static amount?


Example: Using the "Power of the One" Lesser Power costs 95% Magicka, instead of like 100-300 magicka. That way the cost will scale with the player's Magicka?

Make it script based rather than changing actor value, and then DamageActorValue by GetActorValuePercentage:



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