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The Currently Reading Thread .........


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Edge of Eternity: book 3 in the Century series by Ken Follett.

Book one, "Fall of Giants" takes place during WW1,

Book two, "Winter of the World" is during WW2,

Book three, "Edge of Eternity" takes place during the Cold War.


Ken puts fictional persons in real life settings, often also using

real people that were there during the events. Follows the lives

of families from Russia, England, Germany, and The United States

during those time periods.

Excellent reads, and each book is about 1,000 pages....

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I'm looking in it to see if there is anything someone as old as I am hasn't broken the record for in a long time.

WIN an astronaut experience!

Kennedy Space Center

Visitor Complex.

And a Chance to Break a


no purchase necessary see page 6

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  • 2 months later...

Don't know if this has ever been done, but I would like to start a "Currently Reading" Thread. I am not an avid reader, as the book has to be superb for me not to get bored after the first page, but I'm half way through The Da Vinci Code after 4 days!


What are you lot into ATM?



Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch
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R. I. P.

Sir Terence David John Pratchett OBE (28 April 1948 – 12 March 2015)


Good Omen!


I didn't type the 's' at the end of Omen so the title of the book is correct. I'm sorry!


Here: I've corrected it.

Good Omens is the title.

It's still getting reviews on the Internet from bookstore's chat rooms.

It's one of those amazing books

which you can read over or reread


It tickles our funny bones

with descriptions of images about


modern day


we can remember

during our own


In it's story it is

Describing what children

talked about, movies, toys, and odds



they had in common

when Terry and Neil

were both

writing the book.

What a couple of creative imaginations.

R. I. P.

Sir Terence David John Pratchett OBE (28 April 1948 – 12 March 2015)

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  • 2 months later...

When a neighbor moved out, he gave me a couple of boxes

of books that had been in his basement for years. One of

the paperbacks is "The Longest Day" by Cornelius Ryan.

The book was published in 1960, and sold for 50 cents.

Most of us over 30 have seen the movie. In case you are

not familiar with the title, it refers to D Day, when The Allies

invaded France to fight the Nazis. (World War 2, 1939-1945)

Journals, notes, and interviews with those that lived through

that day went into the making of the book. There were so

many things that went wrong, it's a wonder the Allies made

out so well by the end of the day. Ryan even had a section

at the end of the book letting the readers know what some

of the people he talked with were now doing ( as of the last

few years of the 1950s when he was writing the book).

Not the most entertaining book I've ever read, but very

informative. The name of the book and movie came from

a statement Field Marshal Erwin Rommel said on the 22nd of

April 1944 to his aid:,

"Believe me, Lang, the first twenty-four hours of the invasion

will be decisive...the fate of Germany depends on the outcome.

For the Allies as well as Germany, it will be the longest day."

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