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I Will Be Going To Bethesda Studios To Meet The Developers


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Hope it turns out awesome :)


My first wish would be for open cities so that guards do something other than arrest you. Fighting off monsters to protect the little scared inhabitants.


Other things:

-Crossbows & more diverse bows (archery is boring with one kind of weapon).

-More sidequests

-And of course the ability to drop lit torches. It is weird that no one mentioned it. It is one of the most useful things other than hitting your enemy hehe.

-Also in together with previous suggestion, throwing it at the enemy to stagger them and inflict some fire damage (I think this was in Deadly Reflex right?).

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I really think that an expansion for Skyrim should be where you can go to Akavir(the contenant on the eastern side of Nirn).

in rumors in oblivion it says that theres been an expedition to Akivir from Morrowind suposedly led by the Nereverine.

I would really want to find out more about what bethesda had in mind for expansions and DLC.Also i hope that all DLC will be available for PS3 players.

Edited by deadramage
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Going to Akavir and meeting the Nerevarine would be detrimental to the Morrowind players. Hell, even investigating the Nereverine's expedition would be jarring because it would be impossible to match it up to every single character archetype, saying he left to Akavir was the best way to write him out of the story.


I know that I wouldn't want to go to Cyrodiil and meet the Champion of Cyrodiil only to find that instead of my Dual-personality Dunmer, it's some overly-chivalrous Imperial in Imperial Dragon armor.


But I do agree that going to Akavir would be pretty damn awesome. It is, however, something they should do in a seperate game, it's a whole new continent that has the potential to have all the elements that made Tamriel great.

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Yes, thats the way it should be. They will never make an entire province a DLC for a game. I hasn't been done so far and it never will. Hope that they will make a game in the future based on the other provinces though, that's what you should do.
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With 34 pages to this, searching became loathsome. I am not sure the status of the individual heading to Bethesda, but I wish well in his tribulation.


With that, I did want to offer my own two cents. Anyone else in the community wants to comment on it, they are more than welcome to:


Two things specifically that have plagued (IMO), at least Oblivion:


1) Poisoning your weapons: Arrows, with single poison strike, make sense. Bow's having poison abilities, unless as an enchantment, do not make sense. Bladed weapons, or blunt ones for that matter, should have multiple poison uses. The act of poisoning a weapon, does not restrict it to one use only. My recommended fix, is a poison slot. Or, to keep it general and not 'class restrictive' an enhancement slot. If a poison vial is added to the slot, the weapon should then have a certain amount of strikes available as poisoned ones. Or, make poison vials easier to make, and place a certain number of them in the enhancement slot. So, if the player has a dagger equipped with 20 poison vials in the enhancement slot, that would mean the next 20 strikes (regardless of where you actually hit, be it a tree or a shield) are laced with poison.


2) Magic Resistances based on clothing and shields: This is easily explained. If you are wearing all leather armor, and it's durability is at %100, then you should have a naturally high resistance to lightning magic. Once the durability reaches, lets say %75, then your high resistance gets halved (and so on). Same thing for shields: if I use an Iron shield, then fireball attacks should be able to be deflected (can be done as a 'chance' percentage) while lightning based attacks would still go through (or, because metal conducts much easier, then have the attack be given a small chance of causing extra damage OR force the character attacked to stunned, or at least move very slowly, with the 'block' still activated, to allow a flanking melee attack a better chance of occurring, since they wont be able to move and block).


I realize some of that will be program language heavy, and offer more chances for errors and CTD and such to occur. But it would still be nice to see something attempted, to the likes described above.


Again, those are just my two cents.

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Bethesda said indeed that Tamriel was the size of Europe, but they also said the games are just to look how it's like. That in real Tamriel it could take with Black horse running all the way four weeks to travel from Bruma to Cloud Ruler Temple. Also they are saying that the games become bigger and bigger. The last I made up because they say Skyrim will have the same size as Oblivion. But if you see the lore maps, you see that Skyrim is smaller then Cyrodiil! Great isn't it?


Very many luck with your situesation!

Edited by louvre
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Well I'm sure they won't disappoint us like they did with fallout new vegas. They might even release more DLCs than they did for Oblivion. That will be a good question to ask them.
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Great news my dad had colon cancer and he has been 8 years cancer free and I gave a few polyps in my nose thankfully there benine or how ever u spell it. Only thing I can think of is immortalizing your self ask them if you could they could put a non killable box in a main city make it look like u and be named u even record your voice that would be epic
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I'm sure someone has already placed this as a question but I'll put it up as a question anyways. :tongue: The voice of the Dunmers (Dark elves), in all of the Elder Scrolls-series has (to my knowledge) had that classical, awesome raspy tone but due to some problems with the audio and voices - They had a "normal" tone in Oblivion. Has this been sorted out? :turned:
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