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Fallout 4 Survival Mode Beta


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In response to post #36103560. #36103720, #36104685, #36105455 are all replies on the same post.

mcchuggernaut wrote: Damnit, Bethesda! Modders are smart enough to know if something is wrong with their game to disable their mods first before blaming a patch! This is just an extra pain in the ass for modders, not actually useful. *facepalm*
mcguffin wrote: modders? maybe, but mod users are not.
Darkarhon wrote: ^^^
ZombieArron wrote: Woah, not everyone is an idiot. People can draw lines. what was working before beta points towards it breaking a mod that was fine before. People can just turn off said mods or opt-out of Beta. End-users are not all children. Keep an open mind, man. It's that kind of thinking that got us this restriction in the Beta.

just look at some answers. most CTD or Crashes are actually caused by mods that were unistalled unproperly.
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In response to post #36105590.

JokerPoker5RP wrote: So i disabled all my mods..game crashes.. i verified games cache.. game crashes at start, i quit beta and went to normal...game crashes at start... so now im reinstalling it to see if it wont crash. Anyone got the same problem?

it's caused by UI mods that keep loose files in your interface folder
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In response to post #36105590. #36105840 is also a reply to the same post.

JokerPoker5RP wrote: So i disabled all my mods..game crashes.. i verified games cache.. game crashes at start, i quit beta and went to normal...game crashes at start... so now im reinstalling it to see if it wont crash. Anyone got the same problem?
mcguffin wrote: it's caused by UI mods that keep loose files in your interface folder

But game kept crashing even when i opt out of beta, shouldn't that fix it?
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How can you expect conducting proper tests with a broad variety of mods enabled ?


Furthermore, if you're actually testing a hardcore difficulty, you wouldn't want something as disturbing as an OP weapon/armor/item availability etc etc, that could get you wrong somewhere. Adjusting a difficulty while adding new mechanisms is something very tricky even with FO4 not being an MMO and Betheda being what we know it is (nowhere near perfect i mean).


They're making it the right way imo. We're just going to have to wait for our skillful modders to acclimate to enjoy it with mods.


Patience ppl !



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Me: Hey Bethesda, I found a bug...

Bethesda: Where was the bug?

Me: Behind this rock

Bethesda: Where was the rock?

Me: In the Commonwealth

Bethesda: Where in the commonwealth?

Me: Well if you idiots hadn't turned off the console I would give you X Y Z co-ordinates



Betas really should be a chance for development partners (i.e. us modders) to ensure compatibility with future releases.


Playing Fallout 4 without the opportunity, if needed to use the bug fix mods I have installed? No thanks

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First, I love Nexus.


Second, I have to say,


this is a Beta. Beta means it is not finished and Beth is allowing users to give feedback while they finish it instead of just throwing it out there and saying "here you go, deal with it". If you read all of the ignorant comments from people swearing and complaining and take a moment to really take it all in, this is the reason why Skyrim mods (many of which are not even favorable to the majority of Skyrim enthusiasts) are still receiving more than twice the views/downloads and the same amount of, if not more, endorsements than mods for a game that is 4 years newer.


The attitude that so many put forward in general (the self entitled stance that users take about the works of mod authors, the complaints about the community or games without even attempting to provide solutions) is not only what kept this game "down" in the eyes of many fallout fans but is what has kept a great deal of well known mod authors away from modding the game. No one wants to spend their "hobby time" reading the childish nonsense (no offense to children) that so many troll into these forums/threads.


Yes, the Creation Kit not being released yet (which there is a reason that it wasn't released yet... perhaps they were trying to tell you that some big additions to the game itself were still being created and you should wait to implement/create mods that could be broken with whatever updates Beth intended to create?) is also what is keeping some authors on hold before they start creating, but the attitude of so many who do nothing except wine and complain? It's disgusting. Regardless of your stance on Fallout 4 as a game, it's obvious why so few people are even VISITING the mod pages for FO4... and it's not Bethesda.



Edited by GamerPoets
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