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Does anyone still play Skyrim?


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I just started new characters in both Skyrim and Oblivion. Both of them argonians. My favorite race in Oblivion were the redguards, but this argonian is showing signs of having his act together. I'm running Frostfall in Skyrim too, but I detuned the exposure rate (argonians are cold-blooded, so it seems right).

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I still play, though like most people who have been part of the modding community for a good number of years I have not escaped the sting recent events have left.

Honestly I love Skyrim too much both fantastically modded and just plain old vanilla to let recent events push me away from it.


Don't get me wrong I'm not saying I don't care about what happened, because I do and it really broke my heart to see so many people turn on each other almost at the drop of a hat. Mistakes were made and emotions ran wild on all sides involved leading to more mistakes, but thats part of being human, the best thing we can do is learn from them and take steps to try not repeat history or at least ensure the damage is not nearly as bad the next time.


Will the community ever be the same? No, some of the damage done will be remain as shameful scars of a dark point in our history. However this doesn't mean things will go down hill from here. Sure it might not be the same but that doesn't mean that things won't get better, this tragedy might open the way for a new golden age for this modding community for all any of us know.

I for one have hopes for a brighter future and believe it is within grasp if we want it. We're at a crossroad right now with paths leading to various possible futures some good some bad. The choices we as a community make in the months and even years to come will decide the direction we go for better or worse.

It won't be easy creating a postive future as even a road towards a better tomorrow is not with out its bumps especially with some past bitterness still hanging around in the air. Still it is a journey we can all can make if we really want too.


So I say keep playing if you want and keep modding if you want, the real world is too serious often brutally so and life too short to deny oneself what decent pleasure they can find.

Jesus man, there's a waifu pack and a texture replacer on the hot files, everythings clearly back to perfect normalcy

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Never stopped playing Skyrim since I first got it.

Even when I couldn't find the time to play for months, I still visited the Nexus, gotta keep tabs on lots of promising mods.


Also noteworthy that I play with Steam set to offline. And I imagine plenty others do so, too.

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The number of the mods for Skyrim is huge and still increasing.

Neither Oblivion can claim such numerous community for modding Skyrim.


Hence I think the number of players of Skyrim is huge.

When will came out TES VI well this is a different story.

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Hell (Oblivion?) yes I'm still playing! And it's largely because of the modding community that I still am (312 active mods according to NMM). I fear the only thing that is going to pull me away from this game is TES VI; but seeing as that appears to be a ways away yet, here I will stay.

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After playing ESO for a while I grew bored without new content and mod-ability. So here I am back at Skyrim to recreate the game I'm missing. Unfortunately, I forgot how much time I spend adjusting for mod compatibility and load order. Until a new TES with the same mod-ability, Skyrim is my true love

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Thank you. That "Does anyone still play Skyrim?" just made my day. :D


People even play Morrowind, not to mention Oblivion. I have not yet finished the main quest of Skyrim, either. Saving it as some sort of a 'treat' for the end... whenever it may come. Come to think of it, I have not yet finished the Oblivion main quest, either. Some day I really need to stop saving them as 'treats' for the end of the game or I will never play them through...


Even when the next singleplayer Elder Scrolls game comes out, I believe there will still be people playing Skyrim. ESO is probably not something I am going to play. I have watched all sorts of reviews and videos of it, and it seems a bit... crowded for me. Also, it lacks the customisablity of singleplayer ES games. And its size is formidable... 80GB? What would they expect me to do if I ever bought it? Spend the next six months downloading it with my... umm... relatively inexpensive internet connection?


Next year, it will be Skyrim's fifth anniversary - and Oblivion's tenth (if I can count, that is...). :smile:


Edit: There is no monthly payment thing in Online anymore? Oh no... :ohmy: Perhaps I might one day try it, after all. It will still take six months to download it, though...

Edited by PhilippePetain
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