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Meh, straight, bi, homo, asexual, all the same to me. XD

To me there are only two species in the entire universe/multiverse: good folks, and those that preferably do not come near to me for their own safety, lol.

You folks make my day :)!!


It's hard to come by a smile these days, you folks give me those on a regular basis!!

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Meh, straight, bi, homo, asexual, all the same to me. XD

To me there are only two species in the entire universe/multiverse: good folks, and those that preferably do not come near to me for their own safety, lol.

You folks make my day :smile:!!


It's hard to come by a smile these days, you folks give me those on a regular basis!!


Glad you had a smile.

But i was not kidding, I couldn't care less for religion preference, skin colour, sexual preference, everyone is my friend, literally, until they cross my path.

Depending on what happened, i can be both forgiving as deadly.


But yes, that simple IS the world to me.


It's odd: being autistic, the world is SO fu... dging simple to me.

Black, white, the end.

God i am blessed...

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Wait a second here.

1) I figured IMMERSION would be a logical thing for FO4.

2) Read above.

3) Though they are not real humans (different universe/reality/whateverthylikes) they share our emotion, intelligence and moral. Thus, this should, IMHO, be implemented as such as well. And for those that see it different, add some hookers. :tongue:


Aside, and FYI, this thread is named romance, not porn or sex topic, heheheh...


I find your views on relationships to be admirable but childishly naive.


Having a game force your world view on someone like me would not be immersive in the slightest. Now having different NPCs have different world views, that is an idea I could support.




But anyways, there is a monumentally huge difference between a 'hooker' and dating a girl who is for example the CEO of a non-profit company and has to spend weeks at a time traveling or wrapped up in the job she is so passionate about, so she doesn't see having a 'needy' or 'co-dependent' relationship as a priority at this point in her life.


Why can't two people who are independent and living busy lives have a close knit romantic bond with each other while at the same time accepting that they will be spending lots of time apart pursuing their own goals and dreams? To me that is just being logical human beings, not sex buddies or hookers.

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Why can't two people who are independent and living busy lives have a close knit romantic bond with each other while at the same time accepting that they will be spending lots of time apart pursuing their own goals and dreams?

Because media and novels.


I'm not joking.

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What he said. ^^^


Furthermore, girls do not travel across the country for their job, and are far less even a CEO.

Unless they work for Hitler or the Institute, rofl.


Wait... Hitler, wrong movie.

But even then, FO does not have jobs where girls are gone for a few months, to pop up only to have sex and breakfast, before taking off again.

Not unless you'r with the institute, BoS, or similar.


But you have a point, there's something like LAT relationships, and the like, true.

However, i cannot think about this, the missus is far too both jealous and paranoid. XD

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But even then, FO does not have jobs where girls are gone for a few months, to pop up only to have sex and breakfast, before taking off again.

Expect merc, traders, guards, scavengers, hunters, postmen (they are in the game.) journalists, drug dealership and more.



People who rush straight into needy relationships are just like people who rush straight through Fallout 4 to get to the institute and ignore all the side quests.

Aren't they just to attaching to people?

And it better to do the main quest first in beth game peeps.

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