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So Windows 10 is actually spyware.

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Yeah I've seen those Futuremark things too, and they do look very promising. But we've yet to see any games take hold of it (at least that I'm aware of). It'd be awesome if DX12 did take off and did deliver performance like that, but at the same time I doubt it's anything we'll see in the immediate future. This is 100% a guess on my part, mostly based on how quickly/slowly (depending on how you view it) DX9/10/11 came about. I think the big "gotchas" here, however, are that DX11.3 is supposed to offer similar functionality to DX12, and nVidia and AMD have provided pretty significant commitments for backwards compatibility with 11.3/12 on existing hardware (and neither of these has ever happened before), so maybe DX12 will be helped along by those things. On the other hand, it may end up in the same boat as Mantle as an "alternative choice" for users with appropriate hardware/software. Again, just guessing here - only time will really tell.



I rather see these promised gains as the proverbial carrot. Microsoft targets the PC gaming community with the magic word "performance gain". There is another interesting article, which theorizes that probably the DX11 -> DX11.1 scenario will play out again in terms of backwards compatibility and enhanced features that do require purchasing new hardware. (http://www.pcworld.com/article/2873545/dont-panic-directx12-wont-require-a-new-graphics-card-after-all.html). The other part of the Windows user pool is apparently lured into upgrading by the 1-year free upgrade offer. If something is offered for free (as in free drinks), it's a 100-percent certainty that you will be paying for it with something else. And I strongly suspect, it's your personal data. By the way, AMD has already shelved Mantle in favor of DX12 (https://community.amd.com/community/gaming/blog/2015/05/12/on-apis-and-the-future-of-mantle The key sentence: " However, if you are a developer interested in Mantle "1.0" functionality, we suggest that you focus your attention on DirectX® 12 or GLnext.").


Another interesting article that reviews Win 10 from a Windows 7 user's point of view:




As to Windows Defender:

I've just installed a third-party Antivirus on my old notebook that I use to test Win 10. Indeed, installing a third-party AV application disables Windows Defender. It is no longer running, and it's startup is set to "Manual".



Completely agree on the first part. Thanks for the link on Mantle (I honestly expected something like that to happen; but hadn't heard anything). Thanks for confirming on Defender.

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One more article:


These guys ran a few tests using games on both Win 8.1 and Win 10 for performance comparison.




Even if you take those caveats they posted into consideration, apparently switching to Win 10 means little to nothing in terms of performance when you run existing games. In the light of this information, I would hold off upgrading to Win 10 (even until July 29, 2016) or buying a new video card that allegedly supports Dx12 (unless, of course, replacing your card is long overdue).

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While it's true that they're spying on us, selling our data, etc., you should know almost all large tech companies and sites do this, the NSA's "Project Prism" buys off all our Facebook messages, Gmail E-mail's, Outlook email's, messages, IM's like whatsapp, LINE etc.


Just a few months ago the UK's GCHQ and the US's CIA attempted to hack 19 Indian Mobile services and 5 Pakistani Telecommunications services along with several ISP's. Luckily the Pakistani company called Ufone traced the hack back to their office after which they gave a public apology. The ISI, CIA, FBI, RAW, GCHQ, they all have our mobiles tapped they monitor our lives. Few people are able to resist this and those people get 20 years.

We have no private moments, unless you completely cut yourself off from the world you're every step is monitored. London has an estimated 4.6 - 6 million security camera's placed in it.


In my opinion I have nothing to hide, I do nothing illegal, my information isn't being sold to corporations so I'm pretty much okay with it.


Welcome to planet Earth.

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In one of my first computer science courses the instructor told us there are no secrets on a computer. to NEVER put anything on a computer that you don't want everyone to know. That was in 1979. 36years ago. Things haven't really changed. :pinch:


Remember, just because you are paranoid, that doesn't mean they aren't out to get you. http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd212/ahrenriddle/tinfoilhat1.gif

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While it's true that they're spying on us, selling our data, etc., you should know almost all large tech companies and sites do this, the NSA's "Project Prism" buys off all our Facebook messages, Gmail E-mail's, Outlook email's, messages, IM's like whatsapp, LINE etc.

Which is why I don't use gmail, don't use outlook, don't use these IM services, and similar.


Just because these practices are being done does not mean we should just blindly accept them as fact.

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It's almost impossible to not use these services. If I buy an Android smartphone I have to create a gmail account, if I get an iPhone I have to make an account. iPhones have imessage present in them since the begging, android mobiles have various applications pre-installed. Sure tech-savvy people like you and I can create a customized OS without useless apps but 99% of people cannot do that.

A year ago I was pretty crazy about all this stuff, all my backups were encrypted, I changed my computer's DNS adress regularly, I spoofed my MAC, I had 2 VPN's (I still use a VPN but for different reasons) but there's really no point since I have nothing at all to hide.

It's obviously unfair that they're stealing our data but if one doesn't want their data stolen so bad then they'll have to completely cut themselves off from the world which is pretty much impossible. :confused:

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It's almost impossible to not use these services. If I buy an Android smartphone I have to create a gmail account, if I get an iPhone I have to make an account. iPhones have imessage present in them since the begging, android mobiles have various applications pre-installed. Sure tech-savvy people like you and I can create a customized OS without useless apps but 99% of people cannot do that.

A year ago I was pretty crazy about all this stuff, all my backups were encrypted, I changed my computer's DNS adress regularly, I spoofed my MAC, I had 2 VPN's (I still use a VPN but for different reasons) but there's really no point since I have nothing at all to hide.

It's obviously unfair that they're stealing our data but if one doesn't want their data stolen so bad then they'll have to completely cut themselves off from the world which is pretty much impossible. :confused:

How much jizz needs to be added to the pizza you ordered before you call to complain? Just because you've eaten half of it before realizing that something was added that you don't want doesn't mean you should just shrug and eat the other half.


You can make a gmail account without actually using it for anything. You don't have to use those services to communicate with people or transmit anything beyond overly generic habits. You don't have to be tech savy... All you have to do is get fed up enough that you simply don't want to use those services for anything more than what is required. If you want less abusive alternatives, you need to support them, share them, and work with them.

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It's almost impossible to not use these services. If I buy an Android smartphone I have to create a gmail account, if I get an iPhone I have to make an account. iPhones have imessage present in them since the begging, android mobiles have various applications pre-installed. Sure tech-savvy people like you and I can create a customized OS without useless apps but 99% of people cannot do that.

A year ago I was pretty crazy about all this stuff, all my backups were encrypted, I changed my computer's DNS adress regularly, I spoofed my MAC, I had 2 VPN's (I still use a VPN but for different reasons) but there's really no point since I have nothing at all to hide.

It's obviously unfair that they're stealing our data but if one doesn't want their data stolen so bad then they'll have to completely cut themselves off from the world which is pretty much impossible. :confused:

How much jizz needs to be added to the pizza you ordered before you call to complain? Just because you've eaten half of it before realizing that something was added that you don't want doesn't mean you should just shrug and eat the other half.


You can make a gmail account without actually using it for anything. You don't have to use those services to communicate with people or transmit anything beyond overly generic habits. You don't have to be tech savy... All you have to do is get fed up enough that you simply don't want to use those services for anything more than what is required. If you want less abusive alternatives, you need to support them, share them, and work with them.


I'd be pretty pissed if someone was adding jizz to my flippin pizza. I better get 1000x my investment on that pizza in compense.

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I'd be pretty pissed if someone was adding jizz to my flippin pizza. I better get 1000x my investment on that pizza in compense.


And yet you're perfectly fine with a keylogger and something constantly collecting information by means of a webcam or microphone, without any way to disable it, control what information it transmits, or knowing if the methods of this transmission are even secure. Nevermind the very little disclosure related to how this information will be used beyond making Cortana work better and alerting local law enforcement if something you did or type was illegal.

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I'd be pretty pissed if someone was adding jizz to my flippin pizza. I better get 1000x my investment on that pizza in compense.


And yet you're perfectly fine with a keylogger and something constantly collecting information by means of a webcam or microphone, without any way to disable it, control what information it transmits, or knowing if the methods of this transmission are even secure. Nevermind the very little disclosure related to how this information will be used beyond making Cortana work better and alerting local law enforcement if something you did or type was illegal.


Everything logs this stuff now. Get wit the times.

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