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Post here if you need voice actors for mods, or if you'd offer you


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Hi I'm a producer that's heavy in sound design and audio engineering. In a lot of my time producing i came across a lot of crazy sounds and effects i couldn't even use in my music,but would sound cool for a video game or movie as well as a few voice overs. I'm not sure how i would do with voice acting since i never did it before and maybe i'm off topic,but with what i know in engineering I could also pull that off too depending what it is. Would probably be best at sounding like a monster,alien, robot, a ghost, and maybe more. If anyone wants to contact me send me a PM. https://soundcloud.com/chaotic-sonics this is a link to my sound cloud of some of my music. There are two songs i put vocal effects in one song is Fury (I say Fury before the drop which might be hard to understand since i made that song really loud with a lot of distortion) and stellar (I took the worst singing in the world and made it musical with a vocoder then turned it female which worked surprisely, delt when some issues in latency so lyrics may be hard to understand also the ending part is very experimental and i have no idea how to describe what it sounds like,but it was interesting enough to do)


(Edit: Forgot to mention I have my own condesner mic, alot of high qualty plug ins, can edit and repair audio, and will work for free unless money is generated some how through the project. I mostly want to my own sounds, effects and whatever work I do in a Fallout NV mod to enjoy the expierence of playing my favorite game with work i put into which is why i would do it for free and of course credit if the project doesn't get any money. I can also come up with some interesting storylines and ideas as well.)

Edited by bloodlord1989
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I guess I'll post some simple info about myself. Most important thing is I don't know how to use the GECK, and I have no sound equipment besides the built-in mic on my laptop. So, yeah. Also, I don't know how to edit sound. But I'll voice act anything you want me to, so long as I have the ability and you're comfortable with my voice acting. Anyways, here's that info I was talking about! ^_^




Name is James

18 Years of Age


I can do a pretty decent Russian Accent, but it sounds a little off sometimes. Can't fix it.

I can do my regular voice, which has a slight Southern accent.

My EBA accent is good. (I don't know if it's English or British or Australian, so I call it EBA)

I'm Male, and tell me if you'd like to hear a voice sample through the Private Messages! This is usually all I do all day, so I'll respond within 48 Hours most of the time.



Again, never done this before, but I need to start somewhere. I may have some questions for you if you hire me.

Edited by WolfyRedfox
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Hello. Somebody told me about this post as I had a request for female members of the nexus that are interested in do some voice acting for female NPC in a quest mod I am working. If you decide to accept, please contact me. I have made three fully voiced mods ( you can watch them if you like) ,but I always have felt the lack of voiced females npc cause I cant do female voices. As I said, contact me if you are inerested.

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Hello folks. Still looking for voice actress for Lunette (about 2100 lines of dialogue)




Here's the video



Also I have another role in this mod - about 100 lines. If you can do deep badass voices (like Lanius (http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Lanius) or Ulysses (http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Ulysses) please respond.


Mod is 100% ready and tested . The only thing that remains is voice acting.

Edited by tomm434
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Hello. I just have finished the quest mod with all male characters voiced. I only need to voice three female characters to upload it. The mod have been tested and is ready, except for that detail. The characters to voice are:


A seven years old girl

A young woman

and a 80 years old lady


Please if some female memeber of the nexus if interested, contact. This is my hotmail: [email protected]. I will credit the person who accept for voice acting. Thanks

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I'm looking for someone to do a small role in a mod I'm working on. I originally had someone for it but he backed out. :sad: Basically, I need someone to play a legion frumentarus (those spies they have in the game, like Vulpes Inculta), so I'm looking for someone male, preferably with some kind of American accent. It's not a very big role, only around 8-10 lines, plus a few combat lines if the player chooses to attack you. If anyone is interested, send me a message here on the Nexus.




Edited to add: I somehow managed to misspell "chooses". Fixed it.

Edited by Gerokeymaster
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Hello, I'm looking for a female voice for the main character of an upcoming quest/follower mod. A badass chick from the future type of thing. Preferably with an American accent but doesn't have to be. PM me if you are interested in donating hours of your time for nothing but appreciation, adoration, and honorable mention. Oh and the chance to see yourself talking as a character in Fallout 3. Thanks for your time!

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Hey! My name is Adoxographist and I am a female voice actor who'd be more than happy to volunteer my voice!

My voice range is mid-low to mid-high, and slightly grainy. I get asked to play a lot of young boys, tomboys and mothers, if that helps in anyway? Hahaha.

Either way, my current mic is a blue yeti and you can hear some samples of my work... here: https://soundcloud.com/adoxtalks


If you wanna reach me more reliably, my e-mail address is Adoxographist @hotmail.com

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