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In response to post #35627322. #35627617, #35627792, #35628007, #35628477, #35628922, #35629122, #35629182, #35629262, #35629352 are all replies on the same post.

Psijonica wrote: As someone who has been very critical with most of Dark0ne's positions in the past I have to support this decision. I do believe he is trying to find a middle ground. The fact of the matter is simply that expenses are rising almost exponentially and so if everybody paid the 1-2 dollars then add revenue would not even be necessary.

And that brings me to my point: This is the area that should be focused on. How do you get more people to buy memberships? You would think 2 dollars would be an easy sale yet it seems you are unable to turn that around in your favour. This is an issue that needs to be solved.

I think you need help in this area. I don't think you will get the results to want by increasing download speeds. I do think it comes down to "PACKAGING." You are not "selling" it effectively.

Years ago I predicted that Pay-for-Mods would one day become a reality and I have also predicted that in the future the hard costs of running a service like this will become so high that some type of "Membership" will be required to download mods. I can picture a future scenario where in ten years users would get 100 free downloads and then they would have to buy a basic $2 membership. *Again like all predictions they don't happen exactly as predicted but I picture something along this vein.*

piotrmil wrote: > I can picture a future scenario where in ten years users would get 10 free downloads and then they would have to buy a basic $2 membership.

Oh sweet cheese and crackers, no. That's a horrible future. Although, to be completely honest, that wouldn't hinder playing with mods in ANY way. People would simply upload their stuff (or other people's stuff) elsewhere. So that silly and - let's hope to god - hypothetical restriction will do absolutely nothing.
Psijonica wrote: I think it is inevitable.

I think that is going to happen across the board so it would be3 an even playing field. The costs are sky rocketing. Every year the costs are going up.

The real point is how to turn over more memberships. How do you turn more users into paid memberships?
piotrmil wrote: Well, I seriously do hope that you will be wrong. Although, as the modgate showed us, we are prepared for the worst, and have a correct mindset. Just like Nexus does - the addition of donation button, a donation - not-obligatory payment - was the simplest rebuttal against Steam. It's the simple fact that telling people "you can do that" is better than "you HAVE to do that".

As for how to attract more memebrships, I dunno.
Psijonica wrote: Let me tell something. They way the internet looks now is a nightmare. When I turn on my iPad and get bombarded by all these adds everywhere make me want to turn it off. 15 years ago if someone told me that this is what the internet would look like I would be saying the same thing you are saying now, "Oh sweet cheese and crackers, no. That's a horrible future." But yet here we are.

In a perfect internet everything would be free but we lost that internet a long time ago. The corporations are here and they have monetized the internet so we are now slaves to this reality. Every year the costs are rising and they are rising FAST! There will be a time where all websites will enforce an AddBlocker ban. That is the future and because of that I believe "Memberships" will become a requirement.

If you read Dark0ne's post he says the same thing. Forbes is blocking AddBlockers now and they are not the only ones to do it.

Now that doesn't mean that there won't be AddBlockers. It does mean that the future will be different and your experience online will not be the same as it is today.
uhmattbravo wrote: The problem with paying for mods is that the quality isn't consistent. Some of us aren't professional software developers, we just learn as we go. Have you never tried a mod, and thought to yourself "wow, even if they ever actually finish it, this mod would still suck." Would you want to pay money for that mod? Should it cost the same as something absolutely incredible?

So what do you do? Prevent people who don't know what they're doing from even trying? In that case, what about those few you find that say things like "don't judge too harshly, it's my first mod" that turn out to be amazing?

The only time paying for mods is the answer is when the question is "how could I ruin something beautiful?"
absintheminded wrote: I use AdBlock on every site bar this one. But I really ought to shell out the £1.29. Hell, it's cheaper than a two litre of Coke.

Btw, bravo for the 'report ad' feature. I was working, forgot I'd left Nexus open, and got the fright of my life when my speakers blared out "Getcher cheeto-lovin' ass off the couch". I mean, rude to gamers much? Sod off, I'll eat my bloody crisps whilst taking down ghouls if I want.
Psijonica wrote: This post is not about paying for mods. Lets stay on topic please.
Psijonica wrote: it's cheaper than a two litre of Coke

hahahaha that is a great catch-line! :teehee:
uhmattbravo wrote: Mandatory paid membership = paying for mods

Yes and No. Indirectly perhaps,.. but that is what these mods are worth. If I would take the number of mods I have downloaded and divide that by $2 then I believe that is a fair price.

If Nexusmods wants my $2 then they'll get it. I tip a lot more at the pub :woot: Edited by Psijonica
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In response to post #35632186. #35632527 is also a reply to the same post.

bben46 wrote:

You still need an up to date antivirus. However, I have found that the absolutely FREE Junkware Removal Tool (JRT) from MalwareBytes ( a very highly regarded antivirus company) will kill many garbage malware that many AV programs will allow.


The reason they allow them is YOU allowed them to be installed by not reading or not understanding the TOS of some site that snuck them in on you. Many of these are malware that hijack the legitimate ads and send you to their own ad servers - and you approved of them doing that without realizing it. :wallbash:


JRT is fast and small. It doesn't have a fancy UI, it runs from the command line. But all you have to do is press a key and it does the rest. It takes about 5 minutes on my moose of a computer. It is updated very often to keep up with the vermin that infect your computer with their trash, and will always check to be sure it is running the latest version when started. It is NOT an antivirus, and does not stay on your computer, it only runs when you start it first. You can delete it when it is finished and it leaves NOTHING behind. There are no nag screens or offers to sell you a more better version.


Get it from the MalwareBytes site here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/564026-account-closure-requests/?p=35627086

sgtmcbiscuits wrote: Oops, think you posted the wrong link there!

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Two words: Mobile Strike. Oh my good golly gosh, every 15 minutes! I'm sitting working on files then it sounds like WW3 has erupted and my ears bleed.


I think it's absolutely no coincidence that those ads are all over TV at the moment as well. They're clearly undertaking brute force advertising; much like Candy Crush and so have VERY deep pockets. Make no mistake the ad companies will be getting paid a pretty coin to turn a blind eye to the inconvenience of these massively annoying ads!


Only started in the last month though, previously I have had absolutely no issues; been using nexus for years. The ones that cause grief are square; one on the top right of whatever section I'm in and one at the far bottom right. They both fire out intrusive ads.


Regardless, the site has my support. The content and community are just top notch. I'll never use adblocker, happy to have ads; might even buy premium.


Anyway, I hope you manage to sort it with the provider; you can always find another if they don't/can't play ball!



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I am really glad to see this. I know it has been difficult for people to report problematic ads as they are regional, people don't know to get screenshots, they go by fast..etc. Having some kind of report button will be helpful for this reason and I think, the end will allow more people to be able to unblock Nexus from adblockers (if they so desire) as they know they can report these ads.


Thanks for this upcoming feature (and the upcoming mobile friendly site design as well, as my new phone is finally, smart.)

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I don't use adblockers because i'm a developer and I understand the reason behind the ads on a website. It provides the host of a website an income that they can use. Like keeping this site online with that large amount of users, posts, mod files and images (and ofc up-/download traffic) requires a serious budget. (Really, 780 k US $ ? )


Your site is doing it correctly (I'm a senior QA with gaming as leisure time), the ads are in balance with the content. I have seen worse sites, with too many ads. I just avoid these. Keh, people usually justify ad blockers with wrong reasons (especially that "privacy" talk).


I didn't knew about that supporter membership. Maybe i will consider it someday. I just love this site. But on long terms, making the site ad free doesn't work unless you have a monthly, steady income.


Now, I don't agree with your list with reasons when an ad is "bad". There are some ads of those many (I have visited this site a lot lately because i returned to Skyrim, and started to discover + add mods) that causes memory leaks* ! I have reported one of it before. Now, with the report feature, I'm going to report an ad if it causes a memory leak in the near future.


Also, if people has issues with the sounds, firefox offers a functionality to mute the sounds, even if it comes from the ad.


*It's caused by the malfunctioning script, processing the ad transformation in the background. The developers from Rubicon even uses document.write in their script. Really ? Not to mention that there is a timer that reloads the page when it elapses. But during the leak, it elapses, starts to refresh which causes the page hanging for a while ........



Edited by xybolt
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In response to post #35633582.

xybolt wrote: I don't use adblockers because i'm a developer and I understand the reason behind the ads on a website. It provides the host of a website an income that they can use. Like keeping this site online with that large amount of users, posts, mod files and images (and ofc up-/download traffic) requires a serious budget. (Really, 780 k US $ ? )

Your site is doing it correctly (I'm a senior QA with gaming as leisure time), the ads are in balance with the content. I have seen worse sites, with too many ads. I just avoid these. Keh, people usually justify ad blockers with wrong reasons (especially that "privacy" talk).

I didn't knew about that supporter membership. Maybe i will consider it someday. I just love this site. But on long terms, making the site ad free doesn't work unless you have a monthly, steady income.

Now, I don't agree with your list with reasons when an ad is "bad". There are some ads of those many (I have visited this site a lot lately because i returned to Skyrim, and started to discover + add mods) that causes memory leaks* ! I have reported one of it before. Now, with the report feature, I'm going to report an ad if it causes a memory leak in the near future.

Also, if people has issues with the sounds, firefox offers a functionality to mute the sounds, even if it comes from the ad.

*It's caused by the malfunctioning script, processing the ad transformation in the background. The developers from Rubicon even uses document.write in their script. Really ? Not to mention that there is a timer that reloads the page when it elapses. But during the leak, it elapses, starts to refresh which causes the page hanging for a while ........

I'd definitely list the memory leak ads under "malicious" ads.
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very reasonal text you wrote there. i am going to be honest with you. i turned adblock off as i wanted to support you, but some ads were very fishy or even had viruses (thankfully my browserplugin immediatly shut it off and blocked it, not the adblocker mind you, as it was tuened off!). So with those issues hopefully being sorted out in the future by user input and contact to your ad supplier i will gladly turn my adblock off for this marvelous site :)


edit: just realised that i am a supporter, so no ads for me eitherways :)

Edited by TWarrior
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The idea to ad a 'report' button beneath the advertisement is a good idea. Very good indeed.


In this way you can still run ads but also have a better control of misuse of the courtesy agreed.


Not all companies are alike, but most would definetely spam you from here to hell if they could. I've experienced some fatal cases in my time. That's the reason I use both AdBlock and NoScript. The few ruins it for the majority. Sadly.


With a report button you tell the advertisers they have to stay inside good manners or they will be reported. Smart.

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Adblock+ user here, chiming in to say I'll be giving another go of running this site without the ads blocked. I tried it before, lasted 2 days before I hit an ad with autoplay sound that could not be muted, so up went the adblocker again. The only reason I use adblocker is because of the annoyance of pop-up ads, force redirects (granted those are very rare), and autoplay sound. Would do wonders if the ad providers and ad makers realized that these types of ads just piss off viewers and are what are driving the adblocker usage.
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