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The Snow Arena


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"MARCUUUS YOU AREEE GONNAAA GEET IIIIIIIT":yelled Spyro while flying away in space in the pod.While floating in there he saw a charging device luckly he had collected his orbs before being sent away so 1 by 1 he put the gems into the machine as the device was ready to charge our hero put the guide book in it.I blinding light shined.Afterwards the young dragon picked the tome and as he was going to crash he opened the book and put his claw on it.Suddenly he was gone.As everyone was on the ship they saw a circular dimentional door open and out of it came..You guest it...Spyro.


"Alright where is that wolf .Don't hold me back Lisnpuppy I've had enough of him."


He stomped his way into the ships dining area.There he saw wolfie eating meatloaf and potato chips.


"MARCUUUS" He looked at him with smoke coming from his nose and fire in his eyes."YOU ARE SO DEAD..." :verymad:

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still struggling with his snowcone dillema, evilkoal decided to go on a campaign against history since all it does is drag us down! while wanting to remove history from public snow-schools, he decides he wants to start a revolution in snowmerica. he will need marcus's chainsaws, meatloaf and potato chips to complete this grand task of overthrowing the nearing-oppressive snowmerican government.


and then he figured out how to get the snowcone in! mutate the maw of a daemon into the palm of his powerfist.

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The Old One hit the floor of the Asteroid/Spacesuit with an uncomfortable splat.


He had been floating, weightlessly, way up there at the visor, when a new and unexpected gravity had suddenly taken hold. The Old One, other than experiencing a lot of pain in his scratchyyakwool long john clad, boney butt, was somewhat piqued that the breath-mist pictures he had been doodling on the technoplastiglass of the visor had been interrupted. There was a quite evocative one of himself and the Goddess in her former Carnival gear that he would like to complete. Despite how ' old ' some might consider such a pasttime. He was the ... Old... One after all.


So he expelled exactly the 2.3 quasimetamicrocentagrams of posterior wind required to levitate himself back into position at the visor.


The prune - like Shaman's walnut-nut-like head rocketted into the underside of the very top of the helmet with a nut cracking ... crack. He had forgotten to factor in the sharp pain affecting his butt, that being the only facility the Old One possessed that was capable of calibrating such minute calculated maneuverings of the levitating kind. And he had also forgotten to rebutton the bumflap on the scratchyyakwool long johns after whatever it was that he had been doing... before.


Before he plumetted, again, to the floor below, the dessicated Shaman's perfectlydriedpotatoshaped butt performed a holding pattern expellation which got the Old One back to his aforementioned doodling at the visor. It was then that he saw the activity taking place on the other side of the blahblahglass .


'PEEEEEPUUUUULLLL', rejoiced the normally taciturn and solitary - not necessarily in that order - Shaman.


'Ah. Folks.', harrumphed the Old One, regaining control of his momentary lapse into enthusiasm.


'Lots going on, it seems', thought the twistedlittlebastard Shaman. Though what it was that was going on ... he hadn't a clue. The ambience did seem to be fraught with agression, however. 'So, business as usual, then.', he thought. Nice, in an extremely strange way, to see all the old and not so old faces. Though Nosisab seemed to have absented himself for some reason.


' Ah. That tiny dragon. I knew his mother. Not, of course, in what would become to be known as 'in the biblical sense'. Comely lass. Tough birth as I recall. All those eggs. He must have a large extended family somewhere. As to technocological portals, young man... the only one I can lay my hands on is the flap in these long johns. And judging by the stiff breeze blowing, from somewhere, right up my fundament, I'd better do it up.', burbled the Old One in the direction of himself.


The Old One then spent the next half hour coming to grips with the futureproof technology inherent in the flap buttons.


Then, attention dragged back to the action on the other side of the glass, and fighting the urge to allow himself to plummet floorwards, again, as the ennui threatened to overcome him, he noticed Wolfie and his hairy-er, smelly-er newbestfriend.


A mini-christmastreebulb, blue in colour, went on in the Old One's head.


'Hairy-er...smelly-er...friend? ... ... ... KEITH!', recalled , painfully , the Old One. 'MUKLUKS!', came the afterthoughtexpressed, also painful...

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As Spyro (with great anger) ran to marcus and marcus looked like he would s**t his pants any second,Spyro received a quick flashback.A flashback that showed him as a hatchling and his father talking to him:


"Spyro,you have a great destiny ahead of you.Me and the other dragons know that you will be the one to stop Gnasty Gnorc one day.But know this,if you let your anger take over you,those around you even the innocent and yourself will be destroyed.If that happens it is possible that you might even become worse that Gnasty Gnorc himself."


[flashback end]


Our hero turned his head and walked away.As he left the room he ,calmly with a bit of anger, said to marcus wolfie"


"Marcus if we meet on the snow planet you wont be so lucky!"


The young dragon went into his room and went to sleep...

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As Spyro (with great anger) ran to marcus and marcus looked like he would s**t his pants any second,Spyro received a quick flashback.A flashback that showed him as a hatchling and his father talking to him:


"Spyro,you have a great destiny ahead of you.Me and the other dragons know that you will be the one to stop Gnasty Gnorc one day.But know this,if you let your anger take over you,those around you even the innocent and yourself will be destroyed.If that happens it is possible that you might even become worse that Gnasty Gnorc himself."


[flashback end]


Our hero turned his head and walked away.As he left the room he ,calmly with a bit of anger, said to marcus wolfie"


"Marcus if we meet on the snow planet you wont be so lucky!"


The young dragon went into his room and went to sleep...

That young one is a fast learner, little friend... the squirrel did a head movement one could think as it was nodding albeit Nosisab knew him don't really concerned about dragons. He was just grabbing a nut the way squirrels are supposed to do.


Nosisab once again stared at the desolated panorama. The ugly equatorial scar was long, wide and broad. Albeit the slow and constant wind and the mild snow storm that soon would cover it would never more mask it. What can lead one to such disrespect for life? Only one thing seems to build a pattern on this behavior, that one don't value even the own life.


The raged storms that succeeded the attack and covered the sky with thick clouds were now that soft, but not before the freezing effect, so much even to the already cold environment, destroyed almost all natural life in the arena. That unthought act couldn't be at worse place. With no small sadness Nosisab once more saw what mankind seems blind to: destruction is aways easier than recovering or renovation.


Again the thoughts of the sage were focused on the young dragon. Good counsel the olds gave him. Angry and hatred are easy paths, but easy paths aren't the paths that leads to somewhere other then the void destruction aways leave.


Rely on your own resources, young one. Mind have aways guided all intelligent beings to their greatest potentials. Brutish and mindless power is often turned against the sender. Note the examples of the ancients. Even if age isn't synonym of wisdom, this attribute is an acquired one. Where wisdom will guide ignorance is even better where wisdom is kin to knowledge.


Well... again the old and somewhat tired mage expelled that somber thoughts with an unnecessary but assuring hand gesture. The young one passed the BAD and escaped MADNESS, at least seems so, he is now at the intermediate stage and earned the kudos for interpretation.

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As spyro slept he dreamt of the dragon worlds.A small purple winged reptile slept near a small water fall and next to him was a golden coloured dragonfly.His name was Sprakx ,he was spyro's life long friend and protector.Why?Because our hero rescued his life when he was a larva(but thats another story).As the young dragon rested the dragonfly said (in his own language)


"gzeik zups zpiru"(translated means :wake up spyro)


"huh what.Sparx what's going on"


"zu gnokz auhz atztkyngz usz.Uz gotz tuhz haydsz"(the gnorcs are attacking.We gotta hide)


"Sparx i may be 5000 years old(5 dragon years)but im no coward im going to fight i dont care if im weak"


Then spyro charged forward and Sparx folowed behind...SPARX,OH NO (our hero woke up in shock)he rushed to the captain's cabinGuys i gotta go away but i'll be back though.So our hero created a small portal,entered it and it closed...

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Does he honestly think he can do what a midsize SUV could not?




Soon, Marcus was skipping along the pine forests of the Snow Planet with his wookie friend.

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as soon as evilkoal had reached the snow planet, he had started to build his ginormous snow fort. of doom. and destruction. and koolaid. and possibly a little bit of ice, and rocks.


deep in his snow fortress of doom, and other previously said things, evilkoal found himself enjoying the torture of the local snow peoples by hanging them upside down by their feet, putting weights on their eyelids, and dipping their heads into a spinning wheel of paper (as to give them extremely painful papercuts.)

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(OT-Marcus-just curious....do you really have to destroy an entire thing in one fell swoop? Maybe a great battle between you and said Wookie resulting in partial damage to fortress...I am only asking becasue you make this whole role playing thing a bit difficult to the rest of us)



Little did Marcus know that the Goddess had made multiple parallel universe fortresses and he was playing with the Wookie in front of one of those. Besides there was a giagantic Koolaid moat protecting Evil's fortress from collateral damage.

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In the center of the battlefield a small unnoticed portal opened from it came Spyro (who else) but not alone.With him is his dragonfly friend from his little dream.Seeing the nobody is wasting time he quickly runs to Lisnpuppy's snow fort.


"Hey Lisnpuppy can me and Sparx join you as allies,please"


A quick snowball launches at Spyro but he dodges it by ducking next to Lisnpuppy's front gate.While waiting for a reply our hero and his friend make some snow ammo for tempoarry protection.

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