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Some people don't apreciate the old games


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Here is a OLD School game that noone rememebrs or recognizes anymore a 1980's release game called Strider when it came out for its time it was an extremely advanced side scroller game, it started out originally as a Manga,(thants a japanese comic book for those that dont know what a manga is), then went to game version for sega, then was ported over to nintendo, then pc, then latest version is the PS as the compilation disek of 1 &2. it is one of my all time favorite games.



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i made a comment about graphics vs. depth in the TES games over on a thread about Bethesda lacking storytelling ability, so I'll just comment here about non-TES games.


My big favorites of all time were New World Computing's Might and Magic series. IMO, the series stayed solid (SOLID!) up until 6 or 7, then it weakened a little. Still good up until MM9. :sick: My brain just rejected the idea of playing after watching RPGenie's Let's Play on Youtube. We won't even talk about Dark Messiah. That was NOT a Might and Magic game! I haven't tried Heroes of Might and Magic yet.


The other series I loved was anything SSI put out that was part of their Gold Box series: Pool of Radiance (not the godsawful remake from 2001, the original), etc. also the Eye of the Beholder series.


I also love Wizardry 8 :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

While I agree, I am inclined to force subjectivity on the matter.


It's not that they don't appreciate old games, it's the fact they didn't grow up on them like we did. I will still argue that SMW, SMB3 and SMB2 outdo every game that's come out in the last decade.

This, however, is because I grew up on these, and I STILL play these constantly.


Since, I however haven't grown up in the XY"Wii" age, my personal views are different from someone who did grow up in this decade. I think the Wii is a stupid concept to be honest. I think Nintendo could target dirt and still make a profit. But billions of dollars in sales prove me wrong. Again, subjectivity.


I agree, games shouldn't be entirely based on graphics. But then again, to some people, visually enhanced games are what they like. And to others, an intriguing and well written story line and in-depth characters are more important.


Also think of it this way: some people play video games as a mental challenge. They want to have to think about what to do, how to do it, and different ways of doing it. Some people just like pretty graphics and a controller so they can go around killing stuff.

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  • 3 weeks later...
It's not just graphics that hurt the quality of older games. Most older RPGs are in top down views (isometric?) and I hate that. I've played Arena which has terrible graphics by today's standards, but would knife out my eyes before I suffer through Baldur's Gate because I hate that stinking camera angle. It doesn't effect older gamers as much because some of them started gaming with text based games and anything is an improvement over that.
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It doesn't effect older gamers as much because some of them started gaming with text based games and anything is an improvement over that.
Let's not forget the advent of auto-mapping. I remember reading the back of the box of this one game(circa 1990), about how you wouldn't need graph paper to play it!


Since, I however haven't grown up in the XY"Wii" age, my personal views are different from someone who did grow up in this decade. I think the Wii is a stupid concept to be honest. I think Nintendo could target dirt and still make a profit. But billions of dollars in sales prove me wrong. Again, subjectivity.

Comparing the Wii to Some of the more complex 90s PC games is like comparing Uno to Chess. Uno is based mostly on luck, there isn't even any bluffing. Chess has ten times more depth than Uno, and one could spend years imrpving their skill. However, because Uno's simplicity, More people have played Uno than Chess. Likewise, the gaming market has changed since the nineties. More people opted for the Wii because not everyone is a hardcore gamer. The alternatives, PS3 and Xbox360, most likely intimidated consumers.

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Ive pc gamed since about 1995-6(5-6 years old lol build my first pc around 8 with my dads help) I remember Quake,Quake ll Unreal,the UT series,Starsiege(!!! I want that back so bad) Mechwarrior,NFS Diablo wow lol I remember so many classics.


Every now and then I break out my Sega Genesis to play Sonic,or my SNES and NES for some classics.I grew up with the classics,and I love them more than these new games. I found it fun dying in Mario or FO1


The Wii will be the butt of many jokes.I dont like it.Cool concept,but the tech is too far behind right now. I did Cod WAW and HATED it Wii style.


I love purdy graphics,but they dont mean anything unless theres a good story. Look at Singularity. Great game,great graphics,but what ruined it,is the mechanics,felt hollow and unfinished.The issue I have with new games is,how they feel,I dunno,half assed? Games like Starsiege dont exist anymore. Sure it wasnt the pinnacle of gaming in 1998,but it had what games lack,a good story line and plot. I was truly saddened when Sierra pulled the plug for the next SS. I like games with graphics,storyline and stable mechanics,sure I know bugs will always be there,but some games really are rushed and broke*cough*NV/MW2/BO*cough*Hype ruins games.

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Here is a OLD School game that noone rememebrs or recognizes anymore a 1980's release game called Strider

Completed it once. easily one of my top gensis games of all time. For its time it was setting the bar pretty high.


I don't agree that no one remembers it though, it was quite popular.

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