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Greetings all.


In my personal mod I have a few dozen follower/ally NPCs with a custom companion quest, where I tell them (besides to follow or travel etc) to change outfit.


This uses the Actor.SetOutfit() Papyrus command.


Now my question is:

Is there a Papyrus command (sequence) that will allow me to revert the speaker NPC back to his or her's Base Actor Outfit?


EDIT: I realise that the SKSE function GetOutfit might be applicable here. Is there a way without using SKSE functions?

I'm afraid the only option I can think of is SKSE's function. You can't really store the value without a function it get it.


Beth was weird about that. Tons of Set or Get commands but no opposite one.



Yeah I guessed so, thanks. Though Ive read somewhere that GetOutfit gets the actors current outfit, and not the base actor's, so if I had to use the base actor as script Property it also wouldnt work out for multiple NPCs.


At one occasion yesterday I managed to get a NPC to revert to default outfit after SetOutfit

I did removeallitems on the NPC, gave the NPC a single Fur Armor and (while the NPC was using an Idle Marker) left and reentered the cell


When I came back in the NPC had the base actor default outfit. But sadly I havent been able to reproduce it so it might not prove applicable via scripting




Heyoo!! I've been working on a Vampire Lord NPC for a week now... and I almost got it working. But hen I spawn the enemy... its a game of chance. Sometimes it works (VP uses Magic to fight) but the majority of the time, he doesnt attack and only retreats. Has anyone come across a solution to doing this properly????? because I'm fairly new to Skyrim and Creation Kit, and I can't seem to figure it out.


Have you checked the Aggression and Confidence options under the NPC's AI Data tab?

Edited by GreyFox77
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Greetings all.


In my personal mod I have a few dozen follower/ally NPCs with a custom companion quest, where I tell them (besides to follow or travel etc) to change outfit.


This uses the Actor.SetOutfit() Papyrus command.


Now my question is:

Is there a Papyrus command (sequence) that will allow me to revert the speaker NPC back to his or her's Base Actor Outfit?


EDIT: I realise that the SKSE function GetOutfit might be applicable here. Is there a way without using SKSE functions?

Make a property of their default oufit, if applicable, then pass that property into SetOutfit().

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Greetings all.


In my personal mod I have a few dozen follower/ally NPCs with a custom companion quest, where I tell them (besides to follow or travel etc) to change outfit.


This uses the Actor.SetOutfit() Papyrus command.


Now my question is:

Is there a Papyrus command (sequence) that will allow me to revert the speaker NPC back to his or her's Base Actor Outfit?


EDIT: I realise that the SKSE function GetOutfit might be applicable here. Is there a way without using SKSE functions?

Make a property of their default oufit, if applicable, then pass that property into SetOutfit().



Well, the problem with that is the script would have to be personalized for every NPC that has its own outfit.. I think I will probably end up going that way, but it does create a bunch of extra scripting :/


Thanks for your reply

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  • How can I verify if the Player is a Vampire/Undead and/or a Werewolf using Papyrus?

I'll answer my own question:


Once a player has transformed into either a Vampire or a Werewolf you can check if the Player is in either factions and you have your answer.


Alternatives are: Vampire, ActorTypeUndead, WerewolfBeastRace; KEYWORDS.


  • How can I make a custom bar? A bar just like the Health Bar.
Edited by Kerberus14
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  • How can I verify if the Player is a Vampire/Undead and/or a Werewolf using Papyrus?
I'll answer my own question:


Once a player has transformed into either a Vampire or a Werewolf you can check if the Player is in either factions and you have your answer.


Alternatives are: Vampire, ActorTypeUndead, WerewolfBeastRace; KEYWORDS.

  • How can I make a custom bar? A bar just like the Health Bar.

There's not really a tutorial out there, persay. Use SkyUI to make your widget.


There's a little bit of documentation here:




You can use Frostfall as an example.

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Heyoo!! I've been working on a Vampire Lord NPC for a week now... and I almost got it working. But hen I spawn the enemy... its a game of chance. Sometimes it works (VP uses Magic to fight) but the majority of the time, he doesnt attack and only retreats. Has anyone come across a solution to doing this properly????? because I'm fairly new to Skyrim and Creation Kit, and I can't seem to figure it out.


Have you checked the Aggression and Confidence options under the NPC's AI Data tab?


Yes I have checked them.... The VP is "Very Agressive" and "Foolhardy" but when I spawn him, let's say 10 of them..... only 2 or 3 would actually fight me whiles the rest would just back away from me(whiles threatening me).......


...and they(retreaters) also have the spells equipped but instead of hovering they are running back... whiles the ones that fight me are fight me with magic and are hovering


THANK YOU VERY MUCH for the Reply but I still need HELP!!!!! :'( :(

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Hey all. Returning to modding after a six+ month hiatus. Going to finish up a couple of mods that have been almost complete for over 8 months.


First thing on the table: Is there an event one can watch for which enables one to know when a new NPC has appeared in the player's cell? Right now, all I can do is basically parse the GetNthRef() list every so often. Obviously that's no good.


Well, while I'm at it, I may as well elaborate a bit. I'm having to set up a mod so that it casts spells on particular NPCs - every NPC in the player's cell that fits certain criteria. I need to keep that spell (and its associated effects, which is another matter) on the NPCs until they or the player are no longer in the same cell. Then I need to make sure to remove the spell and its effects. It's not something I'm looking forward to ironing out as I expect it to give more headaches than the entirety of the rest of the mod. For example I don't immediately know how to tell when an NPC leaves the player's cell, or even when the player changes cells. Details, details. I'll start with my first question though.

Edited by Asterra
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Hey all. Returning to modding after a six+ month hiatus. Going to finish up a couple of mods that have been almost complete for over 8 months.


First thing on the table: Is there an event one can watch for which enables one to know when a new NPC has appeared in the player's cell? Right now, all I can do is basically parse the GetNthRef() list every so often. Obviously that's no good.


Well, while I'm at it, I may as well elaborate a bit. I'm having to set up a mod so that it casts spells on particular NPCs - every NPC in the player's cell that fits certain criteria. I need to keep that spell (and its associated effects, which is another matter) on the NPCs until they or the player are no longer in the same cell. Then I need to make sure to remove the spell and its effects. It's not something I'm looking forward to ironing out as I expect it to give more headaches than the entirety of the rest of the mod. For example I don't immediately know how to tell when an NPC leaves the player's cell, or even when the player changes cells. Details, details. I'll start with my first question though.

Well if it's a specific NPC, you can put a script on them, or an alias for them, checking for the Event:




This works for the PC as well - just make an alias for them and use the event in a script on that alias. However, locations are often groups of cells, so you could try:






Not sure about efficiently detecting for your first question though.

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  • How can I verify if the Player is a Vampire/Undead and/or a Werewolf using Papyrus?
I'll answer my own question:


Once a player has transformed into either a Vampire or a Werewolf you can check if the Player is in either factions and you have your answer.


Alternatives are: Vampire, ActorTypeUndead, WerewolfBeastRace; KEYWORDS.

  • How can I make a custom bar? A bar just like the Health Bar.​

There's not really a tutorial out there, persay. Use SkyUI to make your widget.


There's a little bit of documentation here:




You can use Frostfall as an example.


Barrier.psc(0,0): unable to locate script SKI_MeterWidget


I have SkyUI Latest Version installed, and it still doesn't find that script.

Edited by Kerberus14
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  • How can I verify if the Player is a Vampire/Undead and/or a Werewolf using Papyrus?
I'll answer my own question:


Once a player has transformed into either a Vampire or a Werewolf you can check if the Player is in either factions and you have your answer.


Alternatives are: Vampire, ActorTypeUndead, WerewolfBeastRace; KEYWORDS.

  • How can I make a custom bar? A bar just like the Health Bar.​

There's not really a tutorial out there, persay. Use SkyUI to make your widget.


There's a little bit of documentation here:




You can use Frostfall as an example.


Barrier.psc(0,0): unable to locate script SKI_MeterWidget


I have SkyUI Latest Version installed, and it still doesn't find that script.


SkyUI doesn't matter, you need the SkyUI SDK to do MCM/Widget/SkyUI related scripting.




You can find it there. Download the latest.

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