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I don't want to think of this game as bad, it isn't in fact. There's just a lot wrong with it from where I'm standing, and it's core values of it being a Fallout game is only the beginning.


This may be a more succinct version of what I was trying to say. :)

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Exploring the glowing sea yesterday in Power Armour fighting Rad Scorpions and Death claws with Big Jim and when I broke through to the East and it started raining, the effect on the PA display was super cool and very immersive. Now what I want is POV for all equipment and I'll be very happy!





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But if people don't criticize and yes, as bad as a word as it may seem; complain about this game, then Bethesda learns nothing. The industry learns nothing. I'm tired of accepting that if games need to be more accessible, they have to be simple, and people don't need to think a whole lot. That's just nonsense. And I'm tired of the collective fear of people diving into a rich, well written, and character complex building RPG that truly gives you the freedom to be anyone and do anything all because it seems a 'little too complex'

I agree, I hate the fact of that fo4 lacks in the RPG department. But the thing is, many did say it lacks in that and this and wishes that the wheel die in a very large uproar in the very first week already in beth forums. That is also important because beth does take feedback most of the time to change the next game and take notes of the most known mods.


But the problems is, and let put console limitation aside, the core team is almost the never changing 150 people that got bigger since morrowind. That means the writers hardly change.

Caught my drift?


Not that they will never improve, fo4 has better quests since Skyrim. But those people who wish for TW3 level of writing from TES6 may wanna buy it in steam summer sales.


And for the complex games thing. It seems beth wishes for a middle ground. And not make the most hardcore RPG survival game.

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Let me preface this by saying I have played all the fallout games from FO1, and have enjoyed all of them for the most part. (FO2 still being my favorite though.) FO3 was nice in that it gave us a better view of the world, but all that green overcast? Ugh. Took me a while to really get into it, but I did enjoy it. FNV grabbed me right from the start (I was SO gonna hunt down Benny and kill him with a blunt spoon!) and just took off from there, the followers where well done, unlike FO3, where they were cardboard cutouts, and all that open space! And no green skies! And by the time I got it, all those lovely mods to fix the game, so I didn't even have to suffer through all (well, most) of those bugs. And then I discovered TTW and got the best of both worlds all wrapped up in one!


So I was really looking foreward to FO4....but. I wasn't going to buy it until the tools to mod it came out, because I knew that it was going to need some fixing. Not because it was a Bethesda game, but because it is a big game and truth be told, we gamers tend to find a lot more bugs than the developers ever do. I don't think it is because Bethesda doesn't do at least SOME QA'ing before they throw it out the door, but there are millions of us and a very small number of QA staff. And we play it a hell of a lot more than that staff has the time/budget for. So if there is a way to break it, we invariably find a way to do so. Is it perfect? Nope. Is there stuff that could/should have been done better? You betcha. Textures for one definitely needed more polish before being released. But then again, isn't that the nature of the beast? Not everyone has a super-computer, with all the latest and greatest bells and whistles. And if they had released something that required all those nifty toys, the screaming that would be going on would blow up the internet. They made it for mid-range computers, and consoles, so we got mid-range graphics for the game. Now the un-optimized parts of the game, the lagging and the shadow quality especially, that absolutely should NOT have gotten past QA. Kinda inexcusable Bethesda.


Anyway, my brother bought the game. Which was weird, he’s NOT into FPS type games, and I did warn him there’s a lot of shooting. But I agreed to show him the ropes as it were and help him out in getting around and the controls and such. And let’s just say hilarity ensued. Cause lord he sucks at trying to shoot stuff! He almost died to the radroaches in the Vault. And when it came to the raiders? <snicker> Many reloads ensued. And after three times dying to that pesky deathclaw, he was done. LOL, literally threw the box at me and told me “It’s yours, you play it”, and went back to playing DA:I. So I got the game for free kinda. Still plan on buying it on my Steam account, when the tools are released, but till then I get to play it on his account.


And I have to say, so far? I am enjoying it; I enjoyed the prologue, though it could have been longer. But it got the basics across, and made me want to kill Kellogg with a blunt spoon. The world so far is amazing looking, so that is good. Exploring is fun, found all sorts of places to stick my nose into and stuff to shoot & loot. The Minutemen seem to be a cool idea, and I like the history and story that goes along with them. Running into the BOS from FO3 was cool, even if they put that lil twit Maxson in charge and killed off the Lyons. Enemy fire my backside! But so far, my only complaint is that the main storyline seems a bit too… rushed for my liking. Not all the way through it yet, got to Diamond City so far and that was a bit of a letdown. It is way too small for one, not even the size of a real baseball diamond I think, smaller than the real Fenway Park by far, and has too few people for “the biggest community in Boston”. It’s even a separate world space so it should have been bigger Bethesda.


Anyway, my biggest like of the game? I have had ZERO crashes! Not a one. And I have encountered not a single world breaking bug. Which is pretty amazing for a Bethesda game. And guess what? Even without the tools, the modding community is off to the races putting out content and new textures and tools to help fix the buggy stuff! Imagine what they will do WITH the tools!?!


TL;DR: So far it is great!

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Played FO3 and NV, and really liked them, FO4 is really good, there are just a few thing is just don't like, the dialog system, what the heck is that :( the radiation system, the fact that you are a parent looking for his/her son in the wasteland, feels like a meh main quest, and i don't feel like grabbing all the junk i can find, gets tiresome after a while, you grab all the junk you find, oh no, you are over encumbered, drop something, fast travel to drop all the junk, repeat...


Im not into building settlements, that doesn't appeal to me, i like to build a house for me, just for me, combat system is good, i think graphics are very nice, even on my outdated computer (my specs are IntelCore i3-3220 CPU @ 3.30GHz, RAM 8GB, NVIDIA GeForce GT 630, i play with Med to Low settings but hey, it plays well :p ). No crashes or weird bugs so far.


I believe that mods will make the game much more interesting :)

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...could you please tell me what I'm missing?


I want to love this game. I really do. But I don't. I'm not engaging with many of the characters (including the Sole Survivor) or the story line. It's just not hooking me.


There are things that I think are improved over FO3 and FNV, but those things are very few. Basically, for me, the game is a pale version of NV with the four factions moving in an interlocking story arc, but by the end of the game I wasn't nearly as attached to the Commonwealth as I was to New Vegas (the city) or the Mojave in general. By the end of FNV, I was ready to fight tooth and nail for the region's independence. By the same point in FO4, I just picked the faction I found the least objectionable.


So, I want to love FO4 as much as I do the other two...why am I not getting this? What do you love about the game? What am I not seeing? Please enlighten me. :smile:



It sounds like you don't like these types of games anymore. I'll admit they went pale on the RPG aspect, but I still enjoy everything about it. Because you just sound like someone who doesn't enjoy big world rpg shooters, even though you enjoyed the other two. (much confuse, such rpg)


Even though it did go a bit pale I still enjoyed the dialogue and the story, the shooting was always satisfying and crisp to me. To be honest if the dialogue was like fallout new vegas where the character didn't say anything and just clicked these options in a chat, I would probably enjoy it less. This character dialogue in my opinion was a huge modern step for rpg's (The character actually talking, and the dialogue can be fixed with mods easily). They could improve of course on what kind of person the player wants to be, but since I usually choose the good side it didn't bother me as much. What is annoying is that no matter what you choose, the outcome of what the npc's say are basically the same. That's my say in that.

Edited by Imodgam3s
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It sounds like you don't like these types of games anymore. I'll admit they went pale on the RPG aspect, but I still enjoy everything about it. Because you just sound like someone who doesn't enjoy big world rpg shooters, even though you enjoyed the other two. (much confuse, such rpg)


Even though it did go a bit pale I still enjoyed the dialogue and the story, the shooting was always satisfying and crisp to me. To be honest if the dialogue was like fallout new vegas where the character didn't say anything and just clicked these options in a chat, I would probably enjoy it less. This character dialogue in my opinion was a huge modern step for rpg's (The character actually talking, and the dialogue can be fixed with mods easily). They could improve of course on what kind of person the player wants to be, but since I usually choose the good side it didn't bother me as much. What is annoying is that no matter what you choose, the outcome of what the npc's say are basically the same. That's my say in that.

That's...interesting, because I still play the other games, as well as Skyrim. So, if by "these types of games" you mean RPGs, yes, I still enjoy them. I enjoy FPS games, too, but I don't expect Fallout to be strictly (or nearly strictly) a FPS. Which is where FO4 starts to fall down for me-- as noted elsewhere, it's a good game, it's just not a Fallout game. It's not a "big world RPG shooter," because it's not an RPG (certainly not of the caliber/depth that the previous games are). You point out that you didn't have as much issue with the dialogue because you played a good character, but also that you recognize that ultimately it doesn't matter because the outcomes are the same. I agree with that last part, and that's where it fails as a Fallout game, in my opinion. I played a good character, too (like you have much choice if you want to hang out with the various companions and do their quests/get their perks), but I would have loved more options and depth to my choices, and NPCs' reactions. I expected more, based on the previous games.


I disagree about the dialogue being a step forward for an RPG, because of the severe lack of role playing options in the dialogue. Earlier someone said you can play a good guy or a sarcastic good guy, and that's pretty much right. Saying the dialogue is okay that way because it can be fixed with mods-- we shouldn't have to "fix" the game. It should stand on its own without modding.



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It an RPG, and before you rage and say you are stuck in a role of a good two shoes, let me enlighten you with my wisdom about what an RPG is.


RPG is a very wide term and have expanded in the last years. I would hardly call it a shooter since has ways to play without killing anyone (with your hands anyways.) and has melee and unarmed, and has quests, crafting and quests and those can earn you exp to level and unlock perks. Older fo and tes players won't even call it that since for them RPG=Role playing game and they have been drunk on past titles all those past years and it that what an RPG to them. And that is where those guys are wrong with the term.


You may say but it doesn't offer me freedom to do what I want, so it not so it not an RPG. I will say that many others RPG hardly even do, Pokemon is an RPG, and you can't join the bad guys. Same goes for persona, FF, dragon quest, monster hunter, fire emblem, the witcher, borderland, mad max, star wars and many more other games. Think about it, how many games offer the same RP freedom value other than TES and FO games? Hardly any other, expect dragon dogma ( can't wait for pc version.) and fo4 still let me ignore the main quest and let me wonder around mini nuking deathclaws without blocking 90% of the game areas.


So in short, it hardly An RP game, but it is an surly RPG game.


Well, I would love this game, IF I had a machine to play it on. I have the pipboy edition, got it on the 10th, but am still waiting to get a comp that can run it.

So sad.

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It sounds like you don't like these types of games anymore. I'll admit they went pale on the RPG aspect, but I still enjoy everything about it. Because you just sound like someone who doesn't enjoy big world rpg shooters, even though you enjoyed the other two. (much confuse, such rpg)


Even though it did go a bit pale I still enjoyed the dialogue and the story, the shooting was always satisfying and crisp to me. To be honest if the dialogue was like fallout new vegas where the character didn't say anything and just clicked these options in a chat, I would probably enjoy it less. This character dialogue in my opinion was a huge modern step for rpg's (The character actually talking, and the dialogue can be fixed with mods easily). They could improve of course on what kind of person the player wants to be, but since I usually choose the good side it didn't bother me as much. What is annoying is that no matter what you choose, the outcome of what the npc's say are basically the same. That's my say in that.

That's...interesting, because I still play the other games, as well as Skyrim. So, if by "these types of games" you mean RPGs, yes, I still enjoy them. I enjoy FPS games, too, but I don't expect Fallout to be strictly (or nearly strictly) a FPS. Which is where FO4 starts to fall down for me-- as noted elsewhere, it's a good game, it's just not a Fallout game. It's not a "big world RPG shooter," because it's not an RPG (certainly not of the caliber/depth that the previous games are). You point out that you didn't have as much issue with the dialogue because you played a good character, but also that you recognize that ultimately it doesn't matter because the outcomes are the same. I agree with that last part, and that's where it fails as a Fallout game, in my opinion. I played a good character, too (like you have much choice if you want to hang out with the various companions and do their quests/get their perks), but I would have loved more options and depth to my choices, and NPCs' reactions. I expected more, based on the previous games.


I disagree about the dialogue being a step forward for an RPG, because of the severe lack of role playing options in the dialogue. Earlier someone said you can play a good guy or a sarcastic good guy, and that's pretty much right. Saying the dialogue is okay that way because it can be fixed with mods-- we shouldn't have to "fix" the game. It should stand on its own without modding.





Well by dialogue I meant the character actually talking and having a scene with the other character. Not exactly the choices them self.

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