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Those of you who love the game...


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...could you please tell me what I'm missing?


I want to love this game. I really do. But I don't. I'm not engaging with many of the characters (including the Sole Survivor) or the story line. It's just not hooking me.


There are things that I think are improved over FO3 and FNV, but those things are very few. Basically, for me, the game is a pale version of NV with the four factions moving in an interlocking story arc, but by the end of the game I wasn't nearly as attached to the Commonwealth as I was to New Vegas (the city) or the Mojave in general. By the end of FNV, I was ready to fight tooth and nail for the region's independence. By the same point in FO4, I just picked the faction I found the least objectionable.


So, I want to love FO4 as much as I do the other two...why am I not getting this? What do you love about the game? What am I not seeing? Please enlighten me. :)



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...could you please tell me what I'm missing?


I want to love this game. I really do. But I don't. I'm not engaging with many of the characters (including the Sole Survivor) or the story line. It's just not hooking me.


There are things that I think are improved over FO3 and FNV, but those things are very few. Basically, for me, the game is a pale version of NV with the four factions moving in an interlocking story arc, but by the end of the game I wasn't nearly as attached to the Commonwealth as I was to New Vegas (the city) or the Mojave in general. By the end of FNV, I was ready to fight tooth and nail for the region's independence. By the same point in FO4, I just picked the faction I found the least objectionable.


So, I want to love FO4 as much as I do the other two...why am I not getting this? What do you love about the game? What am I not seeing? Please enlighten me. :smile:



If you need strangers to tell you reasons to like something...

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Well I didn't like Fallout New Vegas, I played it all the way through and beat it. Played FNV quite a lot but really it was mods that extended that games lifespan for me and really even then the mods didn't quite help FNV as much as it helped Fallout 3 for me. The one mod that really got me racking up hours in FNV was Tale of Two Wastelands...So I could play Fallout 3 in a very stable environment as that team pretty well crushed a lot of game crashing issues.


I would have to say that Fallout New Vegas was, small, weak premise that didn't feel engaging with the Fallout theme of being from a Vault, and the plot line didn't catch for me. I can go on about a lot more weaknesses but really when I can sit here and honestly say that the story of FNV didn't catch and felt weak and almost forced well I have said that clearly its "strongest" point of sale pushed by its fans just fell flat for me. No amount of discussion is going to change that.


In a way if you feel that way about Fallout 4 then really there is no point in saying "it gets better" or "mods will save it" cause I can tell you mods wont save it if you don't have the bug to play it.


For me I haven't been able to stop playing Fo4 except when I need sleep...Or when Im curious about what people are yaking about on the internet as is the case now.


I really am happy with how much has improved all the way around and honestly well I may be taking my sweet ass time to play this game as I have not finished the main quest haha...I'm enjoying building up my settlements and going out to shoot stuff and loot their trash to build up my forts :smile:

Probably will have a ball with the modding and working with a mod team on development I hope like I did with Skyrim.


I'm going to be honest here, Fallout 4 has certainly addressed its combat mechanics for the better....This is probably often overlooked just how important this singular fact is.





Edit added more


Now I know a lot of people are groanin and moanin about lack or no survival gameplay elements but...


Those will come in time and they will be optional instead of a cheesy thing attached to gimmicky achievements.


I'm sure someone out there might make a "Frostfall" type mod with a winter overhaul....I'm hopeing for better radiation storms myself and radioactive rain.


Mostly at the moment I'm hoping for some AI Tweaks and more AI budgets like we got for Skyrim as my settlers sometimes just stand around staring off into the distance...I'm thinking the AI budgets most be off.

Edited by gamefever
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I wondered how much settlement-building played into things for the people who are really enjoying the game. That part doesn't fascinate me, but I can see how it would completely change things for me if it did. I can see how easy it would be to lose days to just collecting materials and building settlements.

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Non-VATS gunplay is vastly improved. Firing at anything in NV and FO3 was a chore. I have fun shooting things now, and shooting is most of the game.


I've got gripes, yeah, but so far the game has a vastly improved perk/SPECIAL system, better gameplay, and no level-cap so I can play one character as much as I'd like without hitting an arbitrary level limit. Enemies are better. The Legendary loot system means that you can occasionally get a gun as good as a unique weapon at any time.


As for my gripes, I feel that the dialogue wheel was a poor choice, the MC isn't particularly well acted, and that it's easy to get distracted from the fairly un-engaging main plot. Some guys stole your virtual baby and killed your SO is a decent hook, but the MQ doesn't really do much to retain your interest. That said, I don't feel as though the writing is bad. The companions and most of the NPCs are at least somewhat interesting, although I feel the conversation wheel limits how deeply you can interact with anyone.


Settlement building is meh. I don't really care. People are super ungrateful towards the person who gave them a place to live, in any case.

Edited by LordGrievous
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It the best exploring game ever made. I love the gameplay, I love the sounds, I love the factions, I like the main storyline and I like the models and I'm in love with power armor.


Wait a year for mods if you really that disappointed.

Edited by Boombro
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Saints Row 4 was a great power fantasy game and a terrible Saints Row game.


Fallout 4 is a great First Person Shooter and a terrible Fallout game.


You really can't actually roleplay a character. The dialogue options just aren't there for you. They don't exist. You can't really be whoever you want to be. They've strictly defined your character.


Running around the wasteland, sneaking and shooting people in the head and collecting magazines in a blast.


So I guess what it comes down to, is you either accept it for what it is, and what it can do, or you just can't get over the idea of the name alone.


It's a different game, for sure, and hopefully one day we can get a better, -actually Fallout- game like New Vegas.


Either way I can understand how and why someone who enjoyed the RPG elements of previous Fallout games would be very disappointing with this, but I've sort of just made my peace with it and accepted what it is.

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I don't really get it what people like so much about NV.

I read about it and how it supposedly is more like Fallout 1 and 2 but I never played them and frankly I don't really care.

For me it boils down to: Boring environment; Funny looking roman soldier dudes

I had much more fun in Fallout 3 because the environment was more appealing to me.


When playing the modern fallout games the thing I'm doing the most is exploring and shooting stuff.

The fact that they imporved the shooting mechanic so much is very welcome.

You don't need mods anymore to hit anything that is only 10m away.


Exploring everything now actually has purpose.

They almost went from " you don't have to collect any junk " to " collect all the junk ".

In my eyes it's a big improvement that most of the items in the game now actually have a value of some sort.

Because you need the materials.


Some more dialog options would've been appreciated though.

I'm not really happy with the dialogs.


I think the graphics, even if not on par with other current titles, are ok for an open world game.


Finally all the talk about how you're forced in a certain role.

I mean it's true basically, but honestly I'm just exploring everything and doing what I want.

At times I almost forgot that I'm searching for my child.

So, that's not a big issue for me.

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