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If you are looking for a bow that the player has equipped, try removing the "true" in the GetEquippedWeapon function call. The default is false and catches both 1 handed in the right hand as well as 2 handed weapons of which the bow should technically be considered as it requires two hands to use.

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Are there any well-made tutorials (written preferred) on how to give weapons their own custom mesh?

I'm a 3D modeler, and love the idea of giving some of the unique weapons in the game their own mesh vs them being a reskin, or just flat out dupe of existing items.
However I've yet to find any tutorials that go in depth on how to [properly do this. Most video tutorials I seen feel as if you must already know how to do what it's showing to understand, as I find myself stuck in most as they skip or skim over key things.


Plus again, if at all possible I'd love to have a written tutorial with screen shots vs a video, as written I can go right to where I need, where as a video I could sit through 10+ minutes only to find it not having what I'm after.


Also if anyone can recommend any current wep replacement mods it be nice. I only found the alternate to blade of woe and chillrend.

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Say that you have a script which can detect how much stamina the player has. Is there any way to force the player, when holding a drawn bow, to enter the "not fully drawn" state while stamina is below a certain threshold? Such that, when they release the arrow, it flies a shorter distance and does less damage, etc. I can figure out the logic of when to apply this effect, but I have no idea what the effect is called, so it's difficult to search for information on it. "Not fully drawn bow shot" or "half drawn bow shot" don't return anything useful for me. This page lists animation event chains for what I am talking about, so I imagine that the first two represent the sequence of animation events that result in this (from the looks of it, BowRelease happens before reaching BowDrawn) but I don't know how to force the state which results in it.

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Are there any well-made tutorials (written preferred) on how to give weapons their own custom mesh?

I'm a 3D modeler, and love the idea of giving some of the unique weapons in the game their own mesh vs them being a reskin, or just flat out dupe of existing items.

However I've yet to find any tutorials that go in depth on how to [properly do this. Most video tutorials I seen feel as if you must already know how to do what it's showing to understand, as I find myself stuck in most as they skip or skim over key things.


Plus again, if at all possible I'd love to have a written tutorial with screen shots vs a video, as written I can go right to where I need, where as a video I could sit through 10+ minutes only to find it not having what I'm after.


Also if anyone can recommend any current wep replacement mods it be nice. I only found the alternate to blade of woe and chillrend.

Unique Uniques replaces all the unique weapons in the game with custom models. InsanitySorrow also has more individual replacements under "files" on their profile.


One way to replace with custom mesh is just to override the existing using path and appropriate model name. Another way would be to use a plugin to override the pathing through the CK for the original record. If it is not a replacement mesh, and you simply want to add it to the game, you can use leveled list-tempering-or world placement...or all three. Making the item constructible and mixing in with leveled list is the best route to keep your mod compatible, because messing with worldspace/cells can unintentionally override other mods. You could add the item to a vendor for sale. These might get you started:





Good luck!

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Does anyone know a command to clear leftover animation objects (AnimObject) from an actor? If that's the correct term - the things the game uses like cups, buckets, baskets, etc. during animations.


I have some scripts that make the player use idle markers, but the animation objects stay stuck in the player's right hand afterwards. UnEquip/Equip can't be the answer b/c the player still has their weapon equipped and sheathed. I have tried Debug.SendAnimationEvent(game.GetPlayer(), "IdleForceDefaultState") but that doesn't work. Unsheathing weapon clears it, so I suppose I could do a DrawWeapon() then SheatheWeapon() in quick succession, but that seems like a messy solution to what should be a pretty straightforward command.


I think the problem might be related to the fact that I used a scene alias on the Player to make them use the idle furniture - seemed the only way I could figure in the vanilla game to force the Player to perform an animation reliably.


Here is the only documentation I found about it - http://www.creationkit.com/AnimObject

Pretty sparse, huh? Yeah, that's what I thought. Also there is a reference on the wiki for OnLoad() that states that it "This event will NOT ever fire if used in a Player Alias script" It refers to the OnLoad() Event, but thought that might be significant...


Anyone know anything about commands to clear or otherwise deal with the animation objects the animation engine uses on an Actor?


Thanks in advance to anyone with any clues or insight they might share.

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Is it possible to use PlayGamebryoAnimation on more than one reference at once?

In my testing it only worked on one reference at once, i want a script to run on several objects that uses gamebryo animation (not havok).

Preferably run from an xmarker or quest alias if that is possible, did not test quest script though.

Bottomline, i want one script to control a lot of gamebryo animated objects at once, anyone got experience with this?

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Does anyone know at what exact point in the bow firing animation sequence the game recognizes that you have no more of your equipped arrow and automatically gives you a new one?

Since you can put the arrow back without firing, I'd suspect that the last arrow is not considered gone till it is actually fired from the bow. It is probably then at the end of the firing sequence.

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