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The Snow Arena


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The world never changes at the bases, but it changes in the ways. I'm not at easy, the war yet is the same but the warriors aren't the same anymore. So much of the newer weapons have misguided then. FPS, a dreaded one. It is intended to kill and it does so much well, it kills invention.


Yet there is something I can't understand, why someone think it can be translated to P&P (or its equivalent of nowadays computerized world). What leads someone to think there is any fun at the statement "I consecruch the astrondling and stragonof all, and everyone is dead", I missed something that don't miss, better this way.


To the ones that think I kill ideas I answer: You are wrong, you did this first if you think this way. The old way is yet a good one and this new one lacks something, something very important. Some will recall this, some will learn this, most will never know this.


To the ones that think they can dictate the life and death by just stating this. I will be here to say: not so easy, you will need to show you can. And if you learn how, so maybe you can, and we will laugh together.

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And throughout all this, Freddy stood by, watching and playing a sad, slow song on his accordion.


And then the song sped up. Slowly, but surely. The tempo increased steadily. And when it reached fever pitch, he activated one of the many magic spells lying dormant within the accordion's bellows.


The Eardrum Buster was unleashed.


And so all the combatants went deaf from the frenzied howl of Freddy's accordion, enhanced by the arcane forces lying within.

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luckily, evilkoal's antimatter powered "ipod" was playing whilst the accordion's song of eardrum busting was playing, so he was unaffected by this unique spell. though he could only hear the godly orchestrations of music blasting into his ears, he noticed the other combatants/picknickers falling to their knees, ears bleeding. he aimed his "hellfire" plasma gun at the bard's musical instrument of doom, his HUD showing that he was locked on target, and ready to fire.
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The Shamanubble jerked awake. His first thought, on hearing the accordion music, was that , finally, the waiter would be bringing his Pasta Sprezzatura ( Grace with ease, Lisn ). Or had he ordered Gumbo Zydeco?


The flimsy orb, which was the Old One's latest manifestation, convulsed, violently, as the Shamanubble recalled how hungry he was. Somehow he had managed to avoid partaking of any sustenance whatsoever even though, at times, it had seemed that he was surrounded by comestibles.


The Shamanubble convulsed again as he became aware of how cold he was. It was a familiar cold. The kind of cold that one only finds in the North Atlantic regions. It turns all creatures' noses blue. And creatures whose noses are already blue to begin with...? Expect they lose them, and have to grow them again , every 'Breakup'.


'Ahhh', blurped the Old One. ' I would seem to be in the North Atlantic . Haven't been here since that time with Erik the Whosis, when we discovered North America, or , The Huge, Hard and Vastly Unpleasant, At Certain Times of the Year, Chunk of Land Which Blocks Out the View of More Interesting Bits and Against Which One Bumps Everytime One Wishes To Go West... again.'. Though, of course it sounded better in Old Icelandic.


' How did I end up here?!?', wobbled the Old One. And then he remembered. And was full of WRATH. Ever seen a wrathful bubble? Well, that's yer mon.


'That poxxy, spavined, motheaten, verminridden, haghumping, ... politician!!! WolfieCanuckSupe!!!! We he he he helllll! No more mister nice Shamanubble!!!! When I get my...


It was at this point that one of the local Leviathans, attracted by this unusually articulate bubble, swam lazilly into view and, as an after thought, snuffled the Shamanubble/Old One up...

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Feeling his flames dim, Newt realized he had just drunk a large ice cube.


Swearing revenge on the goddess, he quickly transforms again into a salamander, setting the tea table on fire. Restoking his flames, Newt orders the zombies to attack the goddess.


Bob helps to get rid of the poison by allowing the water to disolve. He then creates a massive snow-powered excecuter class super star destoyer.

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Feeling his flames dim, Newt realized he had just drunk a large ice cube.


Swearing revenge on the goddess, he quickly transforms again into a salamander, setting the tea table on fire. Restoking his flames, Newt orders the zombies to attack the goddess.


Bob helps to get rid of the poison by allowing the water to disolve. He then creates a massive snow-powered excecuter class super star destoyer.

uchh, such a headache, I'll take care of that accordeon later, hmmm, that iPod thing seems nice too...

for now we have a newt forgetting some bugs I think are very hungry for now. that massive snow-powered executer destroyer seems a threat worth to deal with... we will see.


Since the trolls seems entertained at deciding the most qualified to lunch first (a somber crossed the mage front, no it can't be a tactic to eliminate then...) and those robotized morons seems lost at high philosophic discussion about the better way to make war, Nosisab place himself at the goddess side as to say... let some of those freak zombies to me, would you?

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the plasma gun fired, and a bolt of plasma flew out of it, bounced off of the accordion (apparently it was plasma resistant) and hit the star destroyer in that spot like on star wars, causing the colossal ship's gun to go off, firing in a random direction (i didnt shoot it with a sissy laser after all, like luke.)
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The Goddess looked at Nosisab and smiled a glorious smile.


She wasn't sure why the little amphibian was so upset about the sweet iced tea when it was SO obviously better than hot....but she had zombies with which to deal.



"So.." she said to Nosisab..... "does Bowling for Zombies sound good to you?"


A perfectly sized and weighted snow bowling ball appeared in the Goddess hand....

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The Goddess looked at Nosisab and smiled a glorious smile.


She wasn't sure why the little amphibian was so upset about the sweet iced tea when it was SO obviously better than hot....but she had zombies with which to deal.



"So.." she said to Nosisab..... "does Bowling for Zombies sound good to you?"


A perfectly sized and weighted snow bowling ball appeared in the Goddess hand....

Ahh, seems just perfect to me, care you to give those betelgeusean robots something practical to do about war?

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The Goddess made another perfect snow bowling ball and handed it to Nosisab.


"Age before beauty..." she said allowing him the first go...



(ha ha)

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