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The Snow Arena


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evilkoal's suit luckily stopped the chainsaw mid blow, marcus not noticing thinking it went in. as he heard nosisab talking to himself about koolaid, and the ipod, evilkoal invited him into his now ice covered black snow fortress of doom. lucky for nosisab, evilkoal was not out to destructify him with snowy koolaid :) he just wanted to give him a........ GIFT!!! it was nosisab's own powersuit, not unlike evilkoal's except for the fact it was not yet painted. evilkoal handed nosisab the manual for hte book, which looked very much like a copy of "the rise and fall of rome."

Not a bit at easy as he tried to seem (and not very sure if seeming at easy at all) Nosisab accepts the invite to the ice snow of black doom covered fortress (the mage knew, of course, that were not the correct name, but a fit one should Evilkoal nourish some evilish thought toward him) and says: so shall be a truce between us for now (already thinking a good way to show Evilkoal bamboos are delicious certain place far away), yet he meant what he said.


While looking the power suite with a gaze that seemed much more enchanted that it really were, and much less curious that it actually were too. Nosisab accepts the gift saying will give it a try with certain lupus (and secretly meaning he would thoroughly analyze it before this) and putting the suite at an hyper-dimensional, universe destroying proof container, saved it in his minor pocket. as he was reserving the bigger ones for the galactic starships popping around (a resource he learned observing with care Japanese animes, and a thing that yet today amazed him for passing such many eons without figuring for himself as possible, fooled as it was by good sense saying this being an impossibility).


I'm a material poor man, he says to Evilkoal, as just recently I discovered the secret power of common pockets. But I can give you something too, this short range teleport scroll I hope you will find useful in a dare danger. I'm sure you will use it wisely.


So saying and expecting don't seeming so much rude, Nosisab farewells Evilkoal, not before asking for a handful of xyz koolaid, essential ingredient for a much needed stuff.

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Waking up from his blackout, Marcus fired 200 Lancer rounds into the heart of the dragon and another 100 into his head for kicks. He laughed as it's head exploded.
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and so evilkoal gave a packet of xyz koolaid to nosisab :)

then he proceeded to have his servitors dig an ice-moat with ice-crocodiligators and ice-pihranas (sp?) in it.

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Zwor sees evilkoal watching over his servitors. Knowing that now is the perfect chance, Zwor throws a Snow Grenade under evilkoal. "Kekekeke" Zwor muttered as he runs towards the center and starts building a fortress of ice and snow.
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After leaving Evilkoal fortress Nosisab feels a strangeness he can't identify. Must I build a fortress for myself? Never before have the sage ever thought at settling down to any place. Even to think this was somewhat disgusting, so many places he had been, yet so much more the universe waved to him.


Shelter is not an issue, he thought. The sky is itself a wonder beyond human description, even when sought from a planetary surface. At one planet, one that have given him a strong impression, earth the natives call it, among several other names it is called by natives, across time and nations, is not unlike this arena he is now.


They had (and have) interesting although misguided concepts about the fundamentals and even the genesis of the universe itself. Being, it seemed, they think it as a fruit of the bang of some unexplained mater matter of sorts. They have a concept of the infinitudes as well. They see the infinite as a thing or far far distant and beyond reach or big big beyond measure (and under the mis-concept they don't are far from the truth). But just recently they are seeing what they call zero as a infinitude too, and here just a few philosophical minds (ahh, they have several specializations they call mathematics, physics and such) are near the truth.


The 'natural' training, of the senses lead then at thinking the infinite as comporting more things than the zero, actually they think and confuses the zero with the nothing (not everyone, for sure, but the almost totality does so). This vision is further worsened by the discrete collection of unities they place at an useful measuring tool they call rule, but that have the misguiding characteristic of putting a point of origin they use to call the zero, and so, seeing this origin at unity distance of the one the common sense delude then to think the zero as nearby to the one as this is from the two. They even think zero is reachable, since they mistakes the subtraction of some existing unity by itself they have zero unities of that thing when they have only nothing of it.


But the real misguiding bias, no terran I knew but one keep is the one that the infinitudes are statical. And while it is so the real nature of the universal genesis will not be understood. They will understand the dynamic nature of the infinitudes soon, as they found already the concept they called hyperreal number, and these can be understood only when that dynamic nature of the infinitudes shall itself be understood too.


Suddenly Nosisab was aware that he was absorbed with inner thoughts, something very dangerous at the arena. Decided he was just lonely he reached the folds of his mantle for his little squirrel friend and pet it for a while, for the greatest pleasure of both, he sensed. and so he made a little snow pillow and lied down yet thinking the little thoughts.... ahhh... everyone already knows that curse.


He would rest at easy as he could rise a material/energy shield quicker some not perfectly timed attacker could even get near enough to be a menace. Even asleep his trained senses would do the trick before his own awareness reacted. Most of times the incautious would not enjoy the final results.


Still Terra knew the concept of formant dualities for its years milenia, thought the sage before falling asleep, why they never extended it to the fundamentals?

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The Old One came to, as if popping out of a trance. He was, he found, now standing on a massive vibrating, gyrating surface redolent of fish, now back in his natural form: that being a rather shabby, downatheel Uberancient Shaman of disrepute. This inability to maintain an errect manifestation afflicted the Old one, from time to time, and especially when he was suffering from great distraction.


The great distraction, in this present case, wasn't the improbable behaviour of the Leviathan. It was Nosisab's 'Ode to Zero '.


'I simply disagree with you, Nosisab.', lectured the Old One to himself. Then thought a bit... then...realized the ridiculosity of his assertion... then...


'I disagree, most profoundly, with you Nosisab.', he gurned to his greater satisfaction.


It was at this point that a light bulb came on his brain. A multimegawatt Lighthouse bulb, this time. (In the one tiny bit of shade that remained in his dessicated old brain, the Old One allowed himself the thought that hooking up to the Leviathan's neural cortex had certainly recharged the old mental batteries.)


'Hardcore!', gleamed the tattered Shaman as he reached the only possible conclusion. 'Nosisab has constructed the perfect defence!! The Perfect Defence of Irrefutable Impenetrable Logic! Or... is it the other way around? ... ... Impenetrable Irrefutable Logic! Or ... the other ... ... ... Nevermind!', he squeaked, still toothlessly, while at the same time smacking himself in the side of the head with the flat of a passing Plaice, a popular refreshment for those driving single lane highland roads.


The Old One would have basked, continuously, in this profound realization, and fish derived discomfort, if it hadn't been for another, more immediate, distraction: the salmon pink stilleto heel which kept rotating past his nose within nose hair tickling range at regular, Latino, intervals...


A salmon pink stilleto heel which was attached to a salmon pink shoe that was attached to a limegreen and gold striped ankle that was attached to a cherry red polkadots on tourquoise background calf that was attached to a confectionerssugar pink and robinsegg blue oilbath whorled thigh which was attached to...


the Old One's eyes grew saucer round - a difficult trick considering the multiple number of epicanthal folds which had to be surmounted to achieve said roundness.


'Holy Smorgasbord !' gummed the Old One as he beheld the Samba-ing Goddess clothed in nothing but a smile and Carnival colours. And salmon pink stilletos, of course.


' How could she ever think that she would get away with trying to make THAT colour scheme work!?', he criticized, critically.


And, as he beheld her dual bullseye motif, de Kooning coloured butt, also rotating at about the height of his nose, also at regular, Latino, intervals, he couldn't resist crooning to himself. ' A little closer attention to the principles of Lady Remmington useage wouldn't have gone amiss, methinks, missy ! ', as he beheld the feather stubble that deformed an otherwise perfectly acceptable, though somewhat garish, vista of rotating moons.


The Old One shook himself, violently, in order to escape his aesthetic preoccupation. Shielding his old eyes from the wondrous site of the rotating Goddess, so wrapped up in her ecstatic gyrations that she seemed unaware of anything, even the passing icebergs that the Leviathan was now playing chicken with, having regained the use of its few brain cells and glorying in the feel of the wintry north Atlantic sun on its three meter thick hide for the first time in ... a ... v e r y long time , ...


...and making sure that his ancient tongue was firmly, safely, ensconsed behind a barrier of gums, in case his uncontrollable shortterm memory recalled something over which said tongue mechant had no control, either, the reprobate Shaman started having second thoughts about the whole situation. As first thoughts did not come to the Old One so easily these days, this was quite an enormous endeavor.


'Where', he posited, ' did it all go ... pear shaped?' - with no reference at all, at all, to the still rotating Goddess.


'And would dat fekkin auld fish ever stay its fekkin auld Brazilian caterwallin to let a mun have a tot in his heed, bejabbers!' The Old One was prone to lapsing into Disneyfied Oirish at times of great irritation.


He rewound the wax cylinder that was the latest technology that his memory had managed to harness, and that WAS his memory, to where he thought his present predicament may have begun. There was only one conclusion to this rewind which could be ascertained with any degree of positivity-ness.


His mukluks. Lost . Somewhere in the loathesome, noissome carnage strewn strewnness that was the Snow Arena. He must get his mukluks back! That would be his quest...

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The Goddess's samba was rudely interrupted when she heard the Old One muttering about leg hair and mukluks. She looked down and saw to her horror she was dressed...well...sort of dressed...in the most gastly of colors. Didn't the Old One (whose manical powers of fantasy had dressed her so) realized she was a WINTER! Black, Red, Grey, Dark Gem Tones!


And as for her need for a Lady Remmington....well it wasn't hair on her leg...but the remnents of the feathers she had so recently sported as Raven. And she only shaved for certain occations in this forsaken cold....and this wasn't one of them.



She considered giving the Old One the stink eye again but he seemed to be immune. So she leaned down to him at eye level...still in the "outfit" the Old One had thought up for her...


As the Old One stared at all her glory....she handed him a ripe pear.


"We need to get out of here. There is trouble afoot. Do we do it your way or mine?"


When he still seemed to be destracted by other things she wacked him on the side of the head and repeated herself.

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gman021 watches all of this unfold, and he sits back, quite amused.


As he ponders his plan of action, he thinks about who he should choose as an ally, and who he should choose as an enemy.


"Choose wisely," he thinks...

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