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I'd like to change the dragon versions of drain vitality to be affected by resist magic.


Is this something I could do through tesvedit, or will I need to learn the use of the creation kit?


How can I do this?

Edited by Mathalor
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If selecting a Hearthfire home to be a destination for someone to "move in to," which is the best variable to check to make certain the house has at least been built and not just the land purchased? I don't need it completed as much as just being a liveable structure.

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Hello:-) Thanks to IsharaMeradin I finally got my scripts to work and compile, so first of all big thanks to you, Ishara:-)

Now I'm trying to make a summon follower spell following this tutorial:



I ticked the summonable checkbox on the follower, then copy-pasted the script there at the magic effect, changing the message and the follower name. The message works fine, but the actor property won't auto-fill. I must have done something wrong, but I can't figure out what (I have like zero experience with scripting, the Hello world tutorial is my only experience...). Would anybody be so kind as to tell me where did I make a mistake and how can I rectify it? Thanks a lot!


Here is the script as I changed it:


Scriptname MODRsummonRowanScript extends activemagiceffect


Actor Property MODRRowan Auto

;be sure to fill this property

Message Property MODRsummoningRowan Auto

;be sure to fill this property

Bool Ready = True


Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)


If Ready; if we're ready


MODRRowan.MoveTo(Game.GetPlayer(), 5, 0, 5, true)


Ready = False


Ready = True







If you want a property to auto-fill it needs to be named EXACTLY the same as the desired object's FormID / EditorID and be of the same type as the object.


Failure to auto-fill is not the end of the world, you can always manually fill the property by selecting it and using the fields that appear to the right of the property list.

Hi again, Ishara:-)


Well, that's the thing. His ID is MODRRowan. I put that there, but it's not working. I tried to manually fill the property, that worked, thanks - what baffles me is why the auto-fill doesn't work, though. Do I need to put it as a keyword somehow into the EditorID window, which is in the, methinks, magic effect window?


But otherwise, THANKS A BUNCH! The spell is working now!:-)

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Okay, I'm trying to do this WITHOUT quest stages IF POSSIBLE.


I have the dialog tree completely built and on the last comment, the PC tells the NPC "Meet me at my home in Whiterun." At this point, I want the NPC to walk to an XMarker within Breezehome from his current location. I don't want to use moveto because I want him to actually walk there.


First, will I have to generate a key for the NPC to enter Breezehome?

Second, can I do this WITHOUT a quest stage (just a triggered script that tells the NPC to take a walk to the new location)?

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NPC actions are controlled by packages. You can't directly force an action via script, but you do have a few options. Actions are controlled by packages and those packages need to be either directly attached to the NPC or part of a quest alias. The package needs a condition that it can check to determine if it's time to run, but that condition can be anything. One option is a quest stage but it could be a global variable or script property, or even one of the Actor Values. For example you could set the package to run if the character's "WaitingForPlayer" actor value is set to 18. (The game only uses values of 0 and 1 for Waiting for Player and that's only for active followers.)

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Do you believe in our savior and lord Jesus Christ?


They'd better, because I'm right here. At least that's what most of England has been saying. Anyway...


I've asked this on the mod page, but I don't think anybody's watching the comments any more...


When Vampires Attack


Can anybody tell me if this mod actually cares if the things are even vampires?

So let's say I've switched them for Draugr - will the denizens still run and hide?

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Do you believe in our savior and lord Jesus Christ?


They'd better, because I'm right here. At least that's what most of England has been saying. Anyway...


I've asked this on the mod page, but I don't think anybody's watching the comments any more...


When Vampires Attack


Can anybody tell me if this mod actually cares if the things are even vampires?

So let's say I've switched them for Draugr - will the denizens still run and hide?


Arthmoor would be the one to tell you since it is his mod. There is, however, an easy way to find out. Make your race change on the vampires, install the mod and see what happens when the two are combined.

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I've been trying to find EXACTLY what "TraveltoRadius" accomplishes in a package.


With the simple Travel to a cell, the actor typically goes there and stays there (he won't even move off of his arrival spot). I was hoping TraveltoRadius allows the actor to meander a bit and interact more with his environment, but that does not appear to be happening, unless I am misunderstanding the function.


Any good breakdown of this information anywhere? Any tips?

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TravelandUseIdle locked the NPC in place and he "blipped" on his idles. Not sure what to do about that one.




If you have had a situation where your mod was working one time and then all of the sudden it fails to work on the next go around and you have not made major changes (just an addition or two), you may want to go into the main quest file and click RECOMPILE ALL PAPYRUS SCRIPTS on the Quest Data tab. This helped one time when I was certain I did nothing to break the mod I was working on, but it stopped functioning properly. I seem to see posts about troubles like this from time to time. Also, it is a good habit to use Tes5edit to go through your mod and look for orphaned scriptlets and garbage that you accidentally pulled into it while working in different areas. I had moved a floor board by mistake once and it was easy to remove the change through that tool.

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