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Post here if you need voice actors for mods, or if you'd offer you


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Volunteered to do some work for PaladinRider, figured I'd post my line readings in case anyone else wanted voice work done.


Lucky 38 Waiter Lines


Most of that is in my normal voice, though I have some range if needed. At the end is some ghoul stuff, which I decided I'd expand upon.


Surly Well-kept Ghoul


The ghoul I'm doing is in pretty good condition, but I can also sound more decayed if needed. I also threw in an attempt at an angry super mutant, which is a bit iffy. Send me a PM or whatever if you can use me.

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Help needed with 'A World of Pain'

NPCs Voice Patch:

This is something I would not be able to do on my own anyway. Many of you have already volunteered on the AWOP comments page and given the amount of NPCs with dialogue in AWOP everyone will be welcome. :)

Before most work can begin however, the whole project needs a co-ordinator with the ability to take audio contributions and bring them into the game matching lip-sync and such. As soon as someone steps forward to fill this role I can then pass all the individual audio contributions on to them.


Let me know if you are interested in helping out in any way and I’ll happily fill you in on any details.

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To Floatsup, If you want an interesting robotic voice, when not use a Guilt Spark effect?I'm using the spoiler thing to save space, and the site I found this on is about to disappear so I'm saving the tutorial as well.

The first part is a tutorial using Song Vegas 6.0These steps proceed only after you have placed a sound clip on an audio track:

  • 1. Right-click the sound clip on the audio track.
  • 2. Select Apply Non-Real-Time Event FX...
  • 3. Select the "All" plug-ins folder.
  • 4. Click once on the Flange/Wah-Wah plugin to select it.
  • 5. Click the Add button to add the effect to your plug-ins chain.
  • 6. Click once on the Chorus plugin to select it.
  • 7. Click the Add button to add the effect to your plug-ins chain.

(You may also double-click a plugin to add it to the plug-ins chain)8. Click the OK button to enter the effect's settings window.(Use the plug-in chain near the top of the window to switch between each effect's settings)9. Apply these settings for the Flang/Wah-Wah plugin:Effect: Flange

  • Dry out: 0.0 dB
  • Wet out: 2.0 dB
  • Rate: 0.1 Hz
  • Depth: 70%

9. Apply these settings for the Chorus plugin:

  • Input gain: -6.7 dB
  • Dry out: -29.9 dB
  • Chorus out: 0.0 dB
  • Chorus size: 3
  • Modulation rate: 0.001 Hz
  • Modulation depth: 50%
  • Feedback: 20%
  • Chorus out delay: 10.0 ms

10. Click the OK button to finalize the settings.11. It will prompt you to save the new sound file, so name it and save it wherever you want.12. The old sound clip will be automatically replaced with the new sound clip on the audio track.I've added another effect (Chorus) to add on to the flange effect to sound even more like a monitor. And I've also changed the flange effect settings a little bit.You could also use the Pitch Shift plug-in to raise the pitch of your voice if needed.Trying to mimic Guilty Spark's voice while recording helps too. And here is a version of the effect using Audacity, however they say the Song Vegas one sounds better.Effect: DelayDecay amount: 10Delay time: 0.009Number of echoes: 30Then click effect > Repeat Delay about 3 or 4 times.". This is the closest I have found in Audacity. "




Hey Wayne.


Im sorry but I didn;t follow you here. Is there a certain package I need? Audicity?



Cause I'm in definite need of voice now. Im approaching version 1.8 now. Would have had it up there a few backs, but its spring, and gorgeous out. So I split from the keyboard to get some fresh air. Except now my allergies have me back in doors. :(


So back to geck. Anyway put out a new release today. Im gonna tweak this mini quest, but it should help me enough to get my main quest going. The script for the delivery is now in, and I'll be play testing extensively the next weeks. Once its done though, its only a matter of tying up loose ends around version 190. At 200 its done. So I could definitly use some voice at this point. Not everything is set, but there will be about 40 NPC's that need voices. Everyone in the mod, will get something to say, even if they dont have any dialog. Working the little peices out now. Mostly theres only about 10 major characters. Thats the brunt of the quest people. But I want to have some background info on people and places.


Anyway cheers

Edited by Floatsup
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Voice actors needed for Fallout Machinima - Cops in the Wasteland, Episode #3 "The Terminated Man". The series jumps between Fallout 3 and Fallout NV, this segment is all in fallout 3, but this is a good active thread for voice acting and the Fallout 3 forum does not have a good standing thread (although I will post this there too).


The three characters I could use voicing for are:


1. Bartender - Male or Female voice young or old, does not matter.


2. Doctor Preston - Male voice 20-50 no special tone needed.


3. Doctor Pinkerton - Male voice 40-60. Looking for someone with lively animated voice.


The whole script for the episode (minus 1 scene that was filmed long ago) can be downloaded at http://machinimapira...m/?page_id=2142 the password to open the .pdf is "nexus".

I did individual character sheets to identify the dialog for each character and make your reading easier (included in download .pdf).


I can voice all these myself, but thought someone might be looking to practice there voice skills. Just drop me a PM if interested in particular character.


Thanks in advance!

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I'm up for some voice acting. I just got done with a character for Mothership Zeta Crew, so I'd really like to jump into something else. I can do a wide variety of accents, but you might need to give me a while to make sure I get it right, if it's an accent I'm unfamiliar with.


Don't know if I'm even remotely appropriate, but if you think I might be useful to you, let me know.


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I need female and male voices for 3-4 sounds files. You would just need to yell "Freeze!", "Drop your weapons!" or something like that... :thumbsup: And by yelling, I mean it!

PM me if interested!

Edited by sagittarius22
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