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Steam Service Providers, and some how needing to clarify the Nexus stance again


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Good to see you clarify some things with a post in the front page, you should have do this in the first one to evade that kind of ****, but I think you do enough already and you are honest, I respect that (And seeing you sacrifice your holiday to stay here is just wow, good to see you really care about this, but try to take a break soon, nobody is made of iron).


I really dislikes what becomes our mod community, cash tends to corrupt everything and should only be a optional in modding, but I am sure that will not happen and this is something that is here to stay. We become developers of DLC's of low cost.


The only thing I could think to minimize a bit this **** is make rules for what kind of mods should be sell. Armors, textures, weapons, is all cool and take time of modder, but should be free (This probably will make hard to people steal small mods) , only mods that add something really heavy should be sell, like Falksaar, Wyrmstooth, Nehrim, etc. And the most important rule should be "Minimal impact and conflicts with other mods", is enough to have to pay for the mod and still have problem with others and risk of crashins and corrupt saves.

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The most worrying thing is this kind of thing is happening in all industries. It's also the case that these things happen subtley and very slowly and therefore makes it very expensive to stay ahead of the game. That is to say it could have been a problem for Valve had groups of modders created a legal team who had set out protection for "UGC".


I think the best line of defence is to appeal to the hearts and minds of the community and to promote the donations schemes as the less "middle men" invloved the better for both users and modders.


But remember this is ripe in the media and entertainment industries so be vigilant and try support small and non profit creators.

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In response to post #24639724.

MSFoxhound wrote:

My biggest concern over this is the possible enacting of a DRM (Digital Rights Management) policy within user-created mods. It's bad enough that DRM has invaded PC gaming over the years & has become quite intrusive. I don't condone or support piracy in any way, shape or form period. However, if DRM ends up in user-created mods, said policy will only fuel the piracy trade even more. We already pay $60.00 (I don't know how much games are in the EU since I'm from the U.S) a game here in the U.S, plus the cost of additional DLC. Now companies like Valve & Bethesda want mod authors to start charging for mods in an effort to profit handsomely from the mod community's work. The policy of 75%-25% just reeks of corporate greed, with the largest percentage belonging to Valve/Bethesda. As if Valve/Bethesda don't rake in enough money as it stands now off the sales of games & DLC. I'm sorry but I don't condone or support paid mods period for the above reasons. Mods should be a free source of content as it always has been. This will ultimately lead to the total destruction of the modding community at large in the future just so companies like Valve/Bethesda can earn more profits each quarter. It makes me sad that our community could end up destroyed over Valve's/Bethesda's lust for all the power/money they can get.
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The only way to fight this is to not partake in it on any level. Sadly the Nexus has decided to be associated with Valve. Even to be profiting at a small level means you approve of their actions and support them. I appreciate all that the Nexus has done. I am shocked that they have allied with Valve, but that is their decision.


This all reminds me of corruption... pay off all resistance or tempt them with offers and remove obstacles. In this case Valve involved the Nexus and made them allies with small profits. In the end they will swallow you, they have the resources and legal expertise. Sometimes just letting someone get a small hold or their foot in the door is enough to make your house fall. I hope this is not the case, but I think that is going to be the end result.


I hope the Nexus survives this and continues to be a supporter of the open modding community.

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I hate that the fine and respected modders, such as Chesko is getting thrown to the wolves. That is something that weighs heaviest upon me to see out of this whole ordeal.


I'm certain Robin is doing, and have done, his research (as he explains), but is the quote "25% to the mod author, 40% to Bethesda, 35% to Valve." true?

I'm inclined to believe it is so, as I've been certain Bethesda was very much involved in this from the get go, as they would stand to profit significantly from it being a success.

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In response to post #24643924.

Vidicus wrote:

To quote you:

"The only way to fight this is to not partake in it on any level"
So you're saying people should not be paid for the work they've put into a project for a game? They absolutely must release it for free, no questions asked? Would you also ask that a repairman fix anything and everything in your house for free (assuming you don't like in an apartment that typically provides repairs at their expense)? Or that your vehicle should have all repairs provided for free, with no warranty, registration or insurance requirements? Or what if your PC/laptop/tablet/smartphone has an issue, if it's out of warranty should it also be repaired for free?

"This all reminds me of corruption..."
Ooooh you're one of those, "Money is the root of all evil," people aren't you?

Did you even read the article above? Some quotes for your viewing pleasure:

"Most importantly, I ensured that it was the mod author's complete and utter choice as to whether they wanted the Nexus to receive a cut of Valve's cut in all of this."

"So what we have here is Valve coming to me, in a positive and open exchange, with no strings attached, offering to share some of their split of the profit they receive from specific mod authors who have specifically stated when they upload their mods that they would like the Nexus to receive some of Valve's cut of the profit. Wrap your head around it. Mod authors using the paid workshop system say "I like the Nexus, I feel like the Nexus has helped me or the community at some point, I would like to support the Nexus, I'm going to donate some of Valve's cut to the Nexus". So the Nexus gets a trickle of funds, for free, for no extra work and for no promises of allegiance or support of Steam Workshop."

"I will champion and fight for modding being allowed to remain free and open on any platforms that want to remain free and open, like the Nexus, like ModDB, and all the individual modding communities out there for games. I will fight against the DRMification of modding. I will fight, as I always, always have, for an author's right to choose how and where a mod author distributes their work. And I will most definitely fight against anyone who chooses to persecute, attack or seek "revenge" against mod authors who have chosen to sell their mods. Because that is wrong. It's f*#@ing wrong. And I do not swear in these posts lightly."

People posting their mods, decide what to ask for them in terms of money. Not the Nexus, not Valve. Read. Stop posting your shot-from-the-hip s#*!.
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