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The Snow Arena


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as evilkoal looked over his shoulder (since his head was on a bit crooked) at marcus ranting on about things he would like to eat, he started to make some of that grape "ice" koolaid
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The Goddess was royally peeved. NOBODY kicks her in the face. IT could mess up her hair. Growing to titanic size she grabbed up Marcus by the scruff of the neck and raised him high in the air to her eye level. In a booming voice the Goddess spoke,

"Say you are sorry or I will shove snowballed Spam down your throat until you gag, regardless of what its made of!!"

To be honest the Goddess thought Span could be and was made of any number of the things listed by Marcus, but that was beside the point.

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The Goddess was royally peeved. NOBODY kicks her in the face. IT could mess up her hair. Growing to titanic size she grabbed up Marcus by the scruff of the neck and raised him high in the air to her eye level. In a booming voice the Goddess spoke,

"Say you are sorry or I will shove snowballed Spam down your throat until you gag, regardless of what its made of!!"

To be honest the Goddess thought Span could be and was made of any number of the things listed by Marcus, but that was beside the point.

hahahahaha, now I know why you are called the Snow arena goddess :)


After this thunderous entrance, noted with amazing incredulity by one outstanding squirrel, that seemed more concerned with not turning spam itself, and by no one more since the sound of the goddess voice yet reverberated at the mind of all lesser ones present. With visible disgust everyone failed to see by the reason before noted. The mysterious mage known by all for being unknown, spells a powerful freezing bolt meant to break every furhair of Marcus Wolfe at the root, as soon he would be freed from the legitimate fury of the goddess and thrown to the ground. So than, utterly skinned, he would feel the freezing grasp of the fear yet bigger than the cold of the surroundings (at first Nosisab thought using a fireball for better effects, but recalled in time this would be an awful idea).


After, now being noted by all but the squirrel (that wisely thought it had better things to do far away from these mad humans and others yet more dreadful) Nosisab left the stage, hoping no one perceived he don't know English enough to compete in the arena.


:) hilarious thread, I'll return at times, yet you will not see me unless I fail the sneak test.

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The Goddess sniffed the air...


"I smell bad grammar. Double negatives..." she mumbled under her breath.


But she was soon again distracted by her righeous fury...




(just kidding Nosisab! :) )

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evilkoal exclaimed "you can smell words?!?!?! we must do a series of snow powered koolaid tests!"
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'Suffering Sasquauch' , muttered the Old One in mid METAMORPHOSIS, unsure whether he had pronounced the curse properly or not.

... 'Suffering Yetis' , he revised, feeling on surer ground, now. A Squirrel ! That was just what he had planned to METAMORMOPHOSOSOSIZE into ! Well... one squirrel might remain relatively unnoticed. Two!? That was an infestation! And an invitiation to anyone to think about Squirrel Pie.


The Old One had enough on his plate, so to speak, without wanting to be on the menu. ( The diminutive Shaman's head was full of the awful sounds of hard drives breaking and women and children screaming about lost photos, school work, game settings, emails, address books... everything. ) The Old One was nearly overcome with emotion as yet another cunning plan bit the dust....


'Well', he opined. ' At least I've still got my bit of moon '.


Though he was increasingly concerned about the state of his mukluks, still frozen down there amidst the technicolor tide of KoolAid, and other sticky comestibles. He gummed (sic) a bit of Otis Redding, just to make himself feel a little better. ' Sittin' in the morning sun...'.

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Marcus freed himself from the titan's grip and, using the rocket, safely propelled himself to the moon. Landing softly, he hopped off the rocket and sat down next to the Old One.


"So, what do you do for fun around here?"

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'Oh... papier mache... and other paper related pasttimes.', growled the Old One, not sure how he felt about sharing his tiny demesne with the Omnivorous Super Canuck.


' Say', chirped the tiny Shaman, trying not to look anything like edible, ' would you mind shifting over a bit? I think you may have trod in something down there and ... my nose... you know...'.


The Old One was certain of what would happen next. He knew that the Super Canuck , like all Canucks super or not, could not bear to be considered impolite.


As the Super Canuck of The Voracious Appetite disappeared over the frayed edge of the remnant of the paper moon, the Old One felt a small pang of regret. He had been company , after all. Even if he was just a Super Canuck.

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The Goddess sniffed the air...


"I smell bad grammar. Double negatives..." she mumbled under her breath.


But she was soon again distracted by her righeous fury...




(just kidding Nosisab! :) )

Believe the way English build concepts is yet strange to me, since our would probably be weirder to you. But don't be fooled at thinking is just this. The fact is I'm too much lazy to get deep into the "English grammar for beginners and morons", hmm...


But believe too I now have a good reason to do that sacrifice :) --- this community.


Or I could try the MSN tech - aways writing short and fragmented thoughts, better yet splitting it for, says, 4 or 5 lines :D


PS: I can even borrow the Marcus chainsaw to split infinitives :)

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The Goddess stood alone again except for a almost unnoticed squirrel, a packet of Koolaid, a paper moon overhead and dozens of split infinitives floating around not unlike mosquitoes.


Brushing the annoying infinitives from her face she looked about.


She really just wanted to get along with everyone and have a party and give everyone easier access to worship her.


"Ah.." she exclaimed.


Suddenly a huge buffett table appeared before her with many, many chairs. Upon it she placed any number of furry critter dishes, honey, banana splits, Spam, Spam eggs and Spam (which only had a little Spam in it), KoolAid with snowball shaped ice, peanut butter and honey sandwiches, donuts and paper-moon shaped napkins.

She then sent up her invitations to all whom cared to come.

The invitation flew into the air and exploded like fireworks in the sky.

"Eat at Joes" it said.

Then another explosion..

"All welcome at the Goddess Dinner Party!! No dress code!"


She waited nervously to see if anyone would show up and hoped she wouldn't be dissappointed...

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