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UK Election day


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Labour have always been the working class party (hence the name) but lets not forget it was they who abolished the 10p tax, increasing it to 20%.


To be fair I voted conservative out of local rather than national preference but any situation in which Gordon Brown is removed as prime minister works for me. His situation would be completely untennable as Prime Minister. He'll do anything to stay in power though.


Perhaps you are too young to remember the Thatcher years? And the policy of me, me, me oh and me, that she fostered? the vast majority of our problems are because of that attitude, Labour are products of this generation ( or have been influenced by it ), and so are the LIb Dems, anyone under 30 is, the attitudes of people towards each other needs to change before we will see a real difference in the way we are governed.

The Conservatives set a snowball rolling that is still gathering momentum, and will lead to the ruin of our society.

Greed is the name of the game, and all are urged to take part.........

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The Conservatives set a snowball rolling that is still gathering momentum, and will lead to the ruin of our society.



To Dark0ne - And something else, I don't want Gordon Brown as a PM. I just want Lib Dems and Labour to work together. But Nick Clegg as a PM would be the best choice.

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And the policy of me, me, me oh and me, that she fostered? the vast majority of our problems are because of that attitude, Labour are products of this generation ( or have been influenced by it ), and so are the LIb Dems, anyone under 30 is, the attitudes of people towards each other needs to change before we will see a real difference in the way we are governed.

The Conservatives set a snowball rolling that is still gathering momentum, and will lead to the ruin of our society.

Greed is the name of the game, and all are urged to take part.........


The same Thatcher that snatched our economy back from the grip of the evil trade unions? Thatcher was bad in many ways but my god would it have been worse if the trade unions hadn't been curtailed. You can see the cracks coming through now with the union vs. British Airways stuff. Unions destroying companies out of their own personal greeds.


Which ever government takes over now is going to be the scapegoat for a whole load of very serious problems that need to be tackled NOW. Our benefits system is absolutely, no doubt about it, ridiculous and will destroy our country just as much as any of Thatcher's family and community destroying policies.


People don't realise how good we've had it the past 20 years. They're about to get a very rude awakening I think. A very necessary awakening and people will be so ticked off they'll blame the government that does it. Because they're short sighted. And spiteful.

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A Labour and Lib Dem government would be best for the UK, along with hopeful positive reform, but Brown has to go.
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It would be a shame if Brown remained PM he wasn't voted for first time round and he wasn't voted for this time, democracy eh?

A lot of people say that, but Tony Blair wanted out with as little fuss as possible.

And as for democracy, Cameron didn't get a majority and yet he still thinks he can be PM.


The Conservatives have had a go, Labour have had a go, so now it the Lib Dems go.

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Have they yet resolved the 'Hung Parliament' ? BBC America is not giving adequate daily coverage to determine what is really developing.


Nope, Brown has resigned though so perhaps removing himself as an obstacle to Lab/Lib coalition.

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I think it would be a travesty for the same Lib Dems crying bloody murder about overhauling the political system to jump in to bed with Labour who will yet again attempt to give us a prime minister that noone voted for.


It's utterly ludicrous.

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