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Skyrim complete PC crashes


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I apologize for any offense or flame I made in my previous comments. I wasn't in the best of moods then.


On the issue, I just wanted to say that I trust Bethesda will make a patch soon. I'm sure the issues will be cleared before or around Christmas. Just support Bethesda all we can, and in the mean time try to find our own fix. Maybe even make one once the mod tools come out.


Thanks to JaceTiger for your info and link, as well as explaining my statement in a cleaner and less offensive way.

Also thanks to Zolexus for acknowledging and handling the situation peacefully.

Edited by BarderothReturns
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I had exactly the same problem, I'm running Win7 64 with HD6870 and I had everything cranked up to Ultra. Game ran fine but kept crashing, wound back the draw distance, dropped Ansio to 8x and switched to FXAA (which I think looks better as it blurs out all the terrible textures). Running pretty stable now.


Also try taking a few carriage trips around to some geographically distinct locations i.e. Markath to Whiterun I think that may bring it on as it loads a whole bunch of new textures up?


So yeah basically looks like a definite software issue with video resources - my system can play Shogun2 all day long without blinking so I'm confident my hardware has nothing to do with it.


I have the same card and and run it on ultra. I tried medium and it still crashes upon looking at the map. I have no problems at all running the game, I played for 5 hours straight yesterday on ultra, but the moment I look at the map, crash. It definitely has something to do with the game coding.

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Ok, running nvidia gtx560 etc. etc. I'm sure its not a hardware problem as the game doesn't lag at all for me even on ultra but it crashes to desktop without a sound/warning.

Read thru abit of the thread and realized most you guys have some freezing or audio looping occurring along with the crash but mine is a straight CTD. Not even one error message.

I'm thinking its steam and shall be playing without using steam soon but its late for me on this side of earth so wondering if anyone else has a similiar problem test it too? so as to get a confirmation.

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I just want to report that I tried as Greg suggested and installed a fresh version of windows on a spare HDD to run the game. Absolutely no drivers except the latest display drivers were installed. All settings were left at the recommended levels (High).


I black screened during the opening sequence, even before character creation. I was NOT using a save state, and indeed have installed nothing on this HDD except for Steam and Skyrim (and the day 1 patch). The crash intervals are definitely getting shorter, leading me to believe it is a memory corruption issue like someone suggested earlier.


It's really sounding like either we all have malfunctioning video cards (unlikely) or some element of the game (probably early on) introduces a feedback loop of bad memory writes/reads in the gpu. I don't know enough about how games interact with the GPU to know whether this idea holds water.

Edited by DanRocco
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I just want to report that I tried as Greg suggested and installed a fresh version of windows on a spare HDD to run the game. Absolutely no drivers except the latest display drivers were installed. All settings were left at the recommended levels (High).


I black screened during the opening sequence, even before character creation. I was NOT using a save state, and indeed have installed nothing on this HDD except for Steam and Skyrim (and the day 1 patch). The crash intervals are definitely getting shorter, leading me to believe it is a memory corruption issue like someone suggested earlier.


It's really sounding like either we all have malfunctioning video cards (unlikely) or some element of the game (probably early on) introduces a feedback loop of bad memory writes/reads in the gpu. I don't know enough about how games interact with the GPU to know whether this idea hols water.


lol i just tried the same thing because someone posted this idea and had success with it.

i could start the game and load my saves but it creashed in the same fashion as before, this time after 5min of playing

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also when i transferred my saves from the steam version to the razor version and loaded the game it said something along the line of " files seem to be incomplete and you may be missing some items" but when was in game there seemed to be no issues with my items, quest log, or saves, and i completed 1 quest before it crashed. so just in case anyone is wondering about save transferring.
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My friend told me an interesting fix, can anyone confirm?


Using steam, he changed the language, which solved the issue for him. He changed it to German, specifically, though I doubt that makes a difference. I'm going to try it, but I doubt it will work, but if anyone wants to give it a run for it's money, there you go.


To change the language of a game on steam, right click on the game, click on properties and you should see a language tab. I have no idea how this could possibly be a fix, I've heard other crazy fixes, though, such as running the game with steam in offline mode and turning off the internet, stuff like that, nothing that hasn't been said already, but that didn't work for me and I doubt this will either. Just thought I'd share.


Edit: Doesn't work for me, but I'll leave this here for anyone who wants to try it.

Edited by BarderothReturns
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3 days no crash since (including a 12 our straight run)

i turned off the Catalyst A.I

set all CCC settings to application

using the default med settings on the launcher setup (use the detected settings)

unlocked the game to use more than 2gb of ram (making sure to back-up the launcher)


my problem i think stemmed from the catalyst a.i and the ram unlock so maybe the game is trying to page too much to too little RAM? :teehee:


flames removed;point made

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I am having the exact same crash with a different game. I contacted that game's support and they said they are very well aware of the issue and are working with ATI/AMD to fix it. Both games were released in the same week so I'm positive this is the exact same issue with Skyrim. So the common factor (and Im not saying its their fault) is ATI cards, so there should be a fix from either AMD or the games in question but if you are having this problem with Nvidia then you are probably having a separate issue.


So fingers crossed.. waiting.. tapping on the desk.


Im glad I got a good response from the other game publisher because I was about to get a refund on Skyrim and just get a pirated copy, because honestly Bathesda completely lost me with this issue. And here we are on this site, the reason why their games last 3-4 years longer than they would have.

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