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Alright! Testing out my combat dialogue for my follower and she's saying it all random. Like she's saying dialogue that's meant for killing animals towards bandits. This is mainly for when combat ends--the CombattoNormal in the detection tab.


The conditions for the combat target are all above all above the subject conditions. Combat dialogue is on a seperate quest, ticked the startgameenabled and allow repeated stages boxes.


Anyone know how to fix the problem?

Edited by sumojellybean
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Does anyone know how to remove a place from removing a place from radiance system? I'm trying to stop troops taking over fort greymoor. Do I just remove the keywords?

It depends on how the quest handling it actually handles it. If it fills based off of keywords, do that. If it specifically fills off of Fort Greymoor and does NOT Allow Reserved on the location alias, in another quest reserve the reference of Fort Greymoor on game start. If it's a specific location/reference thing you'll have to change it manually.


3,758 already!



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Does anyone know how to remove a place from removing a place from radiance system? I'm trying to stop troops taking over fort greymoor. Do I just remove the keywords?

It depends on how the quest handling it actually handles it. If it fills based off of keywords, do that. If it specifically fills off of Fort Greymoor and does NOT Allow Reserved on the location alias, in another quest reserve the reference of Fort Greymoor on game start. If it's a specific location/reference thing you'll have to change it manually.


3,758 already!




Not sure what, but it certainly isn't your post count... close tho 3,734 at the time of this post :P

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Does anyone know how to remove a place from removing a place from radiance system? I'm trying to stop troops taking over fort greymoor. Do I just remove the keywords?

It depends on how the quest handling it actually handles it. If it fills based off of keywords, do that. If it specifically fills off of Fort Greymoor and does NOT Allow Reserved on the location alias, in another quest reserve the reference of Fort Greymoor on game start. If it's a specific location/reference thing you'll have to change it manually.


3,758 already!




Not sure what, but it certainly isn't your post count... close tho 3,734 at the time of this post :tongue:


My post count is 5359 now so it's not mine either... :P Maybe it was meant to be a response to that one post of Billyro's in the other forum?

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Hello people of nexus! lend an advice to fellow citizen will ya!

im approaching the perfect mod setup for me, and the only thing that i can't decide is max armor rating and max resist rating.

I want to go far and beyond vanilla 556 rating, and i want to benefit from higher rating more. ideally, the perfect solution would be infinite and constant progression, i.e. the more armor you have, the more resists you gain, up to the 90% mark, but not immortal.

i found mod like this, but judging from users it is severely bugged =( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/63820/?

another solution is Skytweak, there is an option to increase max magic resist and physical resist, but i lack the knowledge to configure it to my taste...

3rd solution is High Level Enemies - Increased max Resists and High Level Enemies - Raised Ability Caps.

Max resists allows to benefit up to 900 armor, but it is too small of a value for me... also inner voice in me tells that i probably shouldnt add to my already extensively overhauled setup another overhauls...

Mods that overhaul npc, stats or combat behavior that i have settled upon are these: ordinator, deadly dragons, revenge of the enemies, skyrim immersive creatures, organized bandits, CCO, CCF & WAFR - all with bashed patch.

ps. maybe i should install last combat overhaul which changes physical and magic resist and be done with it? it is just with all the combat mods there is something particular that i do not like. they are too script heavy and complex, and my rig cannot afford that...

Edited by BoromiRofGeo
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Hello people of nexus! lend an advice to fellow citizen will ya!

im approaching the perfect mod setup for me, and the only thing that i can't decide is max armor rating and max resist rating.

I want to go far and beyond vanilla 556 rating, and i want to benefit from higher rating more. ideally, the perfect solution would be infinite and constant progression, i.e. the more armor you have, the more resists you gain, up to the 90% mark, but not immortal.

i found mod like this, but judging from users it is severely bugged =( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/63820/?

another solution is Skytweak, there is an option to increase max magic resist and physical resist, but i lack the knowledge to configure it to my taste...

3rd solution is High Level Enemies - Increased max Resists and High Level Enemies - Raised Ability Caps.

Max resists allows to benefit up to 900 armor, but it is too small of a value for me... also inner voice in me tells that i probably shouldnt add to my already extensively overhauled setup another overhauls...

Mods that overhaul npc, stats or combat behavior that i have settled upon are these: ordinator, deadly dragons, revenge of the enemies, skyrim immersive creatures, organized bandits, CCO, CCF & WAFR - all with bashed patch.

ps. maybe i should install last combat overhaul which changes physical and magic resist and be done with it? it is just with all the combat mods there is something particular that i do not like. they are too script heavy and complex, and my rig cannot afford that...

This thread is for modders.

You can ask in the request thread for mod that does all that, and yes that is heavy.

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So I'm working on a custom spell. I've made the spell itself, a spell tome that teaches the spell, and added the spell tome to level list so it can be found as loot or bought... However, when I get in game and buy the spell tome, the message appears saying that I've learned the spell; but when I go to find it in my spellbook, it's not there.

Any ideas what could cause this, and how to fix it?

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Quest modders, here is a question for you.


When the pc completes a quest for an npc with a house. Low cost items, beds and some containers are shared with the player. Same goes with marrying them.

Now is this a core gameplay feature when one rises the favor with an npc or something that quests set up with alias system?


If it is the latter, how to do this? I'm thinking of modding npc houses, so misc quests are a handy thing for the player to do.

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I have a quest marked Allow repeated stages, as the quest branches about halfway through and I want you to be able to choose a branch (which starts at 400, for example) and then switch to a different branch before you continue (the other branch one that starts at 200). I remembered that Allow repeated stages allowed you to do this, but the quest is marked as such and it's not going back, so... is there something else I have to do so the quest will let me regress in stage numbers? The code in the stage I'm reverting to appears to work, but it doesn't actually change the stage, which is necessary.

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Okay, i have no answer to those above as i do little quest modding, but I have yet another question to add to this pool.


I have a mod that enable and disables lights in all of skyrim night/day. I have now decided to extend the quest to be affected by rain and snow as well.

Here is the script:




Scriptname ImmersiveContentLightMasterParent extends ObjectReference  
{Controls a set of lights with a master enable parent marker with this
script attached to turn on and off at the times of the day specified
by the properties LightsOffTime and LightsOnTime}
float Property LightsOffTime = 6.0 auto
{The time at which lights should be turned off}
float Property LightsOnTime = 20.0 auto
{The time at which lights should be turned on}
float Function GetCurrentHourOfDay() global
{Returns the current time of day in hours since midnight}
	float Time = Utility.GetCurrentGameTime()
	Time -= Math.Floor(Time) ; Remove "previous in-game days passed" bit
	Time *= 24 ; Convert from fraction of a day to number of hours
	Return Time

Function BadWeatherCheck()
  RegisterForSingleUpdate(30.0) ; Give us a single update in 30 second
Function RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTimeAt(float GameTime)
{Registers for a single UpdateGameTime event at the next occurrence
of the specified GameTime (in hours since midnight)}
	float CurrentTime = GetCurrentHourOfDay()
	If (GameTime < CurrentTime)
		GameTime += 24
	RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime(GameTime - CurrentTime)

Event OnInit()
	IF(GetCurrentHourOfDay() > LightsOffTime)

Event OnUpdate()
;Checks for bad weather, only updates every 30 seconds to prevent savegame bloating.
	Bool bKeepUpdating = True
		If Weather.GetCurrentWeather().GetClassification() >= 2

	If bKeepUpdating

State LightsOff
	Event OnBeginState()
	Event OnUpdateGameTime()
State LightsOn
	Event OnBeginState()
	Event OnUpdateGameTime()




I probably need to modify this abit to work properly with my script. found the code snippet on the wiki, i just customized it a little. I actually consider using a script extender for the weather control so one can decide if one want the weather stuff or not when using my mod.


the get.classification snip works, tested it in the "OnInit" and it properly changes state to lights on if the weather is bad when you load the game. so i know it's the OnUpdate part of my script that i somehow borked. Compiles just fine.


Thanks people! :)

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