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Why do people hate Fallout 4 so much?


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Hey, have some hope. They maybe will never do that again since everyone is pissed about it.

After Skyrim, and now this. At this point I'm defeated and sad.


These games just aren't made for my tastes anymore. I do hope they at listen put their ears to the ground and listen to what people are saying.


But at this point it's very clear where these games are going, and I'm not getting any younger or having the free time to enjoy them anymore.

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But they do listen to feedback. They added a lot of stuff players wanted.


Anyways. I'm sorry old man. It must be hard for you to see something you love change drastically to something you don't like. Teared at the news of a new one only to be let down this bad. I would hate if beth made shitty boring worlds like FNV.


You still have one game to play if you want a better fallout, wasteland 2. It not fallout but it doesn't matter, people like you said fo4 has the title but it doesn't matter since it not fallout. And from what I read, it much closer to older fallouts than any 3d fallout and much better written and seems to fit you much more. It made older fallouters cry.

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One thing, I think, we all should know.
Developing games, especially AAA games, is business.
The goal of business is to make money.

The FO4 is selling like crazy. Skyrim was their best game - because it sold well. I personally couldn't stand it, but that doesn't matter.
If the way they are going with games means more money, they'll take that route.
It really means nothing to them if handful of us is disappointed, there's a big majority that absolutely loves the game.

And you can't really blame them. It's your choice to buy their product.

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One thing, I think, we all should know.

Developing games, especially AAA games, is business.

The goal of business is to make money.


The FO4 is selling like crazy. Skyrim was their best game - because it sold well. I personally couldn't stand it, but that doesn't matter.

If the way they are going with games means more money, they'll take that route.

It really means nothing to them if handful of us is disappointed, there's a big majority that absolutely loves the game.


And you can't really blame them. It's your choice to buy their product.

You are right in a way


If you had to pick between changing some features in the game to make a low number of people happy in exchange of what, 6 mill new gamers who have never played the older games to feed my workers and have some money left to keep working on updates. I will, not all right/safe/better choices are sweet and nice for everyone.


To be fair, they can still make it a better RPG game and still appeal to a lot of people. They don't have to go down the hardcore, expensive RPG route. What made people pissed 90% of the time is the voiced PC, the wheel, the building system and the UI and those are the main faults of fo4. Stuff they have done right it in the past very well (that sweet perfect oblivion UI oh how I love it plz bring it back.) expect the building system. Which may be someday fixed.


So far and yet so close Beth, so far and yet so close.

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Binding dialogue to keys is inherently limiting by what set of keys you decide to bind them too and how many of htem there are a scrolling interface does not need to cope with such problems and inherently allows for more options Thay've been part of hte series since the beginning and even if your keyd system allowd for stat based dialogue it sitll owuld be a nightmare for modders who wanted toa dd even more dialogue.

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The modders are what will make the game great. The creation kit is not out yet and FO4edit is still in the very early stage of development. A couple of years from now when all of this is figured out, the unofficial patches are available and computer hardware will exist to match the game's potential, then players will all be happy and the trolls will only have dedicated modders to heckle.

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I haven't met a single person who dislikes it. In fact I even have a female friend who said she's so interested she's going to buy a console just to buy the game and it will be the first video game she's ever played.

You have to be a hardcore RPG player to hate it. Not many of them around since Fo3 and oblivion.


That a bad choice for a void game though. Couldn't she pick something with less bugs?


I hear that a lot. Read a post in reddit about someone who plays fo4 v with his mother over him since she likes the songs, and now likes the game. One guy was using power armor on ps4, and his father sat next him with his mouth open since he entered the PA. He used a jetpack and his father jumped saying wow.


We all did the same in the E3 old man, we all did.


I love when video game groups people like that. It just so sweet.


I'm sure if my I showed it my dad though, he will throw my rig outside the window.

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