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1.4 Out on Tuesday


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Apparently 1.4 is meant to be released on Tuesday. No idea about server arrangements just yet.


Hope it has fixed the server crashes, crash to desktop, red tag bug... Looking forward to getting the GS server back online - shame I'm on holiday from the 19th :) :( .

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I can't imagine they DIDN'T fix it... about this red tag bug: i encountered a blue tag bug, i got teamkilled all the time by a guy who was constantly at the base. So after a few times i got this pissed of i killed him...... and scored points. I checked and indeed he was on the other side of the score list.... an enemy in blue :S
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its about time, i havenet touched bf2 for weeks. The server crashes should be fixed coz it'll just be a waste of a patch.


Couldnt of been timed more perfectly, i have an exam tomorrow morning, guess what i'll be doing after that.

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Ash has found some time to play and convinced me to join in and get me away from my busy workschedule so yeah last couple of days were fun, hope the fun gets better with this patch and the inevetable return of GS ;D
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you're pooting me right? source?


At least a 24 hours delay Source


Although the patch was announced to be released today (by EA Spain), it seems a small bug has been found and needs to be fixed before patch release. The release of patch 1.4 has been postponed 24 hours in order to allow more testing and the fix of this small bug.


We will keep you up to date about this issue.

Better a good and fixed patch than a hotfix release next week !

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Better a good and fixed patch than a hotfix release next week !


right... couldn't they have thought of that with patch numero uno?


anyway is it true the patch will bring a new map and a new game mode?

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Our sources have told us that EA has delayed the BF2 1.4 Patch by at least a week (7 days). There is a slight possibility that it may be released before a week, but the outcome does not look great at this moment. If more information becomes available, we will let you know.


From Planet Battlefield. GG. Please don't buy 2142. Just don't.

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