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Ashton Silo choices? (SPOILER)


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third, NUKES ARE COOL, mushroom clouds are the main reason for playing this game, ffs!


REALLY?! Are you honestly that insane? Have you ever seen the devastation that is actually caused by a nuke? Or just from the uranium or plutonium that is used? Seriously, go to Hiroshima or Nagasaki and tell them the "Nukes are cool", and see how long you remain breathing. Go to Chernobyl, where it was a blast from a Nuclear Power Station that did as much if not more damage than a nuke, and tell them. Or, better still, get someone to put you back in the straight jacket, and shuffle off back to your padded cell, because that really is where you belong, you complete and utter moron.

Si tacuisses philosophus mansisses

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For me this scene is there to point out sth. The appocalypse in New Vegas happened round about 200 years ago. The survivor are not supposed to know each high tech which was invented before the great war. They dont know about the details of all those doomsday maschines which once should grant savety. So in LR they release a load of such devices by accident or driven by curiosity. "Wow, a fancy machine! What happens if I switch there or pull that?


I think LR wants to show us that those weapons still are dangerous. They still can be used, be it by chance or by intention, e.g. to make politics.


I think I like LR best from all DLCs. It gives a lot of background information, brings some lose ends together, we learn about the courier's dirty secrets, it compromises his/her shiny apperance and we get some insights.



And, as already said, tgere is a choice: Don't go any further, turn around and leave the devide. Why are you there anyway? Just driven by curiosity? Your character launches a nuke simply because he wants to proceede with the story and to find some shiny gear. ;-)

And yes, ask yourself, you deliver the start codes because you are not able to turn around. At ashton silos, you have been warned. This place is dangerous. Pretty clever in my feel, I love that DLC.

Edited by tortured Tomato
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  • 3 months later...


it's linear... but it's a DLC... i mean considering how non-liner NV as a whole is... wouldn't worry too much about the DLCs being linear... Dead Money and Lonesome Road quests, until the very end, are pretty linear but that's okay by me

I didn't like the linear nature of Dead Money either, but at least it had some great characters and humor. Plus the choices I made I could live with, and had no real choice but to go forward. Wheras in Lonesome Road the only reasonable choice is to just leave the Divide and let Ulysses stew in his own self pity. Sorry, but after DLC like Old World Blues, they set the bar pretty high for what you can achieve in DLC. And they failed by a couriers mile and then some. Hell, OWB had a set of armor with more personality than everyone in Lonesome Road put together, and the dome brains had me rolling on the floor in laughter. It is as if they said 'Hey OWB was an incredible success, lets do the exact opposite for the final DLC to try to make up for us forgetting to add a backstory to the Courier in the main game.'


Really disappointed with Obsidian on this to be honest. If FO1 had been like this, I would never have gotten to FO2.


they did that just so they wouldn't have to a post game dlc

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third, NUKES ARE COOL, mushroom clouds are the main reason for playing this game, ffs!


REALLY?! Are you honestly that insane? Have you ever seen the devastation that is actually caused by a nuke? Or just from the uranium or plutonium that is used? Seriously, go to Hiroshima or Nagasaki and tell them the "Nukes are cool", and see how long you remain breathing. Go to Chernobyl, where it was a blast from a Nuclear Power Station that did as much if not more damage than a nuke, and tell them. Or, better still, get someone to put you back in the straight jacket, and shuffle off back to your padded cell, because that really is where you belong, you complete and utter moron.

Si tacuisses philosophus mansisses


1. Chernobyl was actually a plant fire

2.where did you get that latin phrase?

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third, NUKES ARE COOL, mushroom clouds are the main reason for playing this game, ffs!


REALLY?! Are you honestly that insane? Have you ever seen the devastation that is actually caused by a nuke? Or just from the uranium or plutonium that is used? Seriously, go to Hiroshima or Nagasaki and tell them the "Nukes are cool", and see how long you remain breathing. Go to Chernobyl, where it was a blast from a Nuclear Power Station that did as much if not more damage than a nuke, and tell them. Or, better still, get someone to put you back in the straight jacket, and shuffle off back to your padded cell, because that really is where you belong, you complete and utter moron.

Si tacuisses philosophus mansisses


1. Chernobyl was actually a plant fire

2.where did you get that latin phrase?



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  • 1 month later...

the whole point of Lonesome road is that its not funny. it shows just how devastating one decision can be, and just how much can be lost. its about the darker side of the world of Fallout. yes its linear as hell, and has some great weapons, but I think its story is great! it is telling a great story that just starts to eat at you as you play through. also the guy who voiced Ulysses was awesome. I do agree that with all the hype put into it from the previous DLCs kinda made it seem lame. I honestly don't care though I just like the story that is being told.

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Okay - I read this whole thread. Yes, I understand this is a very "old" thread ...


(Hey I had a bowl of Mini-Wheat's and a cup of coffee.) ;)


I have to agree with the OP on this one. Since you cannot just "Go Back" as is 'suggested' .. I actually tried a couple of times... Doors were CLOSED, or unless you had "hyper jump boots" .. you could not jump UP to where the next path back home was. You only really had 1 choice - FORWARD.


Now as to the Nuke - Silo Door. Let's be serious here: Who in their right mind would 'push a button' - especially just to 'open a door' when you know there is a probability (very high) something bad could happen?? No one in their right mind. So out comes the Ropes, or alternate PLAN B.


Which I totally understand the OP's frustrations. There was no PLAN B .. hell, you could not even turn around and say, "Frack this, I'm going back to Vegas!!!"


There seriously should have been a PLAN B.


Of all the DLC's this one FAILED in my opinion. The story was broken in so many ways. It was like, " .. hey we had this idea, let's piece meal it together and make some $$$ ..." (which they did - made $$$)


It is seriously piece meal and the story was seriously BROKEN w/so many gaps and pot holes ... I doubt I will 'go there again' in future games. I found I got the "Stamp" (Award) and okay - yes it opened up two new locations .... which I will go explore and see if they were worth it or not ... (Why do I fear ---> NOT <-- ???) Time will tell.


As to the BSG analogy, I agree. It started out "Good" - but well ... went down hill pretty quickly. Same with Stargate UNIVERSE ... had a good start and FAILED as they moved forward.


As Charlie Brown stated: "There is no heavier burden then a great potential."


The thing is - I know a lot of players, go into a game like this with an "idea" - I'll 'go down this road' - character wise. They do their best with what is handed them and 'make it work' ... then when you get to a "silo door where you HAVE to push a button", that anyone with any degree of COMMON SENSE, knows - "Wait, I'm not going to push this button and launch a nuke. What, do I have some sort of "STUPID" written on me???????" (NO!!!)


It is a great thread and enjoyed reading it ... as I understand the how and why a lot of people, no not all, put their character together with some thought and goal ... and the OP is right ... and common sense is right. There should have been a "Plan B" - even the ability to turn around and just go home with ED-E2 and let him continue his journey.

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  • 1 month later...

The way I viewed this part was that you were put into that position purposely with no other way out but to push the button. Even if you consider yourself a total saint the actual choice was taken from you and that was done to prove a point. The same point Ulysses explains to you in a very cryptic way.


Maybe I am not remembering things wrong but the main reason why our character even starts the quest is the learn about our own history that we no longer remember. There is no way to know just how much Ulysses says is true and how much is being exaggerated or flat out lie. Correct me if I am wrong but I got the feeling before the bullet to the head we were a straight foward type that got the job done anyway needed. We didn't ask questions about our deliveries and one of those did a lot of harm and damage. Did we really care about that? No way to know for sure (unless I missed something which is a very real possiblity) but I am thinking we didn't since we continued with our courier ways. For me the whole quest was to show the type of person we use to be from a crazy guys point of view even if that even is not the correct history.

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  • 1 month later...


Thats a typical "reset" mechanism used by a LOT of developers.


It is based in real life, when a person experiences a major brain injury/trauma and survives, that person usually and quite often must relearn how to do things, depending on what part of the brain was damaged. It's completely plausible. Afte that, its just a video game with game mechanics to help the player enjoy things more easily.

And how did you manage to get shot by a wimp like Benny and some Khans in the first place? I mean if you were a level 1 wimp yourself, it makes sense, but apparantly you are this awe inspiring badass courier who wandered the divide and went places entire battalions feared to tread. And yet a schmoe like Benny gets the drop on you? No, sorry, just not buying it. Benny and his goons would never have gotten the drop on such a character, and would have died if they had tried.


Sorry, it just does not run. It is yet another major flaw in the main story of the courier. This reminds me of a bad 'thriller' that ends and has me asking five thousand question starting with the words 'wait a minute, that doesn't make any sense ...'.


They need to go back to a classic fallout story for the next game. Keep it simple. You are level 1 and dont know dick about the world because you grew up in an isolated vault/village and give the character a history, with friends and family, and then give him a simple but believable reason for leaving. And for gods sake dont add things in the game that require you main character to be a grade A moron to actually progress the main quest.


No more Bathesda special starts please. Give me a classic fallout start any time.


I agree that the character backstory of New Vegas is very much lacking when compared to the previous Fallout games. Part of the reason I use Tale of Two Wastelands is that it gives the Courier backstory. And that backstory is that the Courier is the Lone Wanderer. It's not perfect and it doesn't excuse the lack of backstory in Vanilla New Vegas, but it's something.

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