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From Day Dreams of a Spaced Out old Man comes


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I kind of hoped that dance with the woman in my dream sleep last would of been like a television episode. The next episode of my dream sleep views might of brought the dancing to a close. I would of liked to find out if that moment continued where I sensed, felt too, it might lead to too. :woot: You know, Waking up in the morning together! :wub:

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If the Internet browsers cookie cache was like a cup of milk and got to many cookies in it what might happen?


The forums.nexusmods is faster then the slower website www.nexusmods.com because the nexusmods page has commercial posters that are continuously active.


I suspect the effects of cookies being loaded from a different page we visited are being transferred to the same advertising posters that Robin's company uses on the nexusmods page. It could be his site is getting seriously overloaded because cookies follow our surfing right up to when we visit the nexusmods site and sign in. Many times I have seen the same advertisements appear in the www.nexusmods.com appear in those advertisement posters after I had surfed looking for a product on another site only moments before I visited at that page just before I signed in.


If the hitch hiking cookies some company's used to use to hop on a dying cookie and further track us on the Internet, while we surfed, are still active they would also cause the storage on Dark0ne's main servers to become overloaded and slowed. Those hitch hiker cookies not only report back to their hosted server, they also repeat the hitch hiking effect whenever another cookie is deleted, clogging the browsers cookies cache storage by repeatedly hitching on to another cookie being cleared. Even when we clear the cache of cookies from our browser, or on a mobile phone capable of Internet surfing, the hitch hiking cookies renew that hacked cookie as their own. It continues to clog browser's cookie cache.


Last week I waited for one pix to load in the www.nexusmods.com site which was linked to the forums.nexusmods.com site for almost 4 minutes before I clicked on the image in the upper left corner of the pix. It opened in a new window. Nothing else, just the pix.


If cookie bloat is the problem everyone using the kind of poster advertising that Robin Scott's company is for business, on the Mobile/Internet PC's, using auto advertising services will eventually need someone to clear the entire servers stations. Imagine that barge that Google uses to keep all their servers they have as the server the person has to clear. :woot:

Look out businesses, your next demise may be because you had so many cookies in your milk they just won't float and barge in on every Website afloat. :laugh:


( If this site suggestively gives anyone who posts here Intellectual Propery Rights (pending) then what I write is mine via that which is called, "Intellectual copyright".)


If not tell me so, if it is tell others they may not use and/or all of some else's material here for any reason without first getting permission.


OH! Why am I posting in addition to the sinking cookie barge. Because after I posted this message at 2:30 PM MST and came back to check it, before I signed in I saw that the time it shows when I closed the webpage and closed the account was 9:30 PM. That seven hours later then I when I posted here. It is now 2:49 PM MST.


Then; when I opened the page in my thread to correct the time setting, it, amazingly, was corrected for my time and place on this Earthly matter.


I better post that the time is also November 20, 2016 so anyone peering in knows that we may not only be living in completely different time zones, but my calendar may not reflect what they call their calendar. To make a most important point here. My posts are my property at the time I post them from my location.


It should be clear to all who read anything on this or any website that many people believe is a Poor persons Intellectual Property Rights service, (copyright pending text for Intellectual Property Rights) all the people here and everyone everywhere should know the posting date and time to be effective the date and time must declare the correct time of the post from where the posting party posted it in their own time zone. Not the UK's, or any where else, unless that is where we are, naturally.


Goodnight Citizens of other countries if it is as dark as it might be in the UK at this time. Goodnight UK. :waves: Good Morning, Good Day, and Good Afternoon I say to everyone else.

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  • 3 weeks later...

December 7, 2016




23:10 PM MST I finished writing the following.


A True Loves Story.


The when that the story began will always be in my memory. The world was as young as we were then. When I open my eyes wide shut I see her and all that was before me. The seed, the land, the future, and hope.


We faced one another and through our eyes we saw the windows of our souls opened wide. I felt the moment for the moment approaching. A walk we took together on a sunny spring day gave my throat air and words began to form from the passage of it through my harp strings. The first word was strummed on the vocal strings and the next. Time. i could hear the calm sing as the cords in my throat play a song. They played so I spoke sweet sounds and we saw us together holding hands.


The crops beckoned. We harvested it's gifts. The sun rose and clouds formed. Rain washed the heat off my brow. Showering down on us both as we carried the gifts to the cabin made of sticks. We entered the earth's root cellar. Each day we stowed away the gifts from the day, day after day, until the North wind king blew a chill down our spines.


The White King arose and sent snow friends in all shapes. We prepared the cabin for the season of shorter days and longer nights. I dreamed that the sky would grow thicker with the grey beard of the White King. He would give the clothes to the ground and woods all adorned in a gown all white.


I walk in the door and shut it behind me. I walked to her and gave her a smile. I walked to the shed door and gathered some some wood from the stack. Thirty cords I had split and stacked in there. She called to me to bring my iron to strike the flint. The iron gently struck the flint and sent tiny stars flying off into the dried grass. The grass began to smoke. She added tiny shavings of wood. The grasses burned and fire lit the kindling for the fire in the hearth.


We both tended it and added little sticks until we had a small blaze. I bought up the first large piece of the split wood. I handled it gently as a baby laying it on the bed of flames. The fire grew up around it, she brought the cauldron she prepared, and hung the handle o'er the fire place's iron hook. I breathed upon the flames until the log began to burn. I backed up, she swung the bar with the cauldron hanging on it over to the growing flames. I lifted two more split pieces and laid them gently side by side to the first, and picked one more to add.


The fire grew, she stirred the stew, and let it cook. I backed up and stood taking in the sight of our first night together since we'd found we wanted to live life, in the light, and love together. I picked up a wick and touched it to the fire. I walked with the tiny flame and used it to light the candles in the lanterns hanging from the beam. I put out the wick.


I looked to see her at the fire, she turned her head to face me with a smile. I walked back to the chairs near the hearth. I stood there. Taking in the sound of fire's flames, the wood burning and crackling, and the aroma of her as she stirred the stew.


Outside the White Kings friend the North Wind King blew as the White Kings friends the Snow people drifted down, over, and through the woods and our wooden house, and dressed everything in white.


I paused to breath in all that I could gather a sense of. I walked to the cupboard and got out the two cups, two plates, and two bowls and set the table while she stirred and seasoned the stew. I turned to the counter and gathered two forks and two spoons. I returned to the setting of the table and listened to her breath. She looked at me. She turned back to the matters in the fire place. The pheasent was roasting, the stew was simmering, the fire was sparking a time and again.


She turned her face to me, gave me a nod, I grabbled the cradle hook and lifted the cauldron from the iron bar. I carried it over to the table, and with a cloth I steadied it as she used the ladel to carefully fill our bowls. I returned the empty cauldron to the iron hook and set it. She took her apron and grabbed the two pikes with each pheasant nicely roasted. She turned and walked to the table with each in the aprons hold and placed them on the plates. I pulled the bottle from the cupboard and worked it's cork until it came loose. I poured the Summer Wine into our cups and set the bottle along side. I looked at her, she looked at me, we both turned and looked at the gifts on the table. We hugged. We shared a gentle kiss and parted.


We took our seats and began out feast with thanks to the many worldly peoples who helped make all life possible. Then we began to eat.


The fire grew and the lanterns shown us, to all, all of the spirits of light that we delighted in all we had.


Outside the North Wind King howled and the White Kings friends flew, danced in the air, and dressed the land with more of their wonderful white designs.


Inside the cabin we had finished out sup. Picked up the plates, bowls, cups, forks, knives, and the empty bottle. All we put into the tub. She walked to the fire and poured a bucket of water into the cauldron. While it heated we shared some glances and I spied in her eyes the signs she was fine with all that had passed. The water was ready. We shared the washing of the diner gear and put it up for the night in the shelves.


We both washed and prepared for the long evening before the candles grew dim in the lanterns. She walked ahead of me. I admired her in the scene and walked up next to the chair next to hers. I picked up the fire poker and gently prodded the logs to raise the fire to warm us enough for our next moments.


When I turned I saw her smile before she looked down at her hands in her lap. She held them together. I moved to her side and set down in my chair. I turned to my right and saw her look to me and look into my eyes.


I titled my head, nodded to her, and swung my eyes to the left. I moved my head left and back twice to suggest we might start the night with a story before we slipped off to bed. She smiled. I grinned. I took a deep breath. I raised my chest. I filled it to the brim. I felt the air coming back from in there up to my harp strings, and the song came to air. Shall we give the warmth from fire a look. She appraised the flames to see if they were just right for the telling.


She sat up and leaned forward. She untied the apron strings. She stood,lifted the apron and shook the flour and spices that remained off into the fire. The flames ate the gifts and it's colors changed. As they did she took a deep breath and exhaled upon the flames. She took another deep breath. The telling was about to start. Our first since we had joined to live together. I held my breath anxious for the first word from her lips.

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It appears to amuse me to do a telling.

Every time I write I try to tell the story like I was talking to a crowd of listeners.

I have been told I was a good story teller when I tell the story without books, pictures, and just using words I speak and gesticulations, I think I tell them like the crowds used to like the stories told. I think that Shakespeare's troup of males made acting a way to tell stories with more forms then just gesticulation by adding the image of the character that the teller could have described.


I keep putting the words I want to say to text. I imagine the pictures that I am mindful of and yet I seem frustrated when I use text to describe what I know I have seen, when trying to find the audience that would have seen what I have memories of in pictures my mind has stored which reminds me of my past experiences where I live and lived.


I wonder if I am getting any attention from anyone who would understand words spelled out who once listened to a story teller; while gathered around outside a tent in the daytime, a campfire at night, or in the cabin around the hearth where they were warmed during the cold Winter's nights?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Looks like there might be some snow before the Eve of the Holiday. It will sure make landing on rooftops a lot easier if there is some up there.


Saint Nick, might be enjoying a cup of hot chocolate and cookies right now!


For those who enjoy celebrating the story life of Santa and how he's changed over the years;


and for you who want to know > > > Saint Nick's history < < < here's my gift for you.


Have a Merry Xmas.


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For those who share this eve's event may the song from the peom copied down by Robert Burns for an old man, cause the words he heard had never been written down before.


For (the sake of) old times at midnight the auld lang syne words were spoken aloud, or sung, depending on how you like; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auld_Lang_Syne


Have a Happy New Years Eve party!

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Hey guys try to imagine yourself with the power to see through the veils of time.


Looking back with a machine that removes a thin layer safely revealing another. A young man already showed off a new way to find lost cities last year. His method was shouted and then shouted down. It still worked though.


He pinpointed old cities locations by referencing the stars locations and mapping on the Earth associated to them.

The jungles were overgrown on some sites he pointed to so the society made it so it seemed impossible.


Then a new person arrives. Getting more and more attention for the methods she developed and began looking at removing another veil safely another. And so on.


A woman hunting for lucky objects called Sand Dollars on a sandy beach became an adventurer and now has found ways to find cities buried along the ancient shores of long banks of forgotten rivers. Rivers of water no longer flow there, but time and her new method of seeing the way the land lays found another lost city.




I watched, "Finding Dory". What an amazing coincidence?! Sand Dollars that Sarah Parcak hunted for and Sea shells the little fish Dory loved.


While I've been watching the changes in the Earth's surface after quakes and volcanic eruptions seeking another route to the center of the Earth more newbs are learning to watch where they walk and look before leaping.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm glad that those two lovely women decided to talk me out of getting a new family car from Tesla; the Tesla S. The blond curiously thought I wanted a coffee when I was staring at her boobs. The ebony haired women suggested my beer belly was less attractive then her mans six pack abs. The belly I have is all from milk. I don't know where she got the idea I could afford beer back in the days when I was looking for work.


I desired a Tesla Roadster. But that is just a day dream. I really want my own airplane that can also fly from Earth to Saturn and back in three hours so I can have breakfast on Earth, lunch (dinner) on Saturn, and be back on Earth in time have dinner (supper).


I don't know where the woman who reminds it is sun up and the woman who reminds me it is sun down got the idea I wanted a family style car.


I distinctly mentioned to all the people I talked to when they showed the Tesla Roadster. I said I was driving my F250 to Pebble Beach California to see the Tesla Roadster when it first was put on display.


I wonder if the people I talked to talked to the morning woman and the night woman?

Or if the blond (morning) woman and the white woman with the ebony hair (night) Women are making suggestions based on the conversations I had and the amount money I am able to put up on the table when they aren't there to see what I have brought back from my adventuring?


If they are they are still as unrefined as the search engines that make suggestions to us about what we might like maybe they should be assigned just to me and stop browsing through what everyone else is texting, posting and emailing others, and when I am searching the internet.


I would like a real muscle and blood flow body massage. Meaning massage that does my entire body. I keep getting suggested websites where the woman and men only offer to give my penis a massage.


Are the peoples brains getting as roboticized as computers, so much, so they can not think any better then the Search Engines? Just like those store clerks in stores who say, "Have a nice day!" when it is dark outside at 18:00 Hours.


I got robotized to greet people before doing business with the words to say, "Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening". What strange and wonderful world we live in!


But is it strange? Or is it just normal because the fact seems that everyone is getting so everyone, Even our Countries Leaders, are getting lazy?


A Childlike thought I heard, related to The Walking Dead video game, "Zombies can't get fat. Nor can they eat normal solids. So if you didn't see President Obama eating much or drinking much, you might know why now." The little boy looked at the older sister and said, "Then you're a zombie?!" Eeeeeeee!

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I remember when I was told about a computer at an F. A. A. Convention; when my Dad went there for the annual training he had to attend, held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. I was in the first grade.


They got to play a game on it.


It was the only game the computer that stood almost 4 feet tall could play on a black and white monitor that was very small. Tic, Tac, Toe.

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