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@Aragorn Thanks.


Also figured out what was glitching the cell. Most of the room markers don't have portals and therefore don't load properly. I'm not sure as why they didn't copy over though.



Been also hitting a navmesh problem, that I'm wondering if anyone has encountered.




Here is a screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/sDUmp1h.jpg


The vertices literally cannot move any further, and if I try to make a triangle, it automatically cancels.


I'm navmeshing a small exterior world where it has two ships.


Is this a cell border problem? If so, anyway to merge the navmeshes of both cells to fix it?

If that is an exterior area, than it is the cell boarder. First turn on borders in the CK using the "b" key then move the verts so they are very close together, side to side and up and down. Then finalize the cell navmesh. You should now see a green line at the cell border and NPCs will be able to cross.


Thisis an example of how it should look although it is a much larger area.

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Hello! So I decided to send my old corrupted computer back to oblivion and i need a new one. I play with a lot of mods. and i will invest a good amount of cash for the new computer. My question is basically what configuration would i need in order to play the game at a constant 60fps with 100+ mods of which many would be graphic enhancing like 4k textures, weathers, item and appearancemods, improved AI, follower mods

And mostly i want to be sure that with this new pc i would have 60fps in a situation for example where i have 3 followers with me and im fighting say 5-10 npcs and a dragon.

today i went to a forsworn camp with 2followers and a dragon appeared and i had like 1frame per 20 seconds lol

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Hello! So I decided to send my old corrupted computer back to oblivion and i need a new one. I play with a lot of mods. and i will invest a good amount of cash for the new computer. My question is basically what configuration would i need in order to play the game at a constant 60fps with 100+ mods of which many would be graphic enhancing like 4k textures, weathers, item and appearancemods, improved AI, follower mods

And mostly i want to be sure that with this new pc i would have 60fps in a situation for example where i have 3 followers with me and im fighting say 5-10 npcs and a dragon.

today i went to a forsworn camp with 2followers and a dragon appeared and i had like 1frame per 20 seconds lol

This a modding question thread.

Go to the sub reddit, pc building or pc master race.

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Alright, here comes a quick question dump.




Questions about Portals:

1.) If part of a room marker is partially inside another room marker, is it possible to make a portal? I tried to do that with one with my vanilla duplicate, but weirdly the 2nd room I attached to realigned itself to be tilted with the first.

2) Bigger room markers=more load time, yes? I'm currently trying to make portals for the vanilla rooms, which are small confusing and daunting. I have an .esp where I made my own room markers which were simpler, but they’re much bigger than the vanilla.

3) What do you do with portals when the room marker is facing two other room markers? In this cell, there’s a large room that connects with the tunnel room at the bottom half. But there is also 2nd floor above the tunnel, that has its own room marker.




Question about Cells and Loading Times

1) What is the recommended amount MB you should put in each exterior cell? I know the limit is 155 but is there an ideal limit before things load way too long?

2) I plan to make an area where it is quite crowded with a lot of crowd npcs. To help on load time, should I put lets say the main market inside an interior, yes?

Edited by sumojellybean
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Just to check/be certain - is there no better, SIMPLE way to place an object by an NPC/objectRef? The issue with MoveTo is it could, theoretically, cause something to spawn midair. I know there's Snap to Navmesh in spells, but I don't really touch spells and have no idea how to use them beyond the basest things.

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quick question: I have an activator with the scripts to display a book and it works just fine. What id like to do is have other items displayed once the cook book is placed into the activator. How do i go about doing this? I tried enable parent and linking it but it didnt seem to work :(

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I'm trying to get a cape from a mod to work with the Mage Armor perk. The mod originally had it as Light Armor. I did some searching (since I know absolutely nothing about modding) and managed to edit the item in the Creation Kit. In-game, the cape is now considered clothing and has an armor rating of 0, but it still breaks the Mage Armor perk. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I'm trying to get a cape from a mod to work with the Mage Armor perk. The mod originally had it as Light Armor. I did some searching (since I know absolutely nothing about modding) and managed to edit the item in the Creation Kit. In-game, the cape is now considered clothing and has an armor rating of 0, but it still breaks the Mage Armor perk. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

I have a guess:


Does the cape have the right keywords?


A cloth item will have three keywords:

ArmorClothing, ClothingBody and VendorItemClothing ( not needed.)

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