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The Snow Arena


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Actually since Marcus Wolfe had fallen into the Looking Glass...he did crash a spaceship...just not the one he thought.


"Whoa! Trippy!" gman021 thinks.


"I REALLY have to lay off the narcotics..."




OT: I really don't do drugs. I'm clean! :D



The child Goddess decided to sing her happiness at Marcus Wolfe's current absence..


"I'm looking through the glass...wondering how much time has passed...oh god it feels like forever. But no one ever told me that forever feels like home..sitting all alone inside your head..."

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Spyro sends a text message to Gman021's cell phone telling him that dragons don't necessarily live in caves.Like me;i come from the 6 dragon worlds...


OT: goggle "spyro the dragon" :bomb_ie: :iluvff:


...The young dragon cannot be stopped by a "little water" so he quickly rushes to his ice fort and uses the combo power up(a combination of a fire ball power up and a flying one)Further more he also look into his inventory and notices a dusty book with an inscription saying "guide book" suddenly he remembers what it was:the book that guided him through out Avalar.In this dusty tome are stored the 15 talismans of the Avalar worlds (dont mistake them for the Dragon worlds Avalar is a different place)as well as the legendary Power crystal that was used to connect Avalar to the Dragon worlds.The guide book hold incredible power which Spyro now has tapped.A golden glow suddenly starts to come from the pages of the book ( :blink: ) the glow is seen far into the horizon,power like this hasn't been seen in millions of years :nuke: :ohmy:

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...The young dragon cannot be stopped by a "little water"


OT: Did you click the link on the words, "Hydrogen Bombs" ?


If not, this is what they are:






On Topic: Gman021 receives spyro's text message, and sends him one back, asking him if he would like to join him in the fight against the 405th Infantry Division...

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' I don't know', wheezes the Old One. 'I step out for a minute and already the nukes are in play! Fortunately I'm already half-life, so ya caint hurt moi. Hah ! '. The Old One shimmers a bit, then dissolves.
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OT:really i thought they were water type bombs 'n' stuff.Oops OK lets say i used the "guide book" to save myself.Everyone got that? I hope so :banana: (i love using that banana) oh and i continue to use the book :rolleyes:
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Marcus leaps out from the looking glass and hops back onto the ship using a nuclear powered space suit.


"Damnations! Now I'm going to have to building the Canadarm all over again!" he shouted as he headed to the construction room.

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Seeing Wolfie fly away our hero(yours truly)wonders if he'll come back.Lets hope that he wont :biggrin: SNOW CONE PARTY !!


...Now on to more serious stuff.Like whether to stay and help "the Goddess"(i have a big heart :thumbsup: ) or find a way back home to Artistans...OH 1 more thing,yes ill join you Gman021 but is this another RP forum?(copies text and sends quick reply to gman021)

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OH 1 more thing,yes ill join you Gman021 but is this another RP forum?(copies text and sends quick reply to gman021)


Oh no, the 405th Battalion is a site that I wanted vengeance on a little bit ago... maybe not anymore though...


gman021 enjoys his snow cone aboard his Zephyr, as he Lisnpuppy, evilkoal and Marcus Wolfe zip through space...

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Marcus had just finished rebuilding his Canadarm when he got a sudden craving for potato chips and meatloaf. After seeing the ship had none, Marcus slipped date rape pills in the beverages of their comrades. He waited for them to pass out, and then landed on the Planet of Junk Food. He drove around in his Bomabardier with Canadarm attachment until he had gathered enough chips and meatloaf to feed the population of China for a year, then compressed it all into an extremely tiny packet. But as soon as he turned to go back to the space ship, his Bomabardier ran out of fuel.



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We, from the "Grand Old Ones Department", must stand against The "Elder Villainy Inside Lore" and its 'sequitur'

the "Mindless Alienated Destruction and Nonsensical Endless Suicidal Syndrome" and the fearful "Boring Actors Department".

Although they are many by category, we are lucky most of then shares two or even three of those characteristics.

We must endure and prevail because we count with the "Great Office of Darkness Destroying and Eradication Support System".


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