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The Snow Arena


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The Goddess's Raven form swept down on huge, fast wings and grabbed her shiny object back from Wolfe. She quickly flew up and disappeared into a potable hole but not before giving Wolfe a bad case of snow fleas in retaliation.


Didn't all those boys know how much women and ravens liked shiny objects.


Besides SHE was the one that found that lovely aluminium foil Chistmas Tree icecicle.




(ha ha ha---gotcha)

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  Lisnpuppy said:
The Goddess's Raven form swept down on huge, fast wings and grabbed her shiny object back from Wolfe. She quickly flew up and disappeared into a potable hole but not before giving Wolfe a bad case of snow fleas in retaliation.


Didn't all those boys know how much women and ravens liked shiny objects.


Besides SHE was the one that found that lovely aluminium foil Chistmas Tree icecicle.




(ha ha ha---gotcha)

I would just:


...4, 3, 2, 1 shiny object KABOOM wolf parties to a vast area

but I think ice flea is even better :D


when I saw your former post I saw in big letters 'BAIT"

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[ ( 'chord') SHUT UP YOU! IM TRYING TO WOR ( 'neep' ) WILL YOU JUST... I'll put you on the floor again! You want that, you alleged communications device ? ( ' wup' ) IM NOT KIDDING! I should have taken the sledge to you. But no... I had to give you another chance. Well... NO MORE CHANCES! IM IN CHARGE, HERE. I'M THE SENTIENT BEING IN THIS RELATIONSHIP... not... you. You are just a semi-haphazard array of 'things' meant to make my life easier and ' more fun '. HUMBUG! YOU ( 'weep' )... Alright smart arse... you're going on the floor and THIS TIME I WILL let the incontinent fell hound piss all over you... you will be SMOKIN! Is that what you want? Do you want to have your whatsits fried? Do you want your last mechanical memory to be dog wee ? Well!? Do you, punk? ( 'nope' ) ARE YOU SURE THIS TIME?! ( 'yup' ) Alright then. Let's get to work. And, by the way... you aren't ((((Bob)))) you know. ((((Bob)))) is good for something. YOU... are on parole. ]


...meanwhile, still on the bottom of the north Atlantic ocean...


The Old One, in his present manifestation as the Shamanynapse, glowed ever so slightly pink with pleasure to hear, via the Portable Hole, of whatever gauge ... somewhere... about his person, that MarcusWolfie was, at last, beginning to get some vestige of control over his more overt fantasies. These most recent examples showed definite progress. Pleasure as well, that the SuperCanuck was displaying his usual semi- house broken feral charm in welcoming the latest inma... actor to the Snow Arena. It was all part of the wonderful welcoming ambience that made the Snow Arena such an incredibly poplular place to visit for a while.


Even more pleasure was expended at the fact that , apparently, the Goddess had managed to persuade Nosisab not to disappear. Such a huge black hole of psychophilosophiregulatoraesthetic-ness would have been the dire result, had she not.


Now, thought the Shamanynapse...to get this massive hunk of raw fish meal on the road...

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Wow, this shamanaptic (or something of the kind) is good! I'm so pleased I'll give him my most appreciative (wait just a moment while I adjust the correct harmonic pattern) and joyous telepathic scream, you know, that than will make one miss the soft and tender final laments of certain accordion of deafness.


hmm, what remember me I have yet to acquire the penultimate ingredient for the extra-superbond-long-quest-need-to-find-the-dissolver bellows-intended glue. Not so hard anyway since it is commonly found at hardened mammal brains. The final one, xyz koolaid (no, I'll not giveaway the secret) is someway a bit harder, but not impossible at all if I manage to convince some Koalas into going for bamboo blossoms at the source country (and maybe getting this iPod thing that is intriguing me, all the while).


well, shamanaptic pattern acquired and ready, there we go.....


ahhh, like a thought... those synapses got so enjoyed they are on total frenesi, almost ripping apart from happiness :) ... better I pretend some surprise the screamback sounds a lot more as pain.


Edit. argh, entered the reply before finalizing it, but is almost the same anyway :)

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The Leviathan, massey creature of the deepest depths, bottom feeding its way to obscene sizeness - think two of the biggest bulk carriers end to end and we're only talking about the width of the monster- ostensibly under the neural control of the Old One, suddenly began to shimmy and shake in a decidedly sychopated fashion.


'This can't be right!', sparked the Shamanynapse. 'This shimmying and shaking in a decidedly synchopated fashion is , surely , reminiscent of... but it cannot be! A SAMBA! And... what the hey ! The blasted beast of the baleful bottommost deeps is...SINGING!


And it sounds like... like... ... ... !?!?! Astrid Gilberto! With Stan Getz on sax!!!' And Jimi Hendrix on Swanny Whistle!!!! And freddy... on ... ... retainer!!! And the Goddess on ... ... form!!! And evil... on... ...a KoolAid Withdrawal Program!!! And Newt on... the lookout for better ways to control (((Bob)))!!! And gman... on ... ... snow!!! And Spyro ... on Marcus' case!!! And MarcusWolfieSuperCanuck... on... and...on...and...on...and....!!! And Nosisab... just ... on !!!

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The Goddess flew swifty through the portable hole with it closing quickly behind her...just before Wolfe could come through. However it closed so quickly that it snipped off her tail feathers!!


She went rolling in the air, butt over head...and landed with an undignified splash in the water next to the Levaithan and the Old One.


Shaking her wet head she hopped and hopped and hopped...up up up to the leviathan's head until she reached the Old One...looking somewhat angry and muttering about the murder of a laptop.


"I meant to do that..." skawked the Goddess.


She then transformed back to her glorious human-like form and pulled the shiny Christmas tree tinsle from her hair.


"Lets get this tub moving Old Man..." she told the Old One.


She then decided riding this monstrosity would be easier if she stood and did the Samba also.


So she did....

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evilkoal's suit luckily stopped the chainsaw mid blow, marcus not noticing thinking it went in. as he heard nosisab talking to himself about koolaid, and the ipod, evilkoal invited him into his now ice covered black snow fortress of doom. lucky for nosisab, evilkoal was not out to destructify him with snowy koolaid :) he just wanted to give him a........ GIFT!!! it was nosisab's own powersuit, not unlike evilkoal's except for the fact it was not yet painted. evilkoal handed nosisab the manual for hte book, which looked very much like a copy of "the rise and fall of rome."
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The lil' dragon uses his ice power-up so he can breathe ice instead of fire.After wards he shot a icy 2ton snow ball on top of evilkoal.in the snowy remains there's something shiny.Spyro takes a look and what should it be but evilkoal's iPod which is now used by yours truly :biggrin: :thumbsup: :thanks:
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Marcus reached into his back pocket and pulled out the Zipper of Wormhole Opening (ZWO). He held it up, then pulled it down, unzipping the coat that is time/matter and opening a portal to his personal weapons cache. He reached in and pulled out the chainsaw gun from Gears of War. "This should puncture that armor!" he laughed maniacally.
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