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The Snow Arena


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Odd thing about the temps and snow too... The humidity readout on my home Indoor/Outdoor weather station never got high enough for moisture to occur.

Yet it snowed for several hours from five pm Midwestern time in Montana.  The barometer has been at 30.18 now at 3:47 PM and all the weather stations history recorded during the winds increase and snow fall, shows no change before, during, or after the freezing cold and snow arrived and stopped snowing.

It was so sudden that the machine didn't have time to record the changes to the barometric pressure meter.  The humidity readouts continue to be below 38 percent humidity.  Not enough humidity to have warmed to rain down and turn to snow from high up in the sky where Gerri the jetstream is at about 24,000 ft above the Earth.

That high up there is nothing but Cold Air.

According to the readouts this storm is freaky.  I am thinking about uncorking a bottle of real Nord Mead called The Kings Mead made in Victor Montana using honey.  Also known as Honey Wine.  

I have to turn up the heat to the computer room.  The temp dropped -6 more degrees F. while I was thinking about what to write elsewhere and to whom.  I am a disabled person.  I am not supposed to do any work.  So if anyone asks; Seriously? I say; I am just Playing!

I re-installed Skyrim SE Legacy because of the cold weather.  I have a desire to find the mod with Sidrat now.

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I love mead. I love honey. Real honey - unrefined, just settled raw. We buy ours from a local hive, stir it into porridge or put it on those little toasted pancakes as we did this morning. 

You're excused the snowballs given it's so very cold. We just have frost here. The snow is predicted for Sunday or Monday. 

The Sidrat is wonderful. Make sure you use the latest version as there are now two instances on Nexus and  dafydd99 asks that we stick to this one which he's supporting. The trouble is, do a search for Sidrat you get the other one - or at least I do. 


Can you be off topic in the Lounge? If you can then perhaps we'll defend our position with a volley of magic snowballs at the lowest possible temperature that they will still operate. If you can't then dafydd99 also has The Dark and the Light which you may also enjoy:



I'm still hand cranking the snowball machine... that thing has always been temperamental. Frankly, it leaves me cold...

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Inside my room the humidity caused all the windows to ice up.  It was -31 F. at midnight.  I was worried a little.  I already have gear to keep me warm if it drops to near -40 F..   I already went to get groceries to last through the brunt of the storm.
The sky is clear this morning.  The temperature at 11:49 AM MST is -04. F..  Yay!  🫠  I had to unstick the front door since it was frozen at the bottom up to a foot above along the seams.

Thx for the links.  I am preparing to download and have some fun the second Dark version.

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I hope it warms up. Stay warm yourself. 

Over night, the temp here dipped to below freezing. My husband is a weather-freak so we have loadsa thermometers and weather stations and he spends hours looking at radar pictures. I say all this to explain that I work in centigrade now. Except I don't. I used to understand temps given in F - I knew how cold that would be. Then when shifted to C (which is what my husband uses) I had to convert to F to work out what that would feel like. Now, I'm in that unsatisfactory place which is I can't visualise either of them! Great!

It's hovering around zero today. The wind is bitterly cold so officially they say it feels like -8C. But we have it easy here in comparison.

Stay warm in the real world and in the virtual world get the Sidrat or go to The Dark. It isn't cold in The Dark - it's just Dark. Very Dark. Darkest ever. 


Chucks a snowball rather half-heartedly; it rebounds off the magical shield and bops me one on the nose...  



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Bundle the house up, and warm your game room for some Winter gaming fun.

-29.0 F. when I quit playing around on my computer at 1:20 AM MST.   I fixed up the place so cold air couldn't get in from windows and upper rooms down to my computer room yesterday.  Managed to cut my losses of heat by nearly 80% tucking some old beach towels rolled up so they are a thick tube around the bottom of the window frames and some clean old worn out T-Shirts made of 100% cotten around the windows edges.

Runs into the heated room computer where it warm.  Casts the spell to shield me from chills.  Before the magic snow ball freezes me in place like a lamp post.

Looks around.  Now where did I put the magic glove?

Makes a magic spell.  Once the magic snowball SPLATTERs it sends you to a warm beach where you can have what ever you want in a glass with a tiny umbrella.  Hm?  Ever wondered if that little umbrella has a practical use?  Hm?  

It is to keep the ice from in your glass from melting faster.  :- p    

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It spalted - Is that a cross between 'spelt' and 'malt'?  It was surprisingly squishy given its low temperature, I thought. 


It was -3.3 C this morning which is  about 26F - I expect you wouldn't bother with an  thicker socks... There's no wind today so actually it feels warmer. No snow though. So, I nipped into Skyrim, grabbed a bucket full and will now proceed to lob snowballs at sections of the forum while they're not looking. It passes for a cheat. 

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I had Wraithguard on on my other arm so it was thrown like a girl did back in the early 1960's in comedic Television skits when I spelt the pelted magic snowball with my other freehand.  Didn't do what I expected?!  Going back to the enchantment table.

The temp is 25.4 F. at 9:35 PM MST.  It was in between 9 degrees F. and 28 F throughout the day.  The snow got wickedly wet midday.  As it got colder in the afternoon it was slick as an ice skating rink scraped by a Zamboni soon after, around 5:00 PM.  There was some places in the new pavement made with the glass type mixed asphalt that was supposed to keep cars tires from slipping. Thinning from use over the years has made those spots look like a perfect mirror glazed over a mercurial gray on those busy corners.

I discovered I still like spinning out like the times in the circus bumper car ride; I felt like child again.  LOL  (No one was seen screaming or their hair standing on end as I slid by.)

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Wraithguard can be a nuisance. It's all those sparkly things. They get tangled up with the sparkly bits from the magic snowballs. I never could get on with Sunder in any case. It's so incredibly heavy. 

It's good be childlike. I used to apologise for my childishness until someone I was apologising to said that she was trying really hard to regain childhood and I should never ever apologise for my playfulness. So I don't. We're told to be serious way too soon and for too long. The last years of my life will be spent in a silly way! I've had enough of sensible... and it didn't do me any good! 😁

But be careful with that there icy stuff... It may look pretty but the ground is very hard and there's this thing called gravity (except in Morrowind). 

Anyway, the forum has totally missed the fact that it is now wading about in snow and that several members of the forum resemble snow-people...

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A problem that I am mindful of is causing me to be displaced.  A whisper reminding me I have a personal relationship that I am about to give attention to.  The three points of a trianble appear in my view.

I have three words and with my scientific potential I wonder if they have an order which they should be in if I drew my attention to the triangle as if it is upright.  Which of the three words would be at the top?












Which one would best be at the top and where would the others best be at that other two points of the triangle?   I can afix them to Wraithguard if I can figure this out.  I am sure then I could cast that spell.

I think I will start with Body.  Mind to the bottom left  Soul to the bottom right.  Now I am going to place the image on Wraithguard.


That didn't work.  I like it best when my creative imagination works, that is powered by my child self whose energy is really a great thing to have.  It sure would be a Good thing if our child that controls creates and tests all these spells, had unlimited potential energy so we never required recharging it, like recharging batteries. 

I have to get some food.  Okay, food to restore our child creative powers.  Water too!

We have to keep our child self's potential energy charged up so we can enjoy the creations we've made, and to keep having fun!

Do you Agree?

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