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The quest most likely does other things besides add flour to food barrels, I would guess? I'm not sure what you mean by "removing the quest from the barrels." The leveled lists are just properties in the script and it doesn't reference the barrels specifically in any way.


Either way, the problem is that if anybody adds your mod to an existing save, the function will have already executed and your fix will have no effect.


I would recommend editing the leveled lists BYOHLItemFoodFlour and BYOHLItemFoodFlourSmall to reflect the amount of flour you want to find, if that works for you. Basically treat these lists as your source of flour. That way you are working with the Hearthfire scripts instead of against them.


Sorry, there is no great option here.


For users who loading your mod on a new game, you could either comment out the lines and include that Hearthfire script with your mod or clear the properties on the quest. This would mark the quest as modified by your mod which would mean that it would overwrite any other changes to that quest. Both options have weaknesses, and in both cases I would recommend checking the Unofficial Hearthfire Patch to make sure you are including all of their fixes (if any) in your edits so you don't undo their great work.

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I like your line of thinking. I might remove the additions that I made and see if it balances out (seeing as how I do in fact want flour to be available at all levels as I have made it a base ingredient). If not, then I may edit the BYOHLItemFoodFlour and BYOHLItemFoodFlourSmall and make them empty, then make my own versions. I might end up with more empty barrels, but that would hardly be a shame. There are already quite sufficient supplies, I think. I'll see once I've leveled up my skill how it balances out. Thanks for you input :)

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If too many empty barrels becomes a problem, I could also change what's actually in the flour lists to not be simply flour, but the same as my lists, (then of course re-include flour in my own list) so that way I'd be getting exactly what I intend, and no empty barrels.

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I am having some trouble figuring out which GlobalVar is the right one to grab for each of the cities' Radiant quest counter which enables the special job quest for each city.(Thieves' Guild Radiant quest line)

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How can I get the game days passed?



It is a float value with the Days designated as integers and the float part is comprised of the hours, minutes and seconds passed on the current day. Do note that the global variable which this function automatically reads starts off with a value of 1 rather than 0.

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It would be something like this:


When you first set the one variable to 1 store the current time in a local float variable

LocalTimeVar = Utility.GetCurrentGameTime()

Then when you check if enough time has passed.

If Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() >= (LocalTimeVar + 1)
;advance the other variable

This process is best when used with specific events or specific activators. If what you want to do is something that will be on going, use the game time update event that you are already using in your linked script.

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