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The Snow Arena


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Spyro was digging like mad in an old chest he had beamed aswell on board he kept saying to him self:"where are they?...Where are they?...damn it.."


that was until...


"...AHA here they are..." The young dragon pulls out a big sack.When he put it on the floor it sounded like glass but thicker."


He opened it..inside there were tenths of green circular-like gems with golden circles that looked like the Moon's orbit around earth.He started to count them


"1,2,3....45,46,47....56,57,58,59,60!! Yes thats all of the orbs now to get them ready.Hey gman021 does this ship have a technological portal or something like that i really need one"


P.S. and also OT:Thanks Lisnpuppy for the mittins,botties and scarf but i'm not large im about as tall as a 15 old's leg im eleven dragon years old (that about 11000 in human years :rolleyes: ) This is just to let you and everyone else know. :thanks: again :thumbsup:

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And a second bean was sent to gman021. Time to resume you role as Ship captain, or you will lose it.


gman021 realizes that he had left his crew alone for too long, and decided to return.



OT: Just to let everyone know, I am at school between 8:30 am and 3:30 pm (central time) Monday through Friday.


My first hour class has computers, so that is why I'm on between 8:40 till 9:25 am.


And nosisab, are you thinking of turning this into an RP topic? I'm not quite sure what you mean... :unsure:

The snow arena is already a RP.

But maybe is better letting it be as it goes. I'm not sure that proposition of mine was good anymore;

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"I'm telling you, Iron Man would sooooooo beat Dr.Doom!"




"Yes, that is true, but Iron Man can fly. That is what makes the difference."




"So what if Dr.Doom has various flying machines? Iron Man still wins!"

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The Goddess's dimensional pocket re-appeared on the ship.


She crawled out of the hole with a smile upon her face and eyes dancing.


Dusting herself off she proceeded to create a powerful magik circle and sat down in the middle.


"I cast this spell for enlightenment

I cast this so one can see

I cast this spell if for nothing else

it will be opportunity."


"Show a path of winding roads

but connected all the same

let the fun and games continue

I set this to his name."


"If the lession is not learned

let silence be his take

so all will hear none of his words

and this will be his fate."


She sent the spell out and it connected itself to the individual. It could not be dispelled or broken until she deemed it so.

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The audio playback device inside the helmet was malfunctioning. The Old One could hear all that was being said and done in the Universe of the Snow Arena. Simultaneously.


This was not the problem for the sartorially hi-tech challenged, dessicated Shaman. This was how he usually heard things. Nothing made any sense, which, he knew, was unlikely as something usually made some sense, at sometime. And everything made sense, which was the way that he liked it. Never have to make a decision when everything makes sense.


No, the problem for the prunelike Shaman was the fact that, on top of all the chat and flap going on, he was getting John Peel's Radio Caroline show featuring Jethro Tull, mixed in with Wolfman Jack's Jan and Dean retrospective. And both being overlayed by a New Year's Eve broadcast from 1942 of the Vienna Boys Choir singing 'Eine Kleine Uber Alles' in a decidedly Aryan style. Jackboot drum and base, if you will. Simultaneously.


As irritating as this was, the Old One was somewhat delighted that Space had this ability to act as a reservoir for all the sound ever produced. Pity it couldn't be tuned in better.


Then a tiny match flame went on in the Old One's brain.


Perhaps he could control this problem from inside the very helmet!


He'd already tried external thumping with his moonboot clad fist, to no avail. Though his hand was now receiving a very sensuous massage, some control switch having been activated in the moonboot due to the aforementioned thumping. But he hoped that said massage would stop soon or he would have to revisit the quandary of how to deal with bodily functions while being wholly encased in a synthetic shell with no apparent egress or ingress, as he was now.


The Old One, trying very hard to ignore the massage, began shaking his nut like head back and forth, slowly. Other than making him feel queezy, all that happened was that the suit moved in the direction of the head shake.


'Ah, we have steerage', he exulted. ' So that goes with side to side. What if I just nod my head forward? Or... backwards, as in the present case. Surely that will result in being propelled in the direction of the nod!'


This he did...


Causing the suit to inflate to the size of a small asteroid. What possible exigency there could be for this particular high tech solution escaped the Old One for the moment. But, at least now he had enough room in which to maneuver around in his new suit-home. Time to look for the heads, as he believed they were called on any vessel of the nautical, or spatial, kind. And quickly.... The audio-babble system had just announced that the Osmonds were on tour again! PreAudio to follow!

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as the ship rocked from left to right on of Spyro's orbs rolled away into the corridors.


"Oh no"


Spyro left the other orbs in the corner and went to chase the runaway orb as it went into the engine room




The magical gem fell into a little space between the engine's machinery and the floor.Knowing that there were gears that can crush it into pieces,out hero quickly put his claw into that little space trying to catch the orb.


"GUYS I NEED HELP URGENTLY.Does anyone here have long hands or some kind of magic that can help me get my orb out of the there,please.I really need it..."

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The Goddess carefully levitated Spyr's gem orb out of danger and gave it back to him.


"What is that anyway?"




"Can I have another snow cone?"

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"well Lisnpuppy i am going to use this orb and other 59 in my room to power my guide book to an unlimited charge so that i can use it anytime i want..."


As Spyro explained to Lisnpuppy he handed her a snow cone.


"oh by the way does this ship have any technological portal.I need to use it to do the process with the orbs?"

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