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Post here if you need voice actors for mods, or if you'd offer you


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Hello everyone Looking for a voice actor.

Details are as Follows - Needs to be either Scottish or can do a good Scottish accent - Male - Age 30-40 - Mic Quality has to be decent

If you're interested contact me either on the Nexus, Steam (id : roryno1) or my Skype (rorymctague1)

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I doubt much people still lurk this forum.

Age: Mid-Twenties

Gender: Male
Skills:An odd wide range of voice types, from satanic ghoul to magical girl... (It scares me some times.)

Experience: Over a decade of working with various projects from; Machinima, audio dramas/radio plays,  games, flash animations, podcasts and etc, etc...

Oh, you want to listen to that mouth hole sound?
Demo reel:


Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/mrnekomata

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Hello all you homies and gangster fellows. I'm a dude with a clear, enunciated (means I don't mumble!) speaking voice, which is relatively deep and kind of raspy if I'm just talking like a normal person. I've also got a fairly broad range, which lends itself well to playing people, ghouls, robots, mutants, eldritch abominations, Sanic Hegehog, and women who sound like men.

You can check out my work heeeere: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9HOnuCns7fmBbP4za6rfkw

Or heeeere: http://yourlisten.com/jackson5555

Or you can just, y'know, play some of the mods I've done stuff for.

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Big fan of Skyrim, Oblivion, Fallout 3 & NV, and have frequented their Nexus sites for years. I posted this on the Skyrim forum eariler, but I figured I'd put it here too. I have a decent chunk of experience with both acting & editing, so I'm confident I can provide acceptable sound bytes for serious modders.

Name: Micah

Age: Late 20's

Sex: Male

Origin: USA

Active: I can commit to both small and large roles for serious mod projects only. (Unfortunately, not for test or practice projects)

Experience: (IMDB)

Online Voice References: Mini VO Demo - Soundcloud. (Go here for more extensive acting work)

Playable Races: Any. Well, for the most part. (I can do a wide variety of accents, tempos & tones).

Skills: I can produce and edit my own audio bytes. All I need is a script, some direction, and for the modder to specify how he/she wants to files broken up, encoded, and delivered. (The first part of my above VO sample was recorded with my current audio setup.)

Equipment: RODE Shotgun Mic, H4N, CS6 (Audio Editing)

Time Restraint: I have a very short turnover time. Depending on the size of the role, anywhere from one day to a week.

Credit: All I ask is to be credited in the usual credits section of the description box of that particular mod.

Do's/Dont's: Anything up to an "R" rating. (Nothing "XXX" or similar.)

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I've a quaint multi-quest mod that'll be ready in a weekISH.


I'm wondering if there are people experienced with this process of using volunteer voice actors, how long it can take and the process of transferring/adding the files to the mod (re: do I have to individually rename each sound file). Is .OGG the best file type and such?


the companions (all will have 60-80ish lines)-


Arthur, male ghoul wise and philosophical


Liam, smart ass charming 20 something


Jonathon, high energy 50 year old hippy


Andrew, serious, critial and 'to the point' 30 year old


Steven, practical and generous handyman (would like AC/DC if they we're around) 48ish


Chelsey, 30ish female sexy psychopath



Character NPCs-


David Shebib- 70ish, down to business, smart leader. (15ish lines)


Louie- 70ish super gardener (12ish lines)


Joshua- 30ish dubstep music guy (8ish lines)


Vanessa- Shebib's daughter. Pleasant and pretty single mom of two. 40ish (25ish lines)


Ava- Vanessa's 8 year old daughter (6ish lines)


Arrow- Vanessa's 1.8 year old toddler. male.(6ish lines)


Hilde (Hill-dee)- employee of Crimson Caravan. sexy and ragged street-wise 30ish female (10ish lines)


a generic male thug voice and a generic female thug voice (10ish lines each)




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templeofninpo, it depends on how fast you work. You need to rename each file individually. But you have less that 100 lines so I think you'll manage to do it in 2 hours max (including the time you get used to this process).

I don't know about .ogg. Lip files acre usually created from wavs. Don't forget to install Skyrim fonix data to make lip files directly from Fallout GECK.





Oh you have more than 100 lines, I didn't noticed at first. Make it 3 hours max of very very repititive stuff.

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I'm looking for 3 male actors for side quest for Lunette (http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/58709/?)



Adam - 42 lines

Calm, Aristocratic voice.

My name is Adam. I'm the owner of "Jenson caravans". Ever heard of them?

You look like a man who needs a favour and it's your best interest to get rid of that band.



Bob and generic goons - 19lines

Simple generic goon voice.

Stop right there you scum. Where did you get this uniform?

You're trying my patience, Bob.


Nomad - 23 lines

Bandit Boss. Voice which shows authority (but not necessarily deep)

So, what a guy like you forgot in this place?

What a waste of time. {Bored} Kill them.



I'll send you lines in a .txt file.

I can't clean up lines so please prepare to do it yourself. I'd like to receive lines in good recording quality.

Please PM me with your samples.

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