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The Snow Arena


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Spied Demorphic.


I tossed a gift of Winter glee!

Poor pickysaurus wandering about in his mind, half alert.  With Wraithguard l launched a magic snowball through a portal, which is about to open and wake him out of the weight of adult gloom. 

This will remind the others too of the fun we all have with a bit of snow in our lives.

I sense Jack Frost is about.  Children become alert when he adds his magic to the fun.  I see Lisnpuppy.  Tosses a ball of magic snow.  A little magic snow can restore adults child deep inside.  Fun for all!

There is Dark0ne spiriting along.  He's game.  Fire!  Tossing one catapult style so it will land on top his head.

Great ring for sneak attacks.  How is Larrius Varrow?

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I hope you're not in the line of fire when I unleash the automatic magic snowball tossing function Wraithgaurd has at all the droopy adult-children in my crosshairs. 

(Caution: be on the alert for someone using the ring of surroundings that has someone with them on their side with the magic of Wraithguard to toss magic snowballs.)

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  • 4 weeks later...

It started snowing at 4:30 this morning.  It's started out fluffy and light.  A few minutes ago it must have gotten damp because my electric Uninterruptable Power Supply reeved up its fans and showed me that something knocked out the power.  Fortunately it was Off only a few seconds.  It's the first time there has been any snow that lasted covering everything this long.

Right in the middle making a good snow ball.


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OK at 4.30am you should be fast asleep and dreaming of snow not out and about chucking virtual snowballs... 

Anyway, we've been threatened with snow. But has it arrived? No. So, I've had to drag out the just-about-mobile snow machine, start it up and watch it chug out sufficient snow for me to grab a small handful and - wait for it -

splat   splat    splat   splat   splat      splat    splat      splat   splat     splat   splat   splat   splat      splat    splat    splat   splat   splat    splat   splat   splat      splat    splat      splat   Splattedy Splat!


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I get splattered so much I bend to pick up some real snow and while I am patting it I see all the magic snow.  I transform my snowball into a tulip.  I let my knees bend.  I sink to the magic snow all around me.  Lean back and lay on my back.  Kick my legs up and together flop them down.  Turn my head.  Let out me tunge hang out as I am about to succumb to the ineffevitable.  I lick a bit of magic snow.

My arms slide down to my sides.  Eyes staring blankly into the magic cloud.  I see a face, with a wide smile, white hair on the faces head.  A voice says.  Slide your arms up in the snow until you reach high above your head.  As I did the person tapped a staffs point along the tips of my fingers.

Are you Jack Frost?

He held out his hand to help me up.  You remembered me!  So here I am!  Most people don't believe in me anymore.

I looked at the magic snow mixed in with the real snow.  I can't wait to tell my friends.

Jack smiled.  You're telling them right now.   

You get over here now, zixi and your husband and everyone else reading this and make an angel in the magic snow before it and all of Pagafyr's real snow is all gone.  Times a wasting.  After you all rise you might see Jack Frost too.

I prepared to fling another real and magical mix of snow when I heard.  Anyone have time for some hot Coco?  You can see all of us Guardians in the Movie "Rise of the Guardians" while you have your Coco.

I have cookies!  Chocolatte Chip!!!


Thought I was going to just drop that magic and real snowball; didn't you.   (Laughing all the way to the house.)

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It started snowing this afternoon on January 11.  It's blistering cold -18 F.  now., with winds gusting at 20 mph that could freeze exposed skin if we were out in it for more then a minute.  I hurried to the vehicle because the wind was blowing in my face on the way to vehicle.

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9 hours ago, Pagafyr said:

It's blistering cold -18 F.

Arghhhhhh! Do you want me to send the Sidrat?

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6 hours ago, zixi said:

Arghhhhhh! Do you want me to send the Sidrat?

No need for Sidrat.   I stoked up the fire, adjusted the flux.

The snow stopped a short time after I returned to home base.   While I was preparing to get up in the morning to shovel the sidewalks the temperature got to -26 F.  It's now -23 F. at 11:05 AM Midwestern Time.  

Can't make any snowballs with that temp and no heat will soften it up.  It melts even if a leaf blower is blasting it.  I use my leaf blower when there is an inch or two of soft snow on the walk.


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I'm seriously impressed at those temps. That is seriously cold. 

3 hours ago, Pagafyr said:

Can't make any snowballs

It's ironic not in a good way. 

No snow at all here... some is forecast but it's for the north and south of us - it may miss us... So, no snowballs here either...

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