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The Snow Arena


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showing a little more courage than the squirrel, the mage scream loud hoping to be heard in the midst of so many split infinitives - I fear what you thought to be double negatives were with a purpose (purposeful?) My goddess. But I think, too, the prospects of killing more grammatical goodnesses than evil poor wild animals eaters is a real concern (at least after our valiant wolfie target showed some remnants of wisdom migrating to the moon).


So I would accept the magnanimous invitation to this wonderful party, but koalas are not among my favorite dishes, not to mention all those spam with no definite origins.


Yet I will try and convince the squirrel to share some nuts with me, so I can safely assist this than will or would be.

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As Marcus looked down upon the earth, he could not help but notice that some sort of massive banquet was being had. "Oh, joy! Now I can swipe some food!" He attached a small robot to a small but extremely high powered rocket. He then launched it to the banquet.


The robot did as it was told:

1. Collect food and send it back to the moon


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As Marcus looked down upon the earth, he could not help but notice that some sort of massive banquet was being had. "Oh, joy! Now I can swipe some food!" He attached a small robot to a small but extremely high powered rocket. He then launched it to the banquet.


The robot did as it was told:

1. Collect food and send it back to the moon


The robot told as it did

1 - Cause total food

2 - Collect moon and send it back to the chaos!!!

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Marcus had been foiled by the simplest of language errors!


No longer to tolerate this nosisab simpleton, he donned his Iron Wolf Powersuit Mark V (Picture the Iron Man suit twice its size with claws, a wolf head, and a black/silver color scheme) and blasted off towards Earth.


His metal fist connect with nosisab's face at 5000m/s. He might as well have been the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs.


The force of the hit caused the Earth to split into hundreds of millions of tiny rocks.


Fortunately, all life forms had been miraculously evacuated by the extra terrestrial equivalent of Greenpeace.

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The Goddess watched in abject horror as the world, people and more importantly her Buffett Party went in all directions.


The Goddess had enough.


It was time to pull out the strongest of her Goddess powers to fix the mess and to wreck vengenge on those that ruined her party.


Her form morphed and swirled. Becoming to all that which they held most dear and most feared.


To every creature that looked upon her she became what she was...




Out of a rip in the fabric of time she pulled her weapon....a paddle.


"I have had ENOUGH OF THIS!!!"


And to every corner of the Universe, into every ear it was heard......and fear began to grow....

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evilkoal, noticing the lisnpuppy turning into his mother, had finally finished making his snow-and-koolaid-powered-self-contained-portal to another dimension. he quickly powered it on and disappeared in a poof of koolaid and snow, to wait for the vengeance of the mother to be dispersed. :)
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Marcus had been foiled by the simplest of language errors!


No longer to tolerate this nosisab simpleton, he donned his Iron Wolf Powersuit Mark V (Picture the Iron Man suit twice its size with claws, a wolf head, and a black/silver color scheme) and blasted off towards Earth.


His metal fist connect with nosisab's face at 5000m/s. He might as well have been the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs.


The force of the hit caused the Earth to split into hundreds of millions of tiny rocks.


Fortunately, all life forms had been miraculously evacuated by the extra terrestrial equivalent of Greenpeace.

So was planed and so it started, The Ironed wolfie headed toward earth.

Sensing the danger of an error in the Marcus calculations could actually land it in the correct place, Nosisab casts the special Enhance gravitons 10x, while a well placed "Disable Wiring Connections" beam cared to bring to the goddess guests a marvelous show of sparkling meteoritic like beauty crash. Some even moved a bit closer to enjoy the heat.


Satisfied he could bring some fun and joy to the Godess party. Nosisab returns to his nuts under the respectful glare of the squirrel, what this time, glad and willing, brought some more nuts from its treehole

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The Goddess watched in abject horror as the world, people and more importantly her Buffett Party went in all directions.


The Goddess had enough.


It was time to pull out the strongest of her Goddess powers to fix the mess and to wreck vengenge on those that ruined her party.


Her form morphed and swirled. Becoming to all that which they held most dear and most feared.


To every creature that looked upon her she became what she was...




Out of a rip in the fabric of time she pulled her weapon....a paddle.


"I have had ENOUGH OF THIS!!!"


And to every corner of the Universe, into every ear it was heard......and fear began to grow....


After recovering from her premonition Power and danger sense vision of the 'that than could be' the goddess think the party can yet be very fun. And her smile warms the hearts of all present. So I hope, thinks Nosisab.


much to relieve of everyone... errr, everyone but one.

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'I could get to like this Nosisab chap.', whined the Old One, who never liked the idea of liking anybody. This Nosisab reminded him of his uncle, Oldone'soldone'sbrother. You knew he made sense... it was just that you didn't know who it was that he made sense to.


Just as he was thinking about this, and remembering that the last time he had been to a party like the one The Goddess was throwing was in the company of a young girl named Alice ( he shuddered as he recalled how that one had turned out .), and wondering whether Wolfie Canuck got all his neat toys out of the Sears Roebuck Catalogue or the Whole Earth one, the Old One was overcome with a vague recollection, hundreds of years old, of his dearest mummy.


Though they had parted company on less than affectionate terms - his mummy simply detested his fastidious ways: his neatly combed ears and the sparkling clean state of his claws - he was now consumed with nostalgia as the wonderful remembrance of the last time he had caught her delicate scent - wet bear on fire - filled the nostrils of his mind.


'Tsk, tsk...', he sighed. Then clapped his hands over his mouth, too late, as the whole of the remaining square meter of paper moon was covered in a host of golden daffodils. The Old One shook his head. He hated daffys.


'So many hundreds of years of spells and curses. Such a small old brain to recollect them all.', the wizened holy midget whispered to the tune of 'Men of Harlech'.

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