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On console mods, theft and Bethesda.net


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You've made some very valid points and shined some light on a rather troubling situation.


A question I got from all this is, if we can't count on Bethesda to watch our backs what can we do? Given how much their recent actions have undermined system we've been operating on for some long can we still go on the same way or is it time to find a new course?


Whatever future holds for us all I hope the PC community stays strong during these troubled times it would be nothing short of tragic to see it all fall apart after so many years up and running.

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In response to post #39846420. #39895285, #39904470, #39940410, #40013495 are all replies on the same post.

DeusCognito wrote: I can't see their decision as ignorant as they're the professionals, and seeing how they've made millions off their products, and how you're still sitting at home, only making mods. Also, no one would "have mods since Morrowind" if they didn't give you the materials to freely do so. Be careful, they will get tired of your communities' entitled bullshit and start charging subscription fees.
HybridEclipse wrote: Sorry, but... are you for real? The millions they make off their products is because they create things that are supposed to make people have fun, not end up frustrated because their creation gets stolen by some random douchebag. Oh, and if I wasn't "still sitting at home, only making mods", then all the wonderful stuff that is being hosted on sites such as Nexus Mods, which for some people is the only reason they are still playing certain games, you wouldn't have ANY of it. All of this was made by the community, and many of these games were able to stay alive because of it. You would be a fool to think otherwise...And a last thing. The only person who needs to be careful are Bethesda, because fun sells, but anger, dissapointment and frustration doesn't. Start charging subscription fees you say? HA.HA.HA. If they are able to withstand the reaction of the players, who, let me remind you, are the very people from which bethesda got their millions of dollars, then let them go on ahead and do it.
Renegade79 wrote: RLY? Bethesda did give us GECK or CK i've used only once for my optional tweak for Magnus Staff mod that's entirely 3ds Max/Nifskope model thang, and Nifskope, 3ds Max/Blender plugins or Material Editor are mods too. So as said Zenimax ain't even granted license to the stuff. Maybe someone would care to port my mods to xboxone if I let it, but I don't want them on PS4, because them Sony don't want me to play Infamous Second Son on PC. I even doubt xbox one models are in any way compatible with those SMIM models for Skyrim or even my transparent bottle thang for FO4 besides the fact consoles couldn't handle them due to hardware limitations (i'd bet $5 on xbones 16 ROPs melting the console on sight with 4 layers of blending anyway. They'd die with 5 fps even in 720p so if I 'optimize' my mod to work there I get LOL vanilla bottles... AMD at their best and basically that's why those bulbs in the Nucleus are so low poly and that explains why they only have one side ... have a nive tree sap). I even wonder if remastered Skyrim could even work with old nif format but even if it does that doesn't mean consoles can handle models meant for mid range cards of the year 2011. So PC master race still has their point in being so arrogant towards those poor consoles. They maybe have their reasons
Mr. Dave wrote: And again, the need for mandatory IQ tests for online access rears its ugly head.

Since you have no idea how modding works, yet feel as if you can threaten an entire community of those who do, I shall enlighten you.
1. Some of us have worked in the industry since before Morrowind was released, and we mod on the side because we like to.
2. Since Morrowind was released, there have been people who make tools for modding TES.
3. An entire mod the size of a game can be made without one single moment spent in the old toolkit, or the creation kits.
4. If it weren't for modders, none of the games past Morrowind would have had any improvements. Every upgrade you see in Oblivion, Skyrim, FO3, FONV, FO4 all came from ideas taken from modders. Horses, mounted combat, dismemberment, bows with strings, quivers, weapons showing in scabbards on the body when sheathed, crafting, NPC schedules and locked doors and shops, do I need to go on?

So yeah, you can take your attitude and threats and stick 'em.
AtomicTrip wrote: "...and how you're still sitting at home , ONLY making mods." Well I guess you have no idea how modding anything works. THEY DO IT FOR FREE FOR OTHER PEOPLE (including YOU) but Beth is charging us money and often they do worse job than modders. With no offence intended please take your teddy bear and go play to your room.

First and foremost,i am not a Modder myself but i feel offended by your comment of them " sitting at home, only making mods". As other members stated,there are various reasons why people crete Mods and ,frankly,none of em is your or mine damn buisness since all we do is being content users,aka getting what the Modders create for FREE. Yes we have a right to an opinion but talking from a "safe zone" without having any experience to the topic at hand whatsoever(Modding),whilst just enjoying the labors of Modders for FREE,is bordering idiocy or hybris,your pick.Unless ofc you still play Skyrim-Fallout in their vanilla versions in which case i do apologise for the asumption of you using mods (again,other ppls work freely given to you) to enhance your gaming experience of Bethesdas Core products.

Apart from that,you are ofc entitled to your own opinion which honestly i do not care try to change or riposte to since its clear for all that you only wish to pose as "parental" and "wise" for the topic at hand,the results of which are pretty much obvious to the whole community (a community that you are a member as well, let me remind ya).

As a last note,please ,next time make sure your comments are based on facts rather than your assumptions or points of view and are presented using common sense,else noone is gonna take you seriously.

With regards.
A Mod user.
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I thank you for saying that Mods for consoles are a good thing. Because, up until recently, I have been a console user. A no holds bar Microsoft XBox console user since the first XBox console. I was always aware, and jealous of my lack of using mods on a console. At first, long ago when modding was using Trainers to mod PC games, that was the only thing I could use on my not really made for gaming PC. I used Trainers to "cheat" (I'm not going to hid my face in shame, that is what I really used them for) on the WWII Submarine games "Silent Service" & "Silent Service: Rising Tides" (I think that was the subtitle of the 2nd game). But now that I have a gaming PC (mid-range built by me), I'm more into mods that enhance environments, characters, buildings. In other words, More of the other things and less of the Cheat & God Mode mods. But I built my PC because I couldn't wait any longer for mods to be allowed for the XB1. Then when the grumblings came down the pike that Microsoft & Sony were going to rule over what mods are allowed on their systems like an certain dictator (you fill in the blank name, there are many of them), I put my FO4 XB1 game away for good in the PIP-Boy collector's container, and patted myself on the back for building my PC & joining the Nexus community & beta tester for NMM.


Mods should be for all of the platforms. I have a favorite poster on the Nexus forums (I'm not going to mention the name or what he posts about, I like to keep a friend) that says that consoles are the downfall of the gaming industry. I didn't want to start an argument, so I let it go. I like the guy, he's very informative on the mods. So that's why I let it go. But he is wrong. Sure you can't open the case of a console and upgrade parts. You have to buy a new one when they get better. But they are a great medium when a person can afford $500 for a console, but not $800-900 for an entry level PC.


Besides, until PCs start having less cords/cables to attach/detach from the cases, consoles are more portable. It's real easy when you use a 5 Tb external hard drive to take your games to another's console.


But what everything comes down to is the handling of consumers & modders like what Bethesda is currently doing. It's shameful. Downright horrible. I used to think that Bethesda was a good company, but now they are getting close to being like EA. I know we can all agree that EA is the worst game developing company on the planet. I like CD Projekt Red, but the mishandling of the updates for The Witcher 3 has left a lot of people like me brain dead with the constant "When is the next update coming out? The last patch is game breaking & causes CTDs on all platforms" the response that has been always repeated to us on the forums was "Soon". It's now become a joke on the forums. Some even have it as a signature. A total joke because it pisses us off to read it.


I'm sorry, I rambled on too much. My post has almost turned into the length of your essay, lol.



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In response to post #39846420. #39895285, #39904470, #39940410, #40013495, #40059755 are all replies on the same post.

DeusCognito wrote: I can't see their decision as ignorant as they're the professionals, and seeing how they've made millions off their products, and how you're still sitting at home, only making mods. Also, no one would "have mods since Morrowind" if they didn't give you the materials to freely do so. Be careful, they will get tired of your communities' entitled bullshit and start charging subscription fees.
HybridEclipse wrote: Sorry, but... are you for real? The millions they make off their products is because they create things that are supposed to make people have fun, not end up frustrated because their creation gets stolen by some random douchebag. Oh, and if I wasn't "still sitting at home, only making mods", then all the wonderful stuff that is being hosted on sites such as Nexus Mods, which for some people is the only reason they are still playing certain games, you wouldn't have ANY of it. All of this was made by the community, and many of these games were able to stay alive because of it. You would be a fool to think otherwise...And a last thing. The only person who needs to be careful are Bethesda, because fun sells, but anger, dissapointment and frustration doesn't. Start charging subscription fees you say? HA.HA.HA. If they are able to withstand the reaction of the players, who, let me remind you, are the very people from which bethesda got their millions of dollars, then let them go on ahead and do it.
Renegade79 wrote: RLY? Bethesda did give us GECK or CK i've used only once for my optional tweak for Magnus Staff mod that's entirely 3ds Max/Nifskope model thang, and Nifskope, 3ds Max/Blender plugins or Material Editor are mods too. So as said Zenimax ain't even granted license to the stuff. Maybe someone would care to port my mods to xboxone if I let it, but I don't want them on PS4, because them Sony don't want me to play Infamous Second Son on PC. I even doubt xbox one models are in any way compatible with those SMIM models for Skyrim or even my transparent bottle thang for FO4 besides the fact consoles couldn't handle them due to hardware limitations (i'd bet $5 on xbones 16 ROPs melting the console on sight with 4 layers of blending anyway. They'd die with 5 fps even in 720p so if I 'optimize' my mod to work there I get LOL vanilla bottles... AMD at their best and basically that's why those bulbs in the Nucleus are so low poly and that explains why they only have one side ... have a nive tree sap). I even wonder if remastered Skyrim could even work with old nif format but even if it does that doesn't mean consoles can handle models meant for mid range cards of the year 2011. So PC master race still has their point in being so arrogant towards those poor consoles. They maybe have their reasons
Mr. Dave wrote: And again, the need for mandatory IQ tests for online access rears its ugly head.

Since you have no idea how modding works, yet feel as if you can threaten an entire community of those who do, I shall enlighten you.
1. Some of us have worked in the industry since before Morrowind was released, and we mod on the side because we like to.
2. Since Morrowind was released, there have been people who make tools for modding TES.
3. An entire mod the size of a game can be made without one single moment spent in the old toolkit, or the creation kits.
4. If it weren't for modders, none of the games past Morrowind would have had any improvements. Every upgrade you see in Oblivion, Skyrim, FO3, FONV, FO4 all came from ideas taken from modders. Horses, mounted combat, dismemberment, bows with strings, quivers, weapons showing in scabbards on the body when sheathed, crafting, NPC schedules and locked doors and shops, do I need to go on?

So yeah, you can take your attitude and threats and stick 'em.
AtomicTrip wrote: "...and how you're still sitting at home , ONLY making mods." Well I guess you have no idea how modding anything works. THEY DO IT FOR FREE FOR OTHER PEOPLE (including YOU) but Beth is charging us money and often they do worse job than modders. With no offence intended please take your teddy bear and go play to your room.
eliaslens wrote:

First and foremost,i am not a Modder myself but i feel offended by your comment of them " sitting at home, only making mods". As other members stated,there are various reasons why people crete Mods and ,frankly,none of em is your or mine damn buisness since all we do is being content users,aka getting what the Modders create for FREE. Yes we have a right to an opinion but talking from a "safe zone" without having any experience to the topic at hand whatsoever(Modding),whilst just enjoying the labors of Modders for FREE,is bordering idiocy or hybris,your pick.Unless ofc you still play Skyrim-Fallout in their vanilla versions in which case i do apologise for the asumption of you using mods (again,other ppls work freely given to you) to enhance your gaming experience of Bethesdas Core products.

Apart from that,you are ofc entitled to your own opinion which honestly i do not care try to change or riposte to since its clear for all that you only wish to pose as "parental" and "wise" for the topic at hand,the results of which are pretty much obvious to the whole community (a community that you are a member as well, let me remind ya).

As a last note,please ,next time make sure your comments are based on facts rather than your assumptions or points of view and are presented using common sense,else noone is gonna take you seriously.

With regards.
A Mod user.

WTF? Are you serious? You can't be. Bethesda wouldn't be around if it wasn't for modders. Again, read his post. He said that the mods were created before the Creation Kit was released. Not the cart dragging the horse way that you are implying. If you don't agree, then stop getting mods from here and go on your merry little way.

I am going to say something in a post that I have never said before. You Sir (Or Madam, whatever the case may be), are a TROLL. Take your 5 posts and go bother someone else.

Also, why don't you read up on how the gaming industry works. Then after you grow up, you may be able to speak on these forums again. But I doubt it.

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In response to post #39846420. #39895285, #39904470, #39940410, #40013495, #40059755, #40060265 are all replies on the same post.

DeusCognito wrote: I can't see their decision as ignorant as they're the professionals, and seeing how they've made millions off their products, and how you're still sitting at home, only making mods. Also, no one would "have mods since Morrowind" if they didn't give you the materials to freely do so. Be careful, they will get tired of your communities' entitled bullshit and start charging subscription fees.
HybridEclipse wrote: Sorry, but... are you for real? The millions they make off their products is because they create things that are supposed to make people have fun, not end up frustrated because their creation gets stolen by some random douchebag. Oh, and if I wasn't "still sitting at home, only making mods", then all the wonderful stuff that is being hosted on sites such as Nexus Mods, which for some people is the only reason they are still playing certain games, you wouldn't have ANY of it. All of this was made by the community, and many of these games were able to stay alive because of it. You would be a fool to think otherwise...And a last thing. The only person who needs to be careful are Bethesda, because fun sells, but anger, dissapointment and frustration doesn't. Start charging subscription fees you say? HA.HA.HA. If they are able to withstand the reaction of the players, who, let me remind you, are the very people from which bethesda got their millions of dollars, then let them go on ahead and do it.
Renegade79 wrote: RLY? Bethesda did give us GECK or CK i've used only once for my optional tweak for Magnus Staff mod that's entirely 3ds Max/Nifskope model thang, and Nifskope, 3ds Max/Blender plugins or Material Editor are mods too. So as said Zenimax ain't even granted license to the stuff. Maybe someone would care to port my mods to xboxone if I let it, but I don't want them on PS4, because them Sony don't want me to play Infamous Second Son on PC. I even doubt xbox one models are in any way compatible with those SMIM models for Skyrim or even my transparent bottle thang for FO4 besides the fact consoles couldn't handle them due to hardware limitations (i'd bet $5 on xbones 16 ROPs melting the console on sight with 4 layers of blending anyway. They'd die with 5 fps even in 720p so if I 'optimize' my mod to work there I get LOL vanilla bottles... AMD at their best and basically that's why those bulbs in the Nucleus are so low poly and that explains why they only have one side ... have a nive tree sap). I even wonder if remastered Skyrim could even work with old nif format but even if it does that doesn't mean consoles can handle models meant for mid range cards of the year 2011. So PC master race still has their point in being so arrogant towards those poor consoles. They maybe have their reasons
Mr. Dave wrote: And again, the need for mandatory IQ tests for online access rears its ugly head.

Since you have no idea how modding works, yet feel as if you can threaten an entire community of those who do, I shall enlighten you.
1. Some of us have worked in the industry since before Morrowind was released, and we mod on the side because we like to.
2. Since Morrowind was released, there have been people who make tools for modding TES.
3. An entire mod the size of a game can be made without one single moment spent in the old toolkit, or the creation kits.
4. If it weren't for modders, none of the games past Morrowind would have had any improvements. Every upgrade you see in Oblivion, Skyrim, FO3, FONV, FO4 all came from ideas taken from modders. Horses, mounted combat, dismemberment, bows with strings, quivers, weapons showing in scabbards on the body when sheathed, crafting, NPC schedules and locked doors and shops, do I need to go on?

So yeah, you can take your attitude and threats and stick 'em.
AtomicTrip wrote: "...and how you're still sitting at home , ONLY making mods." Well I guess you have no idea how modding anything works. THEY DO IT FOR FREE FOR OTHER PEOPLE (including YOU) but Beth is charging us money and often they do worse job than modders. With no offence intended please take your teddy bear and go play to your room.
eliaslens wrote:

First and foremost,i am not a Modder myself but i feel offended by your comment of them " sitting at home, only making mods". As other members stated,there are various reasons why people crete Mods and ,frankly,none of em is your or mine damn buisness since all we do is being content users,aka getting what the Modders create for FREE. Yes we have a right to an opinion but talking from a "safe zone" without having any experience to the topic at hand whatsoever(Modding),whilst just enjoying the labors of Modders for FREE,is bordering idiocy or hybris,your pick.Unless ofc you still play Skyrim-Fallout in their vanilla versions in which case i do apologise for the asumption of you using mods (again,other ppls work freely given to you) to enhance your gaming experience of Bethesdas Core products.

Apart from that,you are ofc entitled to your own opinion which honestly i do not care try to change or riposte to since its clear for all that you only wish to pose as "parental" and "wise" for the topic at hand,the results of which are pretty much obvious to the whole community (a community that you are a member as well, let me remind ya).

As a last note,please ,next time make sure your comments are based on facts rather than your assumptions or points of view and are presented using common sense,else noone is gonna take you seriously.

With regards.
A Mod user.
DontBlnkBadWolf wrote: WTF? Are you serious? You can't be. Bethesda wouldn't be around if it wasn't for modders. Again, read his post. He said that the mods were created before the Creation Kit was released. Not the cart dragging the horse way that you are implying. If you don't agree, then stop getting mods from here and go on your merry little way.

I am going to say something in a post that I have never said before. You Sir (Or Madam, whatever the case may be), are a TROLL. Take your 5 posts and go bother someone else.

Also, why don't you read up on how the gaming industry works. Then after you grow up, you may be able to speak on these forums again. But I doubt it.


@DeusCognito - WTF? That comment just made my eyebrows nearly fall off. Are you for real?
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In response to post #39846420. #39895285, #39904470, #39940410, #40013495, #40059755, #40060265, #40095905 are all replies on the same post.

DeusCognito wrote: I can't see their decision as ignorant as they're the professionals, and seeing how they've made millions off their products, and how you're still sitting at home, only making mods. Also, no one would "have mods since Morrowind" if they didn't give you the materials to freely do so. Be careful, they will get tired of your communities' entitled bullshit and start charging subscription fees.
HybridEclipse wrote: Sorry, but... are you for real? The millions they make off their products is because they create things that are supposed to make people have fun, not end up frustrated because their creation gets stolen by some random douchebag. Oh, and if I wasn't "still sitting at home, only making mods", then all the wonderful stuff that is being hosted on sites such as Nexus Mods, which for some people is the only reason they are still playing certain games, you wouldn't have ANY of it. All of this was made by the community, and many of these games were able to stay alive because of it. You would be a fool to think otherwise...And a last thing. The only person who needs to be careful are Bethesda, because fun sells, but anger, dissapointment and frustration doesn't. Start charging subscription fees you say? HA.HA.HA. If they are able to withstand the reaction of the players, who, let me remind you, are the very people from which bethesda got their millions of dollars, then let them go on ahead and do it.
Renegade79 wrote: RLY? Bethesda did give us GECK or CK i've used only once for my optional tweak for Magnus Staff mod that's entirely 3ds Max/Nifskope model thang, and Nifskope, 3ds Max/Blender plugins or Material Editor are mods too. So as said Zenimax ain't even granted license to the stuff. Maybe someone would care to port my mods to xboxone if I let it, but I don't want them on PS4, because them Sony don't want me to play Infamous Second Son on PC. I even doubt xbox one models are in any way compatible with those SMIM models for Skyrim or even my transparent bottle thang for FO4 besides the fact consoles couldn't handle them due to hardware limitations (i'd bet $5 on xbones 16 ROPs melting the console on sight with 4 layers of blending anyway. They'd die with 5 fps even in 720p so if I 'optimize' my mod to work there I get LOL vanilla bottles... AMD at their best and basically that's why those bulbs in the Nucleus are so low poly and that explains why they only have one side ... have a nive tree sap). I even wonder if remastered Skyrim could even work with old nif format but even if it does that doesn't mean consoles can handle models meant for mid range cards of the year 2011. So PC master race still has their point in being so arrogant towards those poor consoles. They maybe have their reasons
Mr. Dave wrote: And again, the need for mandatory IQ tests for online access rears its ugly head.

Since you have no idea how modding works, yet feel as if you can threaten an entire community of those who do, I shall enlighten you.
1. Some of us have worked in the industry since before Morrowind was released, and we mod on the side because we like to.
2. Since Morrowind was released, there have been people who make tools for modding TES.
3. An entire mod the size of a game can be made without one single moment spent in the old toolkit, or the creation kits.
4. If it weren't for modders, none of the games past Morrowind would have had any improvements. Every upgrade you see in Oblivion, Skyrim, FO3, FONV, FO4 all came from ideas taken from modders. Horses, mounted combat, dismemberment, bows with strings, quivers, weapons showing in scabbards on the body when sheathed, crafting, NPC schedules and locked doors and shops, do I need to go on?

So yeah, you can take your attitude and threats and stick 'em.
AtomicTrip wrote: "...and how you're still sitting at home , ONLY making mods." Well I guess you have no idea how modding anything works. THEY DO IT FOR FREE FOR OTHER PEOPLE (including YOU) but Beth is charging us money and often they do worse job than modders. With no offence intended please take your teddy bear and go play to your room.
eliaslens wrote:

First and foremost,i am not a Modder myself but i feel offended by your comment of them " sitting at home, only making mods". As other members stated,there are various reasons why people crete Mods and ,frankly,none of em is your or mine damn buisness since all we do is being content users,aka getting what the Modders create for FREE. Yes we have a right to an opinion but talking from a "safe zone" without having any experience to the topic at hand whatsoever(Modding),whilst just enjoying the labors of Modders for FREE,is bordering idiocy or hybris,your pick.Unless ofc you still play Skyrim-Fallout in their vanilla versions in which case i do apologise for the asumption of you using mods (again,other ppls work freely given to you) to enhance your gaming experience of Bethesdas Core products.

Apart from that,you are ofc entitled to your own opinion which honestly i do not care try to change or riposte to since its clear for all that you only wish to pose as "parental" and "wise" for the topic at hand,the results of which are pretty much obvious to the whole community (a community that you are a member as well, let me remind ya).

As a last note,please ,next time make sure your comments are based on facts rather than your assumptions or points of view and are presented using common sense,else noone is gonna take you seriously.

With regards.
A Mod user.
DontBlnkBadWolf wrote: WTF? Are you serious? You can't be. Bethesda wouldn't be around if it wasn't for modders. Again, read his post. He said that the mods were created before the Creation Kit was released. Not the cart dragging the horse way that you are implying. If you don't agree, then stop getting mods from here and go on your merry little way.

I am going to say something in a post that I have never said before. You Sir (Or Madam, whatever the case may be), are a TROLL. Take your 5 posts and go bother someone else.

Also, why don't you read up on how the gaming industry works. Then after you grow up, you may be able to speak on these forums again. But I doubt it.

RaffTheSweetling wrote: @DeusCognito - WTF? That comment just made my eyebrows nearly fall off. Are you for real?

@RaffTheSweetling I had to do a re-read of your reply. At first I didn't see that you had directed your WTF to the OP. So I re-read my post also, while thinking "Wait, I thought I was a little insightful but I don't warrant.....oh wait....ooooohh it's directed to the OP" Then I laughed and had to comment to you about my misreading,lol.

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I am stuck here. I play some games on a PC but I am a console gamer for sure. I had no knowledge of these issues until I came across a series of rude ****ing videos on YouTube blaming me, the generic console gamer, for all of this. To me it is common sense that you should not upload another persons content to another site without their consent but perhaps that is because I have a decent education and a healthy sense of what is morally right and wrong. Regardless, I have to say, as someone who was looking forward to mods, I now have zero interest in modding on consoles in the future due to the hate and negativity that has been associated with console gamers as a lot. To those guys making the rude videos, keep your mods and your seething malevolent, borderline bigoted, attitudes to yourselves; we don't want any of it. I understand the developers who were effected by this are are hurt but I would be far more keen on these particular developer's situations had they not lashed out at me, an innocent bystander, in the rudest form possible. There are bad eggs out there but for the love of gaming, we all have to keep our composure.


I am a huge Bethesda fan but I gotta say their recent venture into marketing the modding community totally feels like they are selling out the modding community as a cash grab. Had they developed one hell of a superb, functioning system and provided support in making it work or even asked for input from community leaders I would say otherwise and counted it as a major alliance between the two but as it stands they came back to put that 14 year old kid up on the sellers block and intends to put them to work.

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What a sad time for gamers everywhere.


First I want to address console users, you are as much a part of this community as pc users. Your choice is not inferior in any way it is simply YOUR CHOICE. I am also very happy that you will be able to mod your games on your platform. Please be patient and avoid mods that have been stolen. I say this in hopes that what you download will work on your game without doing irreparable harm to your system. Perhaps you could volunteer to beta test conversions to help modders get the mods you want ready for all of you?


Secondly I will address mod authors. Your work is just that YOURS. I have great admiration for your skill, talent and dedication. I am appalled at the flagrant, narcissistic disregard of persons perpetrating the theft of you works. They are an affront to this community, this FAMILY, we all love and cherish. It is my dearest hope that Bethesda will for the time being put aside its avarice and address the issues it has created by its neglect. Please remember most of us honor your efforts and vigilantly report theft!


Thirdly to the Trolling Contingent, be good little boys and girls and try to at least ACT like grown ups.You have a right to your opinions. You do not have a right to cleave through the masses at large with a flaming sword because you disagree with us. If you desire to be heard do it with words that do not brand you as a malicious bigot. Think before you post. Read then Reread what you are responding to. If there is some part of the message you don't understand ask for clarification. Someone will help you!


And lastly to the Community at large. Nexus is a great place to work together, it is not perfect. More volunteers to help with matters that need attending to such as response to thefts can only help us all. Checking known pirate sites for stolen mods will let Authors know how much we care about our community. Together we stand, devided we fall.

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I've been modding since... well, I suppose Wizardry 1, when I shared exploits (identify #9 ftw) with other users. But only seriously since FO3. This site has been a big part of that, and while I haven't always agreed with decisions by the staff, I've always felt that they are doing the best they can to juggle competing priorities. I do not feel that Bethesda has the slightest interest in that tightrope.


That said, I'm very happy that mod's have come to town for consoles. I've heard several of my friends lamenting that they can't have cool guns, new body types, quests, and such for their consoles that they've seen in my games.


Thank you, mod authors.


Thanks to you, my FO3, Skyrim and FNV games still give me pleasure, literally years after the DLC stopped. They are roughly 3-5 times as long, and have easily ten times the content they shipped with. I appreciate all the hard work.


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