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Changes to commenting


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Robin I have a new bug. When I forgot to login and clicked add comment or whatever a new option pops up to ask me if I want to log in. Doing so in the comment box makes this happen:




Happened twice to me tonight on every occasion. I don't think I can even add a comment when this happens. When I refresh it stays the same. It's like basic HTML or something, but not as bad. When I go back the main site and try again it fixes itself because I am still logged in. This means it's not an internet problem on my part.


Edited by RegentEagle
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This is troubling really. I am helping troubleshoot on a mod right now and I can't tell him what i found.


I tried the suggestions. Refreshing does not work for me, and trying it in a new window does not work for me. I need help.


If you can't help, go back to the old way please.

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I can't post comments for uploaded files anymore...


Can you please undo these changes? It obviously doesn't work for some (or many) members. It's really not worth to ruin this great site with this.

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Hello, first thank you for creating and maintaining this wonderful site, and the many updates you have done, Great job.


I have a problem with this one however. I cannot make any comments on any pages, I can edit my comments (a popup comes up to edit) if I try to add a comment I get an IE error.

Error line 54

char 2

Error-could not get the display properly, invalid arguement



I have no idea what all that means, but am hoping you do.

does this mean I need to change a setting in Internet exploder?

or is it a problem with the new "adding comments"


I have tried the ctrl+f5 several times, it did not help


Thank you for any assistance


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PEOPLE HAVING PROBLEMS...Please fully read what I said in my news post:


These changes were tested on IE, Fire Fox and Chrome in various resolutions. If you come across a problem first press Ctrl + F5 in your browser; this will refresh all the content on the page from scratch rather than using your browser cache. If the problem persists please provide feedback containing the problem and how to replicate it, what browser you're using, what version of the browser you are using and at what screen resolution you're running at.


I NEED the details in bold if I'm going to troubleshoot your problem. You can't just come on and say "it's not working" without giving me more information on your current setup. As said I've tested this update in the latest vanilla versions of IE, Fire Fox and Chrome. If it's not working for you you need to tell me your browser, your version number and any other pertinent information such as what plug-ins or software you are using that might block scripts on websites.


Without this information I can't troubleshoot the problem for you.

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